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The Egypt ECB = Event Control Block


Computer Earth system 370 recently  experienced some  bio-computer social system abends in the  geo-computer region of North Africa.
Let's look at this fascinating  area of computer science intrigue.

North Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Africa, Northern Africa is the northernmost region of the African continent, linked by the Sahara to Sub-Saharan Africa. Geopolitically, the United Nations ...

From the view of  computer science COBOL programmers and systems analysts ..... they see

North Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
North Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
N       AF  
Numeric Base 16 Hex'A' = 10    and Hex'F'=15

Below, we see the Base 16 Hexadecimal  geography region.


Thus we see data processing history with the data processing relationship between Algeria and France  ...
with hex"A' = 1O represented by A = Algeria   AND hex'F' =  15 symbolized by F = France.

Now, the entire geography region of North AF (AFRICA)  is really  about the alpha / numeric  range between HEX'A' thru  Hex'F'.

Thus we ask ...where are the geography  computer  system identifiers for this region and the Middle East.

PER = Program Event Recording  and its war zone is  the PER = Persian Gulf war.

Program Event Recording (PER)
C7 through C9 control program event recording if bit P in C4 is on. Otherwise, they do not influence the process in the domain.


Figure 2-13

The right 48 bits of the values of the data keys in C7 and C8 define the program events in BISG (successful branch, instruction completion, storage alteration, and general register alteration respectively), the start address in ssss ..., and the end address in eeee ... For further information see the Program Event Recording section of IBM System/370 Principles of Operation.

System Library  --> the Library country of Libya and its internal political  problems   ..... that are parallel to  copper-wire computer systems software problems.

  • Source statement libraries and IBM System/370

    by I Flores - 1975 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
    The purpose of the source statement library which resides on a DASD is to aid in creating, debugging and maintaining working programs . In the past, the ...
  • [PDF] 

    Systems IBM System/370 Bibliography - FTP Directory Listing

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    an IBM System/370, this bibliography describes technical publications in support of: ... information pertaining to the System/370 library. For. System/370 ...

    ECB = Event Control Block  --> Egypt Cairo (city)  Blocks

    Below, we see Egypt  surrounded by the Computer Earth component elements in the geography / geology region with the proper noun identifiers:

    Syria --> Sy --> System

    Israel --> IS --> Information Systems

    Jordan --> Jo + r + da + n --> Job region data numeric

    Port Said --> I/O Port

    Luxor --> LUx --> Logical Unit x

    Lake Nasser --> Lake --> Load Address Key for
    Aswan Dan --> Dam  --> Direct Access Method

  • ECB --> Event Control Block .............. 

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) Release 3 contains the ... System/370 program event recording (PER) ... on an Event Control Block (ECB) or a list of ...

  • o

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    systems, consult the latest IBM System/370  Processors, ... control block, rename a data set, or delete a data set from ..... Event Control Block (ECB) ...
  • [PDF] 

    Systems OS /VS 2 System Programming Library: Data ... - bitsavers.org

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    latest Virtual Storage Supplement (to IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography), ... contains detailed descriptions of system control blocks and common work areas.

    ...... Event Control Block Fields ............ 
    ...... Event Control Block Fields 
    ...... Event Control Block Fields
    ..... Event Control Block  Battle Fields  --> ECB ---- > Egypt City Blocks

    The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 ( Revolution of 25 January) took place following a popular uprising that began on 25 January 2011. It was a diverse movement of demonstrations, marches, plaza occupations, riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and labor strikes. Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

    Blog: Egyptians riot over Mubarak verdict

    Jun 3, 2012 – Egyptians demonstrated throughout the night in Cairo's central Tahrir Square and other cities, enraged that a court had spared deposed leader ...

    Egypt | Mubarak | Riots

    www.globalpost.com › HomeOpinion
    Jan 28, 2011 – Mubarak's Egypt has been a bulwark for Middle East peace, especially for Israel. The riots against Mubarak make Israel uneasy.

    Israel. The riots 
    Israel. The riots 
    Is --> Informations systems --> The riots --CODE  riots --> Rio time/space --> Resume I/O  mathematical-physics dimensions on the geography surface of EARTH

    z/VM: CMS Application Development Guide for Assembler ...

    , RIO  --> RIOTS

    2011 Egyptian revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ... riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and labor strikes. ...
    The presence of Egypt's Central Security Forces police, loyal to Mubarak, was ...

    Egypt's Central Security Forces police
    Egypt's Central Security Forces police
    Egypt's C.........S.......... Forces
    Egypt's Computer Science Forces ...... bio-computer police

    At Least 30 Die in Egyptian Riots After Soccer Verdict - NYTimes.com

    Jan 26, 2013 – Riots Grip Egypt After Soccer Verdict ... the two years of turmoil that have followed the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's autocratic president.

  • Port Said Stadium riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On 1 February 2012, a massive riot occurred at Port Said Stadium in Port Said, Egypt, following an Egyptian premier league football match between Al-Masry ...
  • BBC News - Egypt court backs Port Said football riot death sentences

    Mar 9, 2013 – A court in Egypt has upheld 21 death sentences handed down to fans over deadly football riots in Port Said, amid continuing unrest

  • Thus we see the mystery world of the sub-conscious primordial bio-computer mind of  HTML and COBOL business application programmers  ....... and those deep level thoughts rise  to a surface of  an EXTERNAL human DISPLAY of confusion and bio-computer turmoil    .......  that perhaps a few serious, aware,  conscious  humans may recognize as a  possibility  ..... considering  the context of the complexities of Nature and existence,.