Let's look at the deeper levels of reality that underlie Nature's message signaling EVENTS. Specifically ... let's look at the Sandy HOOK, Newton, Connecticut .... connect....connect cut --> Comnect i cut --> connect information CUT message ..... from the geography state of connecticut AND their citizen STATE of MIND .... Connecticut ...with their INTELLECTUAL communications LINK problems.
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style
The Elements of Style (1918), by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White, is a prescriptive American English writing style guide comprising eight "elementary rules of usage", ten "elementary principles of composition", "a few matters of form", a list of forty-nine "words and expressions commonly misused", and a list of fifty-seven "words often misspelled". In 2011, Time magazine listed The Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English since 1923.[1]
William Strunk, Jr. (1 July 1869 – 26 September 1946), was a professor of English at Cornell University and author of the The Elements of Style (1918), which, after being revised and enlarged by his former student E. B. White, became a highly influential guide to English usage during the late 20th century.
Strunk first taught mathematics at Rose Polytechnical Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1890–91.[3] He then taught English at Cornell for 46 years
the ELEMENTS of STYLE by human ST = STRUNK ...... we have the bio-math version of Mr.ST .....
the ELEMENTS of ST ...who first taught mathematics / algebra .................. thus
the ELEMENTS of ST = Set Theory algebra
Set Theory/Sets - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Set Theory
A set is a group of objects, numbers, and so forth. {1,2,3} is a set consisting of the numbers 1,2, and 3. Verbally, "3 is an element of the set {1,2,3}.” To show this symbolically, use the symbol ∈, which is read as "is an element of” or "is a member of.” Therefore, you could have written:
Special sets
A subset is a set contained within another set, or it can be the entire set itself. The set {1,2} is a subset of the set {1,2,3}, and the set {1,2,3} is a subset of the set {1,2,3}.
Union (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Union (set theory)
In set theory, the union (denoted by ∪) of a collection of sets is the set of all distinct elements in the collection.[1] It is one of the fundamental operations through which sets can be combined and related to each other.
Contents |
The War to Save the Union
and the periodic atomic table language code WORD --> periodic ---> period (from the set of syntax punctuation symbols) + dic (atomic English language dictionary of 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom alphabet of 26 letters).
Connecticut was Nature's project leader group for this world-wide project involving all major educated sates and countries.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sandy Hook Element..... School
Sandy Hook Elements of S
Sandy Hook Elements of Style - Cornell
Sandy Hook Elements of Style - Co
Sandy Hook Elements of Style - Connect / Link
Sandy Hook Elements -- algebra union of sets
Sandy Hook Elements -- atomic bio-physics
EVENT (date, time, location, people involved, police data gathered) and the hidden, indirect factors ..... and a few factors may become visible thru study of concepts found in high school / college freshman math and science books.
Human children are sent to elementary school to learn the elementary symbols and languages of elementary physics EXPRESSED in a social and practical educational format.
Thus grammar school children learn arithmetic, geography, basic English language, etc.
Children are composed of atoms in a biology FORMAT. Before going to their first school, they are full of energy .... as their parents will testify .... and the parents will even provide empirical data reports on the things / mischief that such atomic bio-physics ENERGY entities can engage in.
Nature's Department of ENERGY takes these reports of young energy .... abundant and not used .... as a serious problem. Thus NATURE pondered .....what to do with these KINETIC energy life forms ...age 3 or 4 years old.
Thus, Nature decided to set up a social engineering system for kinetic energy in HUMANOID format.
Thus the starting level of FORMAL classroom education for kinetic energy life forms was named kin.....kinetic energy --> Kin --> Kindergarten
Specifically, Department of Energy analysis of the word ..
kindergarten --> Kin + der --> implies kinetic energy in a dermatology package.
Now these 2-legged kinetic energy entities START school ..then grammar school ...then high school ...... perhaps college ..... as their atoms continue
their education in SYMBOL systems ... math, physics, biochemistry, genetics, engineering, organic chemistry, computers,etc.
Thus they have arrived into adult hood with technology.
Let's review this process......
