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David H. Clark and Royal Astronomy have gravity messages waiting


he Planet Earth is a subset of the Solar System.  Earth has  a gravity field  that interacts with human atomic mass and human atomic thoughts.

Thus  VIA thousands of years of  evolution  ....  the gravity field/ brain thought interaction system has given rise to the gravity INTELLECT  ...  part of Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  ...... the  gravity  SYMBOL  engine with its gravity English grammar  and its gravity social and political science  thoughts of  G = universal gravitational constant ...... and its expression of G  --> Government   comprised of  gravity/ atomic bio-physics interaction structures with the EARTH LAB specimen  identifier: humanoid.



Gravity Highway Sign for the Universities and British astronomers that have a  down-to-earth curiosity about REALITY .......


Route 66 in Illinois - Chicago, 

Gravity Route 66  nois(e) - Chicago 


Route 66 in Illinois - Chicago, where the road begins

Illinois held the first completely paved section of Route 66




Loop quantum gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Loop  ........      gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chicago Loop quantum gravity  ROAD MAP - Wikipedia

String theory; Loop quantum gravity; Causal dynamical triangulation · Canonical ... (LQG) is a theory that attempts to describe the quantum properties of gravity




Let's look at a gravity wave interaction factor .... human biology and  DNA waves and tides ...known as nucleotides.

In addition we will look at B100D signals  .... that imply the  bio-math gravity/ b100d ratio --> gravity number 66 / number 100 within B100D.


The  tide of nucleotide waves .....  in year 1966 --> gravity signaling key number 66.


The 1966 Chicago atomic nitrogenous bases message of the 7th month and 14th day by  the B100D DNA nucleotide messenger Richard Speck


Let's look at Nature's  year 1966  signaling EVENT for those human beings with a brain SYMBOL MACHINE processor with a bio-computer subroutine .....  an information particle subroutine comprised of curiosity, awareness, responsibility ...... the SYMBOL word and concept analyzer that is the super-symmetry parallel equivalent to the physical biology entity that biochemistry labels: SRP  

Signal Recognition Particle: An Essential Protein-Targeting Machine ...www.annualreviews.org › ... › List of IssuesVolume 82, 2013
by D Akopian - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles

Signal Recognition Particle: An Essential Protein-Targeting Machine. Annual Review of Biochemistry. Vol. 82: 693-721 (Volume publication date June 2013).

Signal recognition particle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_recognition_particle‎

  1. The signal recognition particle (SRP) is an abundant, cytosolic, universally conserved .... European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 228 (3): 531–50.

Let's look at the Chicago signal.
A mass murderer leaves eight women dead — History.com This Day ...www.history.com/this-day.../a-mass-murderer-leaves-eight-women-dead‎

On the night of July 14, 1966, eight student nurses are brutally murdered by Richard Speck at their group residence in Chicago, Illinois. Speck threatened the ...

Let's look at the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought  and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expression of anger .... atomic social science anger expression EVENT  in the Chicago message processing region

On the night of July 14,
............ ni ..........July 14,
............ ni........7th month 14th day 

Nitrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen‎

Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and mostly inert diatomic gas at standard ...‎Liquid nitrogen - ‎Nitrogen cycle - ‎Inert - ‎Daniel Rutherford
Nitrogen is important in biochemistry DNA  processes.

Nitrogenous base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogenous_base‎

A nitrogenous (nitrogen-containing) base is a nitrogen-containing organic ... These nitrogenous bases hydrogen bond between opposing DNA strands to form ..

Four Nitrogen Bases in DNA? - Ask.comwww.ask.com › Q&AScienceBiological Sciences

The four nitrogen bases in DNA are 
adenine and 
Richard Franklin Speck (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966. 

Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses ......

Thus we have  a  tragic EVENT  ...that provides a b100d LANGUAGE and  bl00d  social  policy  infomation ....... an  ERROR database  for hematology social science  and  language engineers / analysts.

B100d  symbol evolution  ....  b100d levels of knowledge ......   
can be described with the b100d  number 100.

Let's look at  Nature's most advanced  B100D  formats.

Current theory and data states that B100D is alpha/numeric as described by the atomic English language biochemistry WORD:  B100D.

B100D --> B  + 100 + D  --> alphabet letter B  +  a  number system using 100  + D

a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street
a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street

Thus we see the hematology message LINKED to the DNA nitrogen base message
Above, Nature's geography, earth atlas   used Darwinian selection of the EARTH LAB atlas road map ...to select   the site for the  hematology /   b100d   / forensic science messsage  .... the site address of:  located at 2319 East 100th Street .

