Sandy Hook = SH <---> HS = Hurricane Sandy
The Earth geography wars are serious matters ..... that citizen /governments ignore.
The Earth military uses super-symmetry societal signals to get attention to the problem.
Let's see how this mechanism works ..using the atomic / astrophysics continuum that is existent within on Earth LAB.
let's look at some examples.
The first major example involved the theory of harmonic equations AND/OR the Schrodinger wave equations.
These 2 concepts have many practical applications known to engineers and atomic scientist.
Then atomic bio-physics sought new applications of expressions of the harmonic oscillator.
In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force, F, proportional to the ...
Balance of forces (Newton's second law) for damped harmonic oscillators is then
This is rewritten into the form
- is called the 'undamped angular frequency of the oscillator' and
- is called the 'damping ratio'.
Step-response of a damped harmonic oscillator; curves are plotted for three values of
μ = ω1 = ω0√1−ζ2. Time is in units of the decay time
τ = 1/(ζω0).
The value of the damping ratio ζ critically determines the behavior of the system. A damped harmonic oscillator can be:
Harmonic oscillator
.....monica oscillator needed a F = Federal bio-physics specimen
391 × 265 - Start with an ideal harmonic oscillator, in which there is no resistance at ..
In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern at the White House during Clinton's first term, and began a ...
The Schrodinger war equation battle with US.Navy incomplete explanation of the U.S.Cole situation of year 2000.
The U.S.S. Cole tragic signals was repeated ....
the U.S.A Cole Hall Ocean class room ...wave equation message to intellectuals who ought read and understand some of Cybernetics book by Norbert Wiener.
Thus we see the symmetry .... the TALE of 2 COLE.
Then we had Nature's wave mechanics DEMO via Hurricane Sandy.
Thus given this FOUNDATION event ...... it was very easy for Nature to design a second event with proper nouns ...... super-symmetry / parallel EVENT.
Thus Hurricane Sandy ---> symmetry / mirrors --> Sandy Hook approximation for initials S H.
Any question can be answered by the Department of Energy ........ department of Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family mirrors and tricks.
Thus we see Nature issuing messages ...that newspapers and citizens ignore.,_Connecticut
Sandy Hook is an affluent village in the town of Newtown, Connecticut. Sandy Hook was founded in 1711. It borders the Botsford section of town, Newtown ...
Hartford Courant - 1 hour ago
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza armed himself with hundreds of bullets on Dec. 14 before he entered the Newtown ...
Thus the help of serious thinkers is needed to understand the concepts ......the BIG Picture of Nature's WAR.