April 26 Editorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Throughout the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the editorial remained a major point of ...
April 26 Editorial --> A 26 code --> Atomic number 26
Iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron is an element, and its symbol is Fe. Although iron rusts easily, people use it for making steel, automobile frames and parts, building structures and tools. The iron atoms is made of 26 protons, 26 electrons and has 30 neutrons. The atom has four spherical energy levels.
The atom has four spherical energy levels.
Below, four IRON atom energy levels DISPLAYED in year 1989 for the APRIL 26 periodic atomic table government of the EARTH iron core .... ... the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology news announcement.
The atom has four spherical energy levels --> Messages for the OFFICE of Science ...Department of Awareness for IRON foreign affairs diplomatic policy..
Thus we see the INTERNAL messages from the IRON atom appear in EXTERNAL display format ..... such as the 26 electron message dislay of April 26, 1989.
Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855]
.... both simultaneous and successive,
correspondence with external
coexistences and sequences.
Herbert Spencer in year 1855 / 1856 wrote about the relationship of the INTERNAL iron atom used in physics and biology and its possible relationship to EXTERNAL display ..... expression formats of IRON.
Let's clarify that year 1855 --> 55 / 56 atomic mass --> mass communications ---> message vehicles of that day were newsapers / books. In year 2102, mass communications is comprised of: television, radio, print, graphic arts, INTERNET,etc. For a scientists, mass communications is REALLY atomic mass communications ..... atomic output thought messages VIA the iron myoglobin protein WRITING arm muscles of authors and news reports.
Year 1855 NATURE gives CLUES about the iron ATOM core nucleus --> the iron INTERNAL CORE message system for physics and bio-physics.
Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855]
.... both simultaneous and successive,
correspondence with external
coexistences and sequences.
The Correspondence Between Life and Its
The Cor +respond + ence Between Life and Its
The Core + respond + ence Between Life and Its
Th atomic IRON Core asks for a human cortex respond .... Between Life and Its
Thus Herbert Spencer used the IRON atomic English language word: Correspondence ..... but it's only with modern college freshman textbooks in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, geology, etc ...... that we can see the BIGGER PICTURE .... involving the year 1855 / 1856 ---> numbers 55/ 56 ferrous oxide atomic mass signal VIA his timely information book.
A second messenger also communicated about the EARTH iron core and its
thoughts and life FORMAT.
That EARTH iron core geology messenger of that
A Journey to the Center of the Earth - Wikipedia
Amazon.com: Journey to the Center of the Earth (Dover Thrift ...
HowStuffWorks "Red Blood Cells"
What relationships can we identify ....and what subtle method does Nature use?
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
The FermiLAB iron building is embedded within the NORTH Pole magnetic field.
The building and the humanoids within ... interact with the magnetic field and thus .... the EVENTS of IRON atomic number 26 on April 26, 1989 are of concern.
use Fe --> FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois
Tiananmen Square - paul krugman - The New York Times
"The Four Modernizations" would form the basis for China's ...
Alice in Wonderland - Who Stole the Tarts? (by Lewis Carroll)
IGNORE NATURE ...... Northern Illinois University ignored the NORTH POLE .... thus the COLE HALL tragedy.