Kindergarten --> kin der --> kinetic energy dermatology STARTS to learn
High school --> getting ready to learn base 16 HIGH-Values.
college --> Col --> learns of the 18 columns in the periodic atomic table
Nature's system checkpoint ..... on the kinetic energy INTELLECTUAL process ............kindergarten TO later in life ..... as matured atomic structure .......
Nature's TEST
1) has the kinetic energy EVOLVED via education to the brownian motion model ......... (a male wearing brown / cordovan DRESS shoes to work).
A man adds DRESS shoes to his toes in the morning ....to give Nature his
bio-computer address ... as he goes to work,etc. At IBM office buildings ...he goes to LUNCH with co-workers (code workers) ... and while at LUNCH they report to NATURE ...... LU = Logical Unit report from
2) at Batavia, Illinois we see different forms of KINETIC energy evolution.
At FermiLAB ..... many started their early life in kinetic energy education sites ...Kindergarten ---> Kin + der. Their dermatology evolution LINKED to the B.F.SKINNER box experiment protocol ..that was introduced on EARTH LAB around 1947. Now, in year 2013 .... we have the advanced atomic dermatology evolution to a B.F.Skinner experiment site --> B.F.S ...Batavia, FermiLAB Scientists with a tough skin that studies inner atomic structure.
These people at atomic expressions of the periodic atomic table.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One such format are humanoids with a brain ... a symbolic processor ...that is atomic humans with an atomic symbolic processor.
Let's outline this dual structure ...... physical and symbols.
Notice symbol K = potassium atom ,...that is an integral part of human biology and thought..
Thus the potassium atom ....upon emergence as a human baby life form .....goes thru some stages of social behavior training.
Potassium in biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Potassium in biology ... Potassium ion is necessary for the function of all living cells, and is thus present in all plant and animal tissues. It is found in especially ...
Function in plants - Function in animals - Deficiency - Food sources
Potassium | biological information - WebElements
www.webelements.com › Potassium
Biological role of potassium: potassium salts are essential for both animals and plants. The potassium cation (K+) is the major cation in intracellular (inside cells)
Let's look at these atomic LEARNING stages ....... that is the Hierarchy Problem in bio-physics ...... the Hierarchy of what to teach potassium atoms in humans 1st, 2nd, etc
First thing first ...in the training of an atomic symbolic machine.
Potassium word commands --> Pot + ass + i + um ...... known to biology and medical students as the Potassium social command equation.
If you (an aggregate of atoms within a dermatology B.FSkinner box) have a ass with buttocks (that is the bio-math LOGIC of BUT) .......
the suggested POTASSIUM command sequence for English langauge babies and their mothers ..
POTASSIUM ---> POT + ass + i + um --> find a POTTY ...place the child's ASS with logic BUTTOCK ..... interface ....... rectUM.
Union (set theory)
The most general notion is the union of an arbitrary collection of sets, sometimes called an infinitary union. If M is a set whose elements are themselves sets, then x is an element of the union of M if and only if there is at least one element A of M such that x is an element of A. In symbols:
That this union of M is a set no matter how large a set M itself might be, is the content of the axiom of union in axiomatic set theory.
This idea subsumes the preceding sections, in that (for example) A ∪ B ∪ C is the union of the collection {A,B,C}. Also, if M is the empty collection, then the union of M is the empty set. The analogy between finite unions and logical disjunction extends to one between arbitrary unions and existential quantification.
The notation for the general concept can vary considerably. For a finite union of sets
one often writes . Various common notations for
arbitrary unions include ,
Time to say goodbye to diapers? When you and your child are ready, take a look at the ten steps to toilet training. If you're not sure where to begin, you might try ...
The ABCs of potty training - Potty training readiness checklist
Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions ...... states that ...from Nature's periodic atomic table VIEW ...
Potassium atom ---> Potassium training --> potty training:
How to get the atomic bio-physics
self-awareness job done - MayoClinic.com
www.mayoclinic.com › ... › Infant and toddler health › In-Depth
Potty training — Your guide to potty-training basics, including when to start and what to do.
