next stage in potassium atom education ...... is to send the atomic
humanoid child potassium atoms to K class --> Kindergarten.
--> K + in + der --> potassium atom K input (VIA) dermatology
....atomic aggregates (that is small, young humanoids .... about 25
years BEFORE they may get to FermiLAB experimental SKINNER site.
Thus Kindergarten to speak ... gets the ball rolling ..... for potassium atom K thoughts.
Thus education of the atoms continues .... grammar school and then high-school.
High school with the 12th grade completes the
basic organic chemistry ---> chemistry education for CARBON 12 life format structures.
we see the atomic ELEMENTS acquire an education social education
...they even learn English for the even integer atomic information
The physical solids of atoms and structure are the odd
electron orbitals 1,3,5,7......... the odd integers have ODD integer
expression agents ...such as the Oddone at FermiLAB
The Elements of Style - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elements_of_StyleCornell University English professor William
Strunk, Jr., wrote The
Elements of Stylein 1918, and privately published it in 1919, for in-house use at the university.
Now, he and his associates speak the English language .... that is atomic English language.
the commercial world of business, advertising and marketing this is
known as mass communication (television, radio, publishing, print,
graphic arts). To a physics or chemistry student ...... mass
communications is really atomic mass communication VIA an atomic
humanoid bio-computer output device.
The Elements of Style with the Elements of the Periodic atomic table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elements_of_StyleCornell University English professor William
Strunk, Jr., wrote The
Elements of Stylein 1918, and privately published it in 1919, for in-house use at the university.
William Strunk, Jr. (1 July 1869 – 26 September 1946), was a professor of English at
Cornell University and author of the
The Elements of Style (1918), which, after being revised and enlarged by his former student
E. B. White, became a highly influential guide to
English usage during the late 20th century.
Strunk first taught mathematics at Rose Polytechnical Institute in
Terre Haute, Indiana in 1890–91.
[3] He then taught English at Cornell for 46 years
The(Atomic) Elements of Style (1918),
by atomic bio-physics humanoids ....
William Strunk, Jr. and
E. B. White, is a
prescriptive American English writing
style guide comprising eight "elementary (physics) rules of usage"
(oxygen atomic number 8 usage by human LUNG),
ten "elementary (physics) principles of composition (of atomic composition messages with tensor space.time)"
a few matters of form",
What is the difference between atomic matter and atomic weight › ... ›
Atoms and Atomic StructureAtomic matter is
a general term, and it speaks to an atom or group of atoms. It may
possibly refer to the constituent components of atoms - protons,
neutrons and
...a list of
forty-nine "words and expressions commonly misused",
( a 7 X 7 square matrix using nitrogen 7 in the nitrogenous DNA bases)
and a list of fifty-seven "words often misspelled". ..... math equation..
.......................50 - 7 nitrogen = 43 ............conversion of DNA math combo
.....43 implies 4 DNA bases exponent 3 = 64 codons in bio-chemistry math
In 2011,
Time magazine listed
The Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English since 1923.
[1] Thus
we see the LINK ..the connection beteeeen the atomic Elements and the
The English language elements book ..." Elements of Style".'
tragedy at Sandy Hook Newtown, Connecticut is a Margaret Mead atomic
nuclear family ..... .atomic education signal EVENT .... about the
broken communications CONNECT(ion) between various levels of atomic,
molecular and optical expression systems used by humans. Nature
expects a few adult humans ..older and wiser humans ..... to try to
understand the Theory of Everything which includes the tragic atomic
potassium education problems at Sandy Hook and schools.
Sandy Hook School - Newtown, CT Patch
Sandy Hook was the first school to install classroom SMART Boards, or interactive
...Grade levels: K-4;So, we see the Sandy Hook INTELLECTUAL arrogance display ...... in their atomic grade levels of Potassium atom = K.
is K-4 ...... Potassium atom electron orbitals to be educated by the
Sandy Hook atomic brain education specialists in everything.
we see Nature's nasty response to Connecticut education and their
un-authorized manipulation tricks to manipulate the
potassium atom symbol K ...that is used in the atomic English word:
What is K-4 ?????
Potassium and the 4 DNA nucleotides ... the school system plan to attack Nature's systems.
Nature's defense ...Darwinian selection of Adam Lanza and Nature's
usage of gun bullet shells to deliver the message about brain electron
shells and sub-shell EDUCATION K-4 errors .