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The Heme ion WAR methods

RD-blog-number 1264 by Herb Zinser reviews WHY the EARTH grid iron wars are occurring.   Newspaper reports on the EARTH iron core and the EARTH geogfraphy surface ...grid iron battfield .. provide sufficient data to build a database for study.


The key EARTH iron core battle was on September  11, 2001 in Manhattan at the World Trade Center.

The EARTH magnetic field interacts with the IRON skyscrapers  shown above.


The iron skyscrapers contained within ..... humanoids of various RANK in society, business, economics, and world financial affairs.

The humanoids have organizational structures  ( such as financial corporations, etc)  and the corporations have  job roles / positions (president, vice-president, supervisors, clerks)  and those positions are occupied by  individual humanoids  that are INTERNALLY comprised of  iron HEME group Fe(2) ions.

Thus the INTERNAL biology Fe(2)  ions are reflected by the EXTERNAL Fe(2) structures reaching up to the ionosphere in the sky.

The World Trade Center — Facts and Figures

New York

 110 stories in each tower; 

Ionosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ionosphere /aɪˈɒnɵˌsfɪər/ is a region of the upper atmosphere, from about 85 km (53 mi) to 600 km (370 mi) altitude, and includes the thermosphere and parts of the mesosphere and exosphere. It is distinguished because it is ionized by solar radiation.


Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language suggests that EARTH has a system   that connects the EARTH iron core, the NORTH POLE magnetic  field flow lines that passed thru the World Trade Center, and passed into the humanoid  iron HEME group Fe(2) ions ..... whose ions  were trying to attack the ionosphere of EARTH systems.

Nature's attempts to communicate with these HIGH-UP bio-physics iron life forms failed ......  as universities  routinely  ignore EARTH  messages.



Thus we have  the WHY ... of the attack by  the living EARTH cell   upon the  living EARTH cell representation of Fe(2) ions  (the 2  Towers)  ... the people in the towers deny the existence of EARTH and its systems.  Everything in their brain revolves around themselves, their wives, their work, vacations, dinner parties, sports  ..... they even deny the the EARTH revolves around  the SUN.  The few that do acknowledge that fact of astronomy  ..... say it is insignificant, trivial  matter of existence ..... that musics, movies, etc ..are the TRULY important thoughts in the INTELLECTUAL  hierarchy.  Thus we have  the Hierarchy Problem in existential physics.

One idea of the interaction mechanism is suggested by Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE identifiers .... the use the COMPUTER EARTH  i/o code --> input / output  -->
that links the Fe( 2) ion .... a base 2 entity  to the EARTH ionosphere.

An extension of that .....  uses President Eisenhower's announcement of the military industrial complex ..of complex number and complex math functions.

In such a model of Earthly SPACE/TIME the  HEME group Fe(2)  ion and the ionosphere  ...both have the  SYMBOL LIFE property of --> i = square root of minus one.

Zbigniew Brzezinski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to As Carter's National Security Advisor for complex numbers ..
agent code -->  Zbi america  --> Z = bi + a   OR





- [edit]. Main article: History of the United States National Security Council 1977–81. President Carter ...



Now, that we have a theory of why the attack was ordered by the EARTH iron core that arranged for the   MISSION INSTRUCTIONs  programming of   the IRON hemoglobin molecules of the humanoids ......  that Nature selected by Darwinian selection from the pool of eligible programmable people  ...selected for the  attack MISSION scheduled for  the magnetic field signal  ..number 11 ..September  11,2001


Magnetic Field of the Earth - HyperPhysics

Georgia State University

Magnetic Field of the Earth. The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth


 magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth.

 magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth.

 magnet tilted 11 degrees  --> September 11, 2001 message  ........  still waiting for answer  in year 2014.




Now, let's look at EARTH iron core military  expression upon the EARTH geography surface.


Let's repeat another blog post that provide clues about the EARTH surface .......... grid iron war.

The EARTH grid iron, the City of IRON, and Jeffery Fowle



Rd-blog-number-1226 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database created by Jeffery Fowle and the instinct of his IRON hemoglobin proteins that interact with the North Pole magnetic field and the EARTH iron core. 



North Korea unexpectedly frees American Jeffrey Fowle ...
Oct 21, 2014 - Fowle, 56, a street repair worker from Miamisburg, Ohio, was arrested in May for leaving a Bible at a sailor's club in the North Korean city of ...
As a street repair  worker, Nature activated him for active duty  ...  to help repair  magnetic field streets and information highways,   He was selected by Darwinian selection  ..... his resume of street work and  the associated nouns and proper  nouns ...
AND his sense of adventure  
AND his boldness that was needed for Nature's mission  ....  resulted in the hematology selection of his iron HEME group Fe(2) molecules for the mission to the CITY of IRON.  


