Humans are organic chemistry structures living within the fabric of NATURE on the surface of earth.
Many human expressions ...can be considered from the view of Nature's various levels of existence.
For example, if we assume that Nature has an organic chemistry government and organic molecule design engineers ...we can see their building projects over the last few million years. Thus the design and building of biological buildings such as cellulose trees, dinosaurs, and elephants. Physical humans were just another project. Then evolution continued with the symbolic humans ...... languages, books, math equations, physics formula, etc.
Now, in year 2012, we notice that Nature's organic systems have advanced .....and is sending social chemistry data signals in the economic format of credit card charges.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players
Let's consider Computer Earth system 370 ....and the Charles Dickens concept ... " The Tale of 2 Cities".
In modern VIEWS of science ...with IBM BASE 2 binary systems .......we have the " The Tale of Base 2 Cities" .
What are these 2 Cities? Let's consider ..other cities ..... organic molecule cities and symbolic word cities.
1) Nature and its organic molecule cities comprised of organic molecule humans.
2) Languages used by the human brain .... the symbolic cities of nouns, verbs, equations, etc.
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
Nature's has economic accounting systems with the organic molecules of humans ..... humanoid thoughts of financial system structure. Could Nature
create this organic economic system?
consider organic chemistry as a parallel system with parallel financial EVENTs and ..... the Wall Street Journal newspaper as containing some messages on organic molecule activities VIA humanoid agents.
Let's consider a theoretical model of the situation
using existing concepts found in a college basic organic chemistry text
We wish to establish a LINK/ a math mapping/ a correspondence between the " TWO CITIES" ............the "2 different world VIEWS of activities on the surface of EARTH". For this particular situation .....we will use the organic chemistry concepts of:
let's think of Nature and its social engineering systems with subset
humans. Nature is the this case ......
the metabolism-director of adults and their brain molecule activity .....such as financial decisions.
Let's look at the well-known PROXY vote ....used by 2-legged and 2-eared HUMAN shareholders of common stock .....who claim to be LUNG proxy agents for Nature's language
equation WORD: proxy = pro + oxy = Base 16 hexadecimal protons of the oxygen molecule with mass 32.
The bio-computer LUNG = LU + NG = Logical Unit Nitrogen Gas component ...with the LU addition of IBM bio-computer BASE 16 oxygen gas ...a component of Computer Earth system 370 and Boyle's laws of hexadecimal gases with COMPUTER WORD 32 molecular mass 32.
Thus we are saying...the meta-director concept ---> applies to metabolism ...thus the metabolism-director of organic molecule social molecule political life ...and organic molecule economic activity.
Below, we see the chemistry formula SYMBOLS ---> that get transformed / mapped ---> to physical reality.
The usage of a credit card takes place in the EXTERNAL world of humans at a retail department store and making a credit card purchase.
The EXTERNAL accounting transaction gets mapped to the INTERNAL human molecule world with Nature's accounting system.
Thus we see the CAUSE -->EFFECT as outlined by Herbert Spencer in year 1855.
Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its
--> University of Wisconsin bio-chemistry pension fund agent DR.COX AND his double-helix parallel Mr.COX of the Securities Exchange Commission.