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ARCH Duke Ferdinand

RD-blog-number-4207  by Herb ZInser reviews the year 2015  ARCH Duke Ferdinand messages that are waiting for Alan Sokal, the New York Times newspaper , and Duke University.

Science wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


2.1 Science wars in Social Text;
2.2 Continued conflict. 3 See also;
4 ... Further information: New Left and Critical theory .....
New York Times, section A, p. 26. --> A 26 --Atomic number 26 ferrous oxide IRON atom message for Alan Sokal .......... about the 26 letters of the EARTH iron core and its atomic English alphabet





The Sokal affair, also called the Sokal hoax,[1] was a publishing hoax perpetrated by Alan Sokal, a physics professor at New York University and University College London. In 1996.

The article, "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity", was published ,

It proposed that quantum gravity is a social and linguistic construct ...........


Brain atoms have thoughts.
The gravity field interacts with brain atomic mass.
After thousands of years of such interaction, we have the evolution of gravity field  thoughts... acquired by copying the atomic mass thoughts.
The gravity field now is an independent thought field  ..gravity grammar. 

In a similar fashion, the North Pole magnetic field interacts with human iron hemoglobin proteins and their thoughts.
Again, thru evolution   ..the magnetic field is now a magnetic data field with human thoughts.
Thus process is well-known as the North Pole with Santa  Claus and Flying reindeer  ... a magnetic field LIFE FORM.


The New York Times - Breaking News, World News ...

The New York Times

The New York Times: Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, ...

The New  York Times newspaper carefully and deliberately suppresses these FACTs of  LIFE and modern understanding of REALITY.



The Science Wars - Cardiff University

Cardiff University

In the USA the best known names are Paul Gross, Norman Levitt, and Alan Sokal. In Britain the most aggressive science warrior is biologist, Lewis Wolpert. The best known science wars event is the publication of a hoax article by the physicist Alan Sokal in the journal Social Text.

Alan Sokal and the New York TIMES newspaper operate  in the EARTH  iron core .... geography region of New York City.



Thus we ask .... are the  human  iron Hemoglobin proteins in New York City  using the correct version of the English alphabet?

They ought consider the year 1914 information of   ARCH DUKE Ferdinand for Duke University.

Thus.. .Alan Sokal and others did bring the SCIENCE WARS to my attention   ...without their generated  controversy  .... I would not have considered the ideas below.



All the world's a stage - Shakespeare Quotes - eNotes.com


Jaques: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,


...in modern times .........


All the world's a stage - Shakespeare Quotes - eNotes.com


All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players ( P layers --> processing layers) ;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

Arch  duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria



John Wayne's Finest Westerns - AMC Blogs


All hail the Duke!
Which John Wayne classic deserves first place?


Hence. John Wayne ,,and the power of suggestion   ...
prepared  the young Alan Sokal for the  mission .... these  "INTELLECTUAL shoot outs"   and  DUKE University (John Wayne alter ego)



Duke University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Duke University is a private research university located in Durham, North Carolina, United States. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day town ...

Nature's INTELLECT is waiting for some answers in year 2015.
Let's look at another blog post that provides more clues to the Alan Sokal and DUKE university  puzzle.

The ARCH DUKE Ferguson

message from year 1914 



RD-blog-number-4206A by Herb Zinser reviews EARTH iron core LANGUAGE and the message processing region of the Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom in  the Fer= Ferguson, St.Louis, Missouri region of the Uited States.

The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot monument in St. Louis in the U.S. state of Missouri. Clad in stainless steel and built in the form of a flattened catenary arch, it is the world's tallest arch, the tallest .

The ARCH is as code word --> ARCH implies EARTH  LANGUAGES system software ARCHITECTURE  .. thus the SYMBOL MACHINE  link to proper  noun of year 1914.



June 28, 1914, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, Assassinated
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - History Channel
On June 28, 1914, then, Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an open car, with surprisingly little security, when Serbian nationalist Nedjelko ...

Assassination Site - Latin Bridge .......  Latin Language Communications bridge ERROR  - Virtual Tourist

www.virtualtourist.com › ... › Sarajevo › Things to Do
Assassination Site - Latin Bridge reviews and photos from real travelers and ... It was on this bridge that Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his ... 
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia, the free ...
  • Wikipedia
    VTAM is also supported by IBM, as is the IBM Network Control Program (NCP) ... with the popularity and growth of TCP/IP, SNA is changing from being a true ... of the architecture which IBM's System/370 mainframes inherited from System/360.
  • VTAM - Wikipedia
1.1 ACF/VTAM; 1.2 SNA Services ... a major component of SNA along with the 370x Network Control Program (NCP) and Synchronous ... It is called 'virtual' because it was introduced at the time when IBM was introducing virtual storage by upgrading the operating systems of the System/360 series to virtual storage versions.  
Let's look at another blog post that provides more information of  EARTH systems software structure and its messages printed in the news.



