The Konigsberg bridge problem Is the perhaps the best known example in graph theory. It was a long-standing problem until solved by Leonhard Euler(1907-1983) in 1736, by means of a graph.
Two islands, C and D, formed by the Pergel River in Konigsberg were connected to each other and to the banks A and B with seven bridges. The problem was to start at any of the four land areas of the city A, B, C, or D, walk over each of the seven bridges exactly ones, and return to the starting point.
What model might explain NATURE's message.
First, we position ourselves with the VIEW of Schopenhauer or
Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, ...
Jun 30, 2005 – Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an American philosopher, poet, and environmental scientist whose major work, Walden, draws upon ..
Thus ......we consider ....... within the context of the philosophy before 1858 ...
Seven Bridges of Königsberg and 2 islands
--> the 1st island shall be the geography island of EARTH and Nature ...that has existed for millions of years ..... and
all the expressions of Nature's thoughts and biochemistry engineering projects: cellulose tress, elephants, etc. Associated with this the TREE of Knowledge ...that in year 2012 ...we see displayed in college science textbooks on genetics, molecular cell biology, physics of sunlight,etc.
Thus we have a large gestalt ...a large algebra set ..that encompasses existence.
--> the 2nd island shall be the human thought experience of the last several thousand years up to year 1858. Thus includes theology, religion, economic policy, political science,etc.
--> the 7 bridges ..then define our bi-directional relationship with Nature ...... Nature gives us food, materials for shelter, etc ......and return it would like some accurate thoughts about REALITY and the PHILOSOPHY of LIFE.
The 7 bridges ...include such information data streams as:
- Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness ...the GROUP MIND...that may eventually arise to the surface of conscious understanding and a physics student
- subliminal mind levels
- James Joyce streams of consciousness
- etc.
- various levels of optical nerve thoughts of EYE people that are ignored by society at large basic algebra and basic physic and chemistry VS music/ audio brains of EAR/mouth people
- modern BIO-MATH ...... such as the year 1858 debates for the year 1860 .... Base 16 hexadecimal Presidency of the bio-computer United States with Base 16 headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Thus mysteries remain in year 2012...about the State of Illinois and unsolved problems.
The LAND of Lincoln --> Lin + col + n --> Line column n --> linear algebra geography land ...matrix land ......with pencil line bridges/ symbolic highways /information highways ....
What is the status of general awareness in Illinois?
Mayor Richard Daley from the BRIDGEPORT area of Chicago just ignored the problem.
Seven Bridges of Königsberg
moves to
Seven Bridges of Bridgeport, Chicago.
Euler's analysis ..... using math and basic science concepts of year 2012
The only important feature of a route is the sequence of bridges crossed. This allowed him to reformulate the problem in abstract terms (laying the foundations of graph theory), eliminating all features except the list of land masses and the bridges connecting them.
Ottawa on August 21, --> O = Oxygen atom and O= Chicago Circle campus and O = ROC ( Region of Convergence in complex math and signal processing)
Freeport on August 27 --> Free = degrees of freedom of a math function Port = Input/output port to one of the 11 - dimensions of string theory
Jonesboro on September 15 --> signal for Indiana Jones movie manipulation of the Dow Jones Industrials
Charleston on September 18 --> Charles Darwin and Charleston Street, Chicago.... the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank ..... BUCK Rodgers and the for BUCKTOWN social economic experiments in real estate PRICE manipulation
Galesburg on October 7 --> Galileo astronomy theory of the Prohibition year 1620 and University of Chicago year 1920 astronomy and beer
Alton on October 15 --> John alton chemistry atom theory ...that is John Dalton and the speaking bio-physics atoms of Lincoln and Douglas.
Thus we see some pieces of a multi-faceted SECRET puzzle modern terms ...the relationships about WORD commands printed in the newspaper OR broadcast on television --> commands to millions of people on how to think and behave. However, when an ERROR occurs ....... some shallow explanation is given.