Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules are informational molecules encoding the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known ...
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules are informational molecules
alphabet data symbol ----> D e o x y r i b o n u c l e i c ...... A c i d
DNA computer address ---> 1....3 ...5...7...9....11...13.......16 ---> 1.....4
Thus we see the various CLUES about the bio-computer system and its math mechanics.
Deoxyribonucleic has 16 symbols.
Base 16 can have 2 different BASE.....Base 2 exponent 4 --> 16 <----- Base 4 exponent 2
This is known as the MIRROR RULE and the common denominator of 16
symbols 2, 4 ---> 16 <----- 4, 2 symbols
In biological clock terms ..the 24 hour clock .... VIEWED as symbols base 2 exponent 4 = 16
Both calculations are TRUE for the average person.
We are alive 24 hour per day and out LUNGS work 24 /7.
We are awake for base 16 hours and we sleep 8 TIME COMPUTER data bit hours.
Notice the English phrase 24/7 ...24 hours and 7 days a week ..secret CODE of molecular cell biology graduate students with brain symbolic processors.
The pharmacy store is open for business 24/7 --> secret CODE 2= Double-Helix 4 nucleotides 7 Nitrogen atom of nitrogenous bases
.............................open data bus ... thus the bio-computer data pipeline system that feeds the university knowledge collective ...data collection convergence center....like UW, Madison, Wisconsin.
Now...Nature has given us some signals ..that are difficult to clarify ... perhaps, someone can devise an experiment.
We have a 24 hour clock ---> MIRROR --> 42 .... and we have 42nd Street, TIME Square -->
viewed as space/ TIME
or biological TIME --->Time exponent square --> Time exponent 2 --> 4 exponent 2 = 16 at Time Square, Manhattan with a
possible correlation to the Base 16 April 16 HEX/curse bio-computer shooting at Virginia TECH
with MR.CHO.....Nature's algebra subset agent for molecular cell biology .... ENGLISH language CELL messenger systems..... mito.CHO.ndria.
Thus BIO-MATH Base 4 becomes important in Nature biochemistry symbolic architecture.
Base 4 exponent 1 --> 4 spells the letters od acid
Base 4 exponent 2 --> 16 spells the 16 letters of Deoxyribonucleic
Base 4 exponent 3 ---> 64 codon combinations of DNA AND DNA = Doubleword North America 64 = 32 + 32
Base 4 exponent 4 --> 256 and that links to official Base 16 Hexadecimal B100D ..... symbolic B100D types
Thus we have pieces to a interesting BIO-MATH puzzle about ourselves and our version of Nature's model: Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.
Thus we see bio-computers and their parallel copper-wire computers.
Thus the bio-computer above ..... has the NATURE's bio-math processor within him.
The "CHIP on his Shoulder" (a bio math logic chip with additive abilities) probably is constructed with the
LADDER --> LA + Adder ...... the concept displayed below ....
suggests Nature's adding bio-machine --> rungs of a ladder
A = Adenine --> Ad + e + nine --> Add e (Natural number 2.718) nine (8 data bits = 1 parity bit)
What are the details of that DNA-math mechanism? Good question.