First, let's study a recent hydrocarbon MILITARY TRIAL in Texas and the false, inaccurate, and incomplete newspaper reports about the TRIAL.
Let's look at the
periodic atomic table of elements of thought and expression. In
particular, we are interested in the hydrogen / carbon atom expression
in the format of organic chemistry humanoids. The hydrocarbon continuum
of organic chemistry is a platform .. a foundation level .... and
human thought structures exist upon that operating system foundation.
Wiley: Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition - T. W. Graham Solomons › ... ›
Organic Chemistry ›
General Organic Chemistry
Now in a new edition, this book continues its tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the
organic classroom and beyond.
All The World's A Stage, a poem by William Shakespeare. poets love
All the
world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely
players; / They have their exits and their
entrances, / And one man in his time plays many parts,
year 2013 modern Shakespeare theater report ............ with the
organic chemistry ---> social chemistry drama script of Nature's
SYMBOL MACHINE using atomic English language words, chemistry textbook
process control flowcharts, math equations, etc.
All the world's a hydrocarbon molecular thought expression stage, And all the Texas men and women merely players (p layers = processing layers) They have their exits and their entrances (to the Fort Hood Soldier READ Center) And one (SOLO) man in his time plays many parts,
T. W. Graham Solomons
T. W. Gra + ham Solo shooter
Texas Western (style cowboy shootout) Gra = Grammar + General Carbon Ham + Solo shooter Hasan The University of Texas intellectual theater performance in awareness ...... played out in Killeen, Texas.
Fort Hood shootingThe
Fort Hood shooting was a
Jihadist[2] mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at
Fort Hood near
Killeen, Texas.
[1] Nidal Malik Hasan, a
U.S. Army major and
psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.
Carter Ham - Wikipedia, the free
Carter F.
(born February 16, 1952) is a former United States Army general, who
served as the second Commander, U.S. Africa Command. In that position
Career -
Viewpoints -
Education -
Dates of rankArmy Secretary Directs Fort Hood Accountability
Jan 22, 2010 - Army Secretary Directs
Fort Hood Accountability Review
... Carter F.
Ham, commander of U.S. Army Europe, "to conduct an accountability
...Symbolism - Merriam-Webster
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a
symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visibleCarter -->
symbols Car + ter --> Carbon atom life form and the hierarchy ter
=tier ... part of the Hierarchy Problem physics TRIAL at Fort HOOD,
TexasHam = Hydrogen atomic
mass agent for the periodic atomic table government and its military
agents. Pentagon self-awareness is needed to help explain to the
hydrocarbon TRIAL with t carbon hydrogen agent named Carter Ham.Below,
the atomic INK PEN symbol machine intials CH for the PENTAGON
hydrocarbon life form with EARTH LAB identifier --> Carter Ham The Texas School Book Depository - The Kennedy Assassination
The history of the
Texas School Book Depository, site of the Sniper's Nest in the
... that draws a half-million visitors a year exists on the building's sixth-
... from the Lincoln Continental custom limousine in which
Kennedy was
Texas School Book Depository - Sixth Floor Museum - JFK ... -
Texas School Book Depository houses offices and the Sixth
Floor Museum, a fascinating look at the life of John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, the national mood in
we see the the TRUE NATURE of the periodic atomic table government VIA
the carbon atom anger and emotions --> political science chemistry
--> molecule expression VIA a programmable bio-computer named
OSWALD. OS agent --> Organic
Systems human vehicle instructed to use atomic number 6 for the
HIERARCHY PROBLEM message --> go to level 6 of the TEXAS building in
year 1963. Thus the battle -->Carbon atomic number 6 (floor) <---- super-symmetry ---> Catholic Leader with
SYMBOL MACHINE word --> CATHOLIC --> subset CAT --> Carbon
atom president named Kennedy from EARTH LAB geography computer
address space --> Cape Cod --> known to Computer World geography
Magazine as Cape CODE.The
Kennedy (social chemistry) Compound or
Hyannis Port Historic District is the name given to six acres (24,000 m²) of waterfront
property on Cape Cod(e)
Nantucket Sound in
Hyannis Port,
United States.
Below, a EARTH sized EXTERNAL display of atomic number 6 and INTERNAL life and thought inside the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
Spencer's focus on "organic correspondence" relied on the emphasis given to ... of the notion that internal changes correspond to external environmental forces: .
Cape Cod computer code within the Computer EARTH system 370 hydro-carbon continuum address space
covers a wide range of technology topics, including software, security,
operating systems, mobile, storage, servers and data centers, and ..
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.
puzzle CLUES to existence of the periodic atomic expression table on
EARTH .... a planet that exists in the Solar System with a SUN that
emits sunlight..
Kennedy (social chemistry) Compound -----> name given to six
-----> Cape Cod(e)---> Catholic President --> School Book Depository - Sixth FloorDid
the 6th floor and the employees of the Texas book BUILDING have
knowledge of the college chemistry ... molecular social l science
book by SOLOMONs.
SOLO --> one man in the LONE (Language one ) State of geography (EXTENAL) and State of MIND (INTERNAL) --> Texas
SOLO --> acting alone in the assassination
SOLO ---> single man with gun
Lee Harvey Oswald - Wikipedia, the free
This article is about the life of Lee Harvey
Oswald. For discussion of
Oswald and the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, see Assassination of John F.
Kennedy ...Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon Mapping uses Earth orbit satellite instruments including, tellurics, magnetics, radiometrics, geomagnetics and more
... 6860 N.
Dallas Pkwy, #200
Nature's version of ---> Hydrocarbon Exchange Corporationwww.
The core of the business for
Hydrocarbon Exchange originates primarily in the Lone Star State, and transportation contracts are held on every major intrastate
we see the history of hydrocarbon political science EVENTS .. ..... the
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family cover-up of the Kennedy
assassination and the deliberate omission of important data from the
organic chemistry TRIAL of bio-chemistry major --> Major Nidal
Hasan at Fort Hood.
The Pentagon ought ask DARPA if atoms and molecules exist.
Or ask
UT - The University of Texas at Austin CH 318N - Organic Chemistry ...
CH 318N -
Organic Chemistry II at The
University of Texas at
Austin is about Primarily for chemistry and social chemistry engineering majors.
The development of
... bull-stories and False HOODS --> F HOODS --> Fort HOOD Shooting.The United States Constitution and ADVANCED THEORIES of CAUSE and EFFECT in molecular Trial Law of molecule aggregates known as 2-legged humanoids.