The Earth system ARCHITECTURE 


message of Michael Brown from St.Louis




RD-blog-number-4206 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by FermiLAB (Wilson Hall administration building) and  EARTH LAB atomic, bio-physics specimen Michael Brown.  Micheal Brown generated a signaling EVENT that we ought study.


  1. Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by Darren ...


We are interested in the coordinates of Ferguson.



Thus we wonder about the city code --> Fe  --> Ferguson

Then we wonder about the St.Louis  ... periodic atomic table expression  ..the ferrous oxide IRON signal

IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia, the free ...

  • Wikipedia
    IBM Systems Network Architecture ..... IBM (December 1979), Systems Network Architecture - Introduction to Sessions between Logical Units (PDF), Third ...
  • [PDF]Systems Network Architecture Formats - IBM

This book describes Systems Network Architecture (SNA) formats, including ... Systems Network Architecture Format and Protocol Reference Manual:.



Thus we wonder  ...about EARTH iron core SNA.


We have the Jeffery Fowle message about North Korea ...........

  1. North Korea Releases Jeffrey Fowle | Center for Strategic ...
    csis.org › Publications

    Jan 14, 2015 · North Korea Releases Jeffrey Fowle. ... a copy of a Bible in a hotel in Chongjin. ... In North Korean eyes, Jeffrey Fowle’s offenses may have been ...




Thus we see   the important sign of the St.Louis arch  ...about EARTH communications architecture, EARTH LANGUAGE, and the magnetic data field flow lines.



Images for st.louis arch

Images for st.louis IBM architecture 


Gateway Arch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot (192 m) monument in St. Louis in the U.S. state of Missouri. Clad in stainless steel and built in the form of a flattened catenary ...




Now, let's look at another component.


We covered year 1914 ....the EARTH SYSTEM  iron core and the North POLE..Santa Claus   magnetic field .... with its human representative Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON architecture with ARCH DUKE Fer = Ferdinand,


Now, lets map year 1914 --> feedback reference code 14 --> century 1400 thru 1499. 


Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492

Once underway, Columbus benefited from calm seas and steady winds that pushed him steadily westward (Columbus had discovered the southern "Trades" that ... 
Christopher Columbus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
12 October 1492 – Christopher Columbus discovers The Americas for Spain, .... As he crossed the Atlantic, Columbus discovered that the angle between North ...  


Why did Ferdinand and Isabella agree to support Columbus

www.answers.com › ... › Christopher Columbus
Why did Ferdinand and Isabella agree to support Columbus? They wanted him to go to the Indies, to find a faster way to the Indies, because during this time, ...
Columbus, Ferdinand, and Isabella - InDepthInfo
Columbus went to Spain on the prospect that Ferdinand and Isabella would approve his plan to reach the rich trading countries of Asia.

The return of Christopher Columbus; his audience before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Painting by Eugène Delacroix



The Catholic Monarchs (Spanish: Reyes Católicos) is the joint title used in history for Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon.



Ferdinand and Isabella marry - History Channel

Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile in Valladolid, thus beginning a cooperative reign that would unite all the dominions of Spain and elevate the ...


In year 2015 ... we have the modern version  with Chicago region and St.Louis  connected by
 IRON atomic mass code 55  .... Interstate Highway I-55

Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile in Valladolid, thus beginning a cooperative reign that would unite all the dominions of Spain and elevate the ...


...the modern SECRET society and its rackets ...........

Fer --> FermiLAB  lies and cover-ups   for the  Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND of the citizen / Federal government and the UN  --> the UNited Nations of UNconscious people in the world with headquarters in Manhattan, New York city.


Aragon --> Argonne National  Labs in the  Chicago regions working with  super-symmetry MIRRORS of the Margaret  Mead atomic nuclear family  .. atomic social policy views  of Argentina, South America.


Isabella --> Information Systems in St.Louis and their bull-story, incomplete  explanations of the Micheal Brown events in   EARTH System  ..communications architecture WARS.

Thus we see the evolution of EARTH iron core and its EARTH LANGUAGE message OUTPUT system ,,,via the ARCH  signal  and ,,,,,


Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Then. in year 1914  ..ARCH DUKE Ferdinand  assassinated by the  Latin Language communications bridge

Below, the Jeffery Fowle  message about Korea.
Perhaps, the music people amd talkers of of St.Louis will acknowledge SOLID STSATE existence someday.