Kindergarten --> K + in + der --> potassium atom K input (VIA) dermatology ....atomic aggregates (that is small, young humanoids .... about 25 years BEFORE they may get to FermiLAB experimental SKINNER site.
Thus Kindergarten ...so to speak ... gets the ball rolling ..... for potassium atom K thoughts.
Thus education of the atoms continues .... grammar school and then high-school.
High school with the 12th grade completes the
basic organic chemistry --->..social chemistry education for CARBON 12 life format structures.
Thus we see the atomic ELEMENTS acquire an education ...as social education ...they even learn English for the even integer atomic information orbitals.
The physical solids of atoms and structure are the odd electron orbitals 1,3,5,7......... the odd integers have ODD integer expression agents ...such as the Oddone at FermiLAB
Cornell University English professor William Strunk, Jr., wrote The Elements of Stylein 1918, and privately published it in 1919, for in-house use at the university.
Now, he and his associates speak the English language .... that is atomic English language.
In the commercial world of business, advertising and marketing this is known as mass communication (television, radio, publishing, print, graphic arts). To a physics or chemistry student ...... mass communications is really atomic mass communication VIA an atomic humanoid bio-computer output device.
The Elements of Style with the Elements of the Periodic atomic table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cornell University English professor William Strunk, Jr., wrote The Elements of Stylein 1918, and privately published it in 1919, for in-house use at the university.
William Strunk, Jr. (1 July 1869 – 26 September 1946), was a professor of English at Cornell University and author of the The Elements of Style (1918), which, after being revised and enlarged by his former student E. B. White, became a highly influential guide to English usage during the late 20th century.
Strunk first taught mathematics at Rose Polytechnical Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1890–91.[3] He then taught English at Cornell for 46 years
The(Atomic) Elements of Style (1918),
by atomic bio-physics humanoids .... William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White, is a prescriptive American English writing style guide
comprising eight "elementary (physics) rules of usage"
(oxygen atomic number 8 usage by human LUNG),
ten "elementary (physics) principles of composition (of atomic composition messages with tensor space.time)"
"a few matters of form",
What is the difference between atomic matter and atomic weight
wiki.answers.com › ... › Atoms and Atomic Structure
Atomic matter is a general term, and it speaks to an atom or group of atoms. It may possibly refer to the constituent components of atoms - protons, neutrons and ...
a list of forty-nine "words and expressions commonly misused",
( a 7 X 7 square matrix using nitrogen 7 in the nitrogenous DNA bases)
and a list of fifty-seven "words often misspelled". ..... math equation..
.......................50 - 7 nitrogen = 43 ............conversion of DNA math combo
.....43 implies 4 DNA bases exponent 3 = 64 codons in bio-chemistry math
In 2011, Time magazine listed The Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English since 1923.[1]
The tragedy at Sandy Hook Newtown, Connecticut is a Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... .atomic education signal EVENT .... about the broken communications CONNECT(ion) between various levels of atomic, molecular and optical expression systems used by humans. Nature expects a few adult humans ..older and wiser humans ..... to try to understand the Theory of Everything which includes the tragic atomic potassium education problems at Sandy Hook and schools.
Sandy Hook School - Newtown, CT Patch
Sandy Hook was the first school to install classroom SMART Boards, or interactive ...Grade levels: K-4;
So, we see the Sandy Hook INTELLECTUAL arrogance display ...... in their atomic grade levels of Potassium atom = K.
What is K-4 ...... Potassium atom electron orbitals to be educated by the Sandy Hook atomic brain education specialists in everything.
Thus we see Nature's nasty response to Connecticut education and their un-authorized manipulation tricks to manipulate the potassium atom symbol K ...that is used in the atomic English word: thinK.
What is K-4 ?????
Potassium and the 4 DNA nucleotides ... the school system plan to attack Nature's systems.
Thus Nature's defense ...Darwinian selection of Adam Lanza and Nature's usage of gun bullet shells to deliver the message about brain electron shells and sub-shell EDUCATION K-4 errors .