Base 16 hexadecimal is well-known.
What are some Base 16 examples of the EARTH geology / geography computer system of Nature.
a) we have the well-known computer programmer cover-up of the Base 16 tragedy---->
16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama was
bombed on Sunday,
15, 1963 as an act of racially motivated terrorism. The explosion at
Case -
Reactions and aftermath -
Later prosecutions -
Remembrances16th Street Baptist
16th Street Ba + pt + is + t
16th Street Base pointer information systems theory News for computer world magazine ---> Earth geography computer systems .
16 geography computer address above --> 1 6 --> 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue data processing HOUSE in Washington, DC =
Define Constant of the BAL program geography region of BAL =
BAL = Basic(K) Assemblur Laguage of the Mid-Atlantic States human bio-computers.
2013 Boston Marathon ...... EARTH computer science DEMOThe
2013 Boston Marathon took place in
Boston, Massachusetts on Monday April 15, 2013. It was the 117th edition of the mass-participation
marathon. Organized by the
Boston Athletic Association, it was the second of the
World Marathon Majors series to be held in 2013. Over 23,000 runners participated.
Thus we see a
BATCH of 23,000 humanoid bio-computers and the BATCH RUN time of execution.Intellectual communications problems exist the supreme thinkers at Isaac Asimov's BOSS ---> Boston University.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution using the bomb signal.
Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts -
Jul 11, 2013 - Here is a look at what you need to know about the
Boston Marathon terror
April 15, 2013,
double bombings near the finish line of the
.On April 15, 2013 we are reminded of the math equation Base 16 Hex'F' = 15 --> Fatal
September 15, 1963 +50 years = On April 15, 2013 Above. we see the super-symmetry EVENT physics signal.
!st explosion took place in Sept. 15, 1963.
2nd explosion took place on April 15, 2013.
Boston Marathon human bio-computer batch job tragedy. The Computer
Earth system 370 RUN TIME ABEND from the Boston message processing
Theory of Everything includes the Boston Marathon track and field
event on the geography surface LAND of Computer Earth in the Boston
computer geography address space.
Let's look at the human
bio-computer BATCH JOB with a BATCH of college humanoid processors
with BACHELOR of ARTS degrees in brain computer science.
2013 Boston MarathonThe
2013 Boston Marathon took place in
Boston, Massachusetts on Monday April 15, 2013. It was the 117th edition of the mass-participation
marathon. Organized by the
Boston Athletic Association, it was the second of the
World Marathon Majors series to be held in 2013. Over 23,000 runners participated.
Thus we see a BATCH of 23,000 humanoid bio-computers and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
Intellectual communications problems exist the supreme thinkers at Isaac Asimov's BOSS ---> Boston University.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution.
and the BATCH RUN time of execution using the bomb signal.
Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts -
Jul 11, 2013 - Here is a look at what you need to know about the
Boston Marathon terror
attack. On April 15,
2013, double bombings near the finish line of the
.That is ...... in other words ...... Base 16 hexadecimal
Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts -J
attack. On April 15 ---> implies Base 16 Hex'F' = 15 ... F implies base 16 F --> Fatal
double bombings ---> Base 2 binary .... double-blind statistical message from Nature to the
of MIND ( Massachusetts) <------> the super-symmetry
bio-physics SYMBOL MACHINE parallel to the geography state of
Massachusetts on EARTH surface.
Above ....
the Charles (Darwin) River ( symbolism evolution and the data stream of consciousness)
Boston Commons advanced social systems..
Boston Common - Wikipedia, the free
Boston Common (also
known as "the Common") is a
central public park in Boston, Massachusetts. It is sometimes erroneously referred to as the "Boston
History -
Notable features -
Notable recurring events -
See alsoBM Archives: System/370 Model › ... ›
IBM Mainframes ›
Mainframes reference room
IBM Archives: Exhibits:
IBM Mainframes:
370 Model 115.
... The new computer's
central processing unit includes main memory, main storage controller
Common ABEND Conditions with LE/VSE - Ibmftp://public.dhe.