Keywords/ numbers   ..... age 56


Iron-56 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...
Iron-56 Metal Isotope 56Fe | AMERICAN ELEMENTS ...
Iron 56 Metal (Iron-56) is a stable ---> application --> age 56 Jeffery Fowle

Jeffery Fowle lives on the Earth geography surface  as an iron HEME group structure within the magnetic field.


We perceive the EARTH geography surface  with location  coordinates of latitude, longitude, and altitude.   This enable Nature's COMPUTER EARTH sytem 370 to keep track of iron objects ,,,, including  biology  humans with IRON proteins.

Latitude (shown as a horizontal line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds of a point north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are often referred to as parallels.

Longitude (shown as a vertical line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian. Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.   

Thus  ...given the above lines  AND the EARTH;s magnetic field  ..... we have  template / a map that could be laid over the geography surface of EARTH   ....  a  GRID IRON .



Gridiron football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gridiron football, or North American football, is a form of football primarily played in the United States and Canada. The predominant forms of gridiron football are ...

Below, diagram of an American Football field (1904). The lines on the field originally made a checkerboard (or grid) pattern, which inspired the name "gridiron."

Let's look at  Nature's DEMO of  latitude line 41 degrees VIA  the Jeffery Fowle  age 56  CLUE.



  • U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ...
    The Huffington Post
    Aug 1, 2014 - SEOUL, Aug 2(Reuters) - American tourist Jeffrey Fowle was arrested ... During his ten day trip to North Korea, Fowle's fellow travelers described the middle-aged ... in Chongjin, a large industrial city on North Korea's east coast, Fowle's ... Media reports in Ohio said the 56-year-old is a church goer and was ...
  • US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for ...
    www.christianpost.com › world
    The Christian Post
    Aug 3, 2014 - North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months ago ... Fowle, a 56-year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio, who used to attend church ... Chongjin Seamen's Club, in the North Korean city of Chongjin just before he ... lying under a bin meant for discarding used toilet paper by aged people.





Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months, hoped to aid underground Christian church
--> EARTH LANGUAGE underground code

Now, we notice the latitude coordinates of the State of Ohio in North America.


Thus we see that OHIO .... is like North Korea ..its above the 38th Parallel  .. the secret of geography and geology college graduates.

Thus Jeffery Fowle from OHIO geogarphy coordinates  ..between the 38th Parallel and the 41st parallel  ...traveled  to North Korea similar area on Nature's mission.

Thus he went from the EARTH geography  source domain of OHIO and its EARTH blog CMS (Content Managemnt System)  and went to destination range in Asia above the 38th parallel.

Ohio man held in North Korea hoped to aid church - Daily Mail
Daily Mail
Oct 31, 2014 - Released: Jeffrey Fowle talks about being detained in North Korea for ... paid about $3,900 for the tour, plus about $700 for a flight to Beijing.


Thus we see  Toledo (machine tool and die industry) at 41 degrees and Chongjin(city of iron)  at 41 degrees latitude ..north of the Equator.

Thus we have the EARTH horizontal line  ..the EQUATOR  and  the 38th parallel and 41 degrees latitude.

Computer Earth system 370  BAL language  has an EQUATE instruction.

Differences between machine and assembler instructions. ... As expected with an IBM language, code is stored in a PDS: Partitioned Dataset with a record length of. 80. Macros .... The EQU -equate instruction can be used to define symbols.
Thus we see that Nature has EQUATED   Jeffery Fowle's OHIO with NORTH KOREA.
Thus we need to look at the information database of Jeffery Fowle's data generating experience  .. to see what keywords and numbers in his NORTH KOREA activities refer back to
activities in the State of OHIO (his activities or some industry or business group).
U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ...
The Huffington Post
Aug 1, 2014 - SEOUL, Aug 2(Reuters) - American tourist Jeffrey Fowle was ... middle-aged street repairs worker from Miamisburg, Ohio as a warm, amiable, quiet man.


Who else exists on the 41 degree horizontal line?




Who exists on the horror --> code --> hor --> Horror horizontal line of 41 degrees.



The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.



Thus we see the  HORROR line .... Fe --> February of Fe --> Ferrous oxide  IRON atomic  calendar LINKED to Earth IRON CORE time schedule.


The 14th day super-symmetry physics MIRROR --> 41


Thus the Earthly SPACE/TIME relationship  ....


14th day in ferrous oxide  TIME  dimension  MIRROR  

41 degrees horizontal latitude  in the SPACE dimension using  EARTH geography surface. 



Thus we see that we need to understand the existence of FermiLAB,  the citizen/ Federal government, and the citizen complete silence on Nature's geography coordinate messages from the EARTH Grid-Iron.


Can you communicate this message to your friends with a science interest?