Debugging Guide and Run-Time Messages,
SC33-6681, or at the operator
... setting under LE/CICS nor the
system shipped default and may suppress
... Please
run/rerun skeleton SKLE370 including the necessary LE/VSE module support.
Debugging Guide and Run-Time Messages,
SC33-6681, or at the operator
... setting under LE/CICS nor the
system shipped default and may suppress
... Please
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device - page 3www.
... of information, and the densest
disk device
IBM ever manufactured; and the high-speed Model J, which could locate
data faster than any previous
3380 DASD.
3380 Device Characteristics -
summary Head and
Disk Assembly
2. Heads per Access Mechanism 15
data and. 1 servo. _ Cylinders per Access Mechanism.
IBM 3380 Direct
..Computer Architecture: Pipelined and
Parallel Processor Design - Page 603380 Device Characteristics -
Cylinders per Access Mechanism.
IBM 3380 Direct Access Data 885. Alternate 1. Storage Customer Engineer 1.
Data Tracks per Cylinder 15.
Tracks per
...During the Boston Marathon bio-computer geo-computer run track on April 15, 2013, two pressure cooker bombs
Below the data track on the geography surface of COMPUTER EARTH. Above,
we see the Charles (Darwin) River (parallel data stream of
consciousness) message with Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE identifier
label --> JET BLUE --> Jet Propulsion Labs and IBM Big BLUE..
Science and business RD organizations deny the existence of Nature's
Base 16 oxygen atomic computer LU = Logical Unit = LUNG and they
deny many features of earthly REALITY.
The SYMBOL MACHINE word --> Offical --> O + ff --> Oxygen mass 16 Hex'ff' = 255.
The Federal
government is at level HEX' Fe' = 254 and thus has limited
INTELLECTUAL authority in these serious matters. Hence, we have the
NATURE's Hierarchy Problem in physics and the human governments . . .
. . .. . . . . . regarding level 255 and level 256. FermiLAB,
the OS = Office of Science and OSLO, Norway and universities
carefully omit and ignore these empirical BASE 16 social
engineering data signals ... hence tragedy..
The above is a copper-wire / electricity device for data storage
a SUPER-symmetry parallel partial mirror to
Nature's ancient system of Earth geology/ ground/ soil / land data storage.
SYMBOL MACHINE words .....actuator per HDA = 2 ----> translated
into Computer Earth instructions . . . . . .we have parallel
super-symmetry geo-physics actuator 2 explosions . . . . shown
Below, the Charles (Darwin) River and the nearby EARTH dynamic path selection .... the Boston Marathon path
Above ..... feature --> dynamic path reconnect
ability .---> failure of the state of connect ...connecticut and
the Sandy Hook elementary school elementary communications failure with
Nature's systems ..... ....... hence, the tragedy at Sandy Hook and
then the next tragedy at Boston. Both states and their
universities have major intellectual failures ..... but are excellent
at bragging and writing incomplete explanations about REALITY.
Thus we have some clues to Nature's puzzle.
Below, the A = April --> A = Alternate track of April 15.
Thus the Earth geography surface can be considered like a disk tack.
Virtual storage access method (VSAM) an IBM disk file storage access method, first ... VSAM data sets consist of control intervals (CI) and control areas (CA)
VSAM Control areas are like the Harvard University thought control area of CA = CAmbridge.
Thus we have CI --> CITY of BOSTON region with nearby CA = CAMBRIDGE thought Control Area for MIT = brain cell MITochondria.
Thus the earthy EINSTEIN data space/time EVENT below may be considered ....
More research analysis needs to be done of the Einstein's message.
Is it ... a VSAM Field theory event ...... the super-symmetry bombing split signaling EVENT ... representing..
Thus we see many pieces of the puzzle about the underlying levels of REALITY of the Boston tragedy.
The university and newspapers reports are incomplete ...... a consequence of education deficiencies in Cambridge CA = thought CONTROL AREA.
Welcome to the university Brave New World social psychology tricks, schemes and cover-ups.