Nature's B100D data processing equation is ...... 

LEVEL  B100D   -->  B = Binary 100 to D = Decimal  ---> Decimal 4   thus
B100D ---> B 4 D  --> Base 4 DNA  -->  scientists, computer programmers, and medical personnel deny this possibility of Nature's expression methods.

Thus we see the LINK  between the Nitrogen atom choice / selection   of the calendar date of July 14 (1966)   and the B100D  social engineering signaling system ...... selection  / choice of  the location of 100th Street in Chicago.

What other decisions did Nature's management system  make .....   decision to DISPLAY messages.

Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Websterwww.merriam-webster.com/medical/symbolism‎

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE for  more clues about Nature's molecular cell biology  design of the social science signaling EVENT.

Nucleotides and the double helix - Life Sciences Cyberbridgecyberbridge.mcb.harvard.edu/dna_1.html‎

In DNA, however, it loses two of these phosphate groups,
 so that only    one    phosphate is incorporated into a strand of DNA. When nucleotides are incorporated ..

The molecule message project required a human to represent  the  one phosphate  and its anger / hate  ... Darwinian selection of symbols and human  personality / attribute  for ....  ONE phosphate ......

Who Is Richard Speck? . - Google Newsnews.google.com/newspapers?nid=2512&dat=19660718&id...

Speck, white, 6 feet 1, 160 pounds, blue eyes, brown-blond hair slightly ... , 
he's a      "loner      and   drifter who drank more ..

How Stuff Works "DNA Structure"science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/dna1.htm‎

DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to a phosphate group and bound on the ...

a phosphate group

a ph................group --> ph = phillipine group of student nurses

The Speck murders: 40 years later - Free Republicwww.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1662933/posts‎
Jul 9, 2006 - Amurao, Pasion and Gargullo were from the Philippines, pursuing .... ....,
 Richard Speck killed 8 student nurses on the ...

a phosphate group  .....  algebra subset alphabet symbols

a ..hosp....... group --->  hospital     group ( community = group)
South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.

a phosphate group

a ...........hate  ......... ---> representing  Nature's molecule systems ....Richard Speck 

Images for dna nucleotide phosphate group 
Images for dna nucleotide  hosp   ate group  of eat

Images for dna nucleotide phosphate group  of nit --> nitrogen on the nit --> night of 7th month 14th day
HowStuffWorks "DNA Structure"science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/dna1.htm‎

DNA is a long string of these blocks or letters. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar (deoxyribose) bound on one side to a phosphate group and bound on the ...

DNA is a long string

DNA is a long string

DNA is a long string

DNA is a long string 
-->  string expression of anger/gate ---> using super-symmetry bio-physics mirrors of REALITY  --->

Featured Articles about Arose - Page 2 - Orlando Sentinelarticles.orlandosentinel.com › Collections

The state Prison Review Board on Monday denied parole to
Richard Speck, the onetime longshoreman who killed eight student nurses in a bloodbath

Speck held the women in the house for hours, methodically leading them out of the room one by one, stabbing or strangling them to death (the  ..... DNA long string method  using   longshoreman  and    the physics of string  theory  of  death by atomic DNA long strings)

Thus in year 2013  ..... we see some CLUES to the 1966  gravityhighway  66  puzzle.
DNA is a long string 
DNA is a long string 
DNA is a long string 
DNA is a long string in bio-physics    ...... and the gravity field is a long string in string theory geo-physics.



 long string
 long string
 long string ... with a desire  .... a longing  ... the emotions and feelings  of strings 

 long string ...  direct or indirect interaction relationships with the long of longitude 


Geographic coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The circles parallel to the equator are lines of constant latitude, or parallels. The graticule determines the latitude and longitude of position on the surfa






Space, time and string theory - The Official String Theory Web Site

If string theory is a theory of gravity, then how does it compare with Einstein's theory of gravity? What is the relationship between strings and spacetime geometry? ... In fact, when these correction terms become large, there is no spacetime .





Gravity and String Theory - Library - Think  Quest

Gravity and String Theory - Library - Think  Quest

Gravity and DNA Long Strings that exist within  Longitude  Theory - Library - Think  Quest --> quest of question


In this, one of string theory's most compelling strengths lies. It has the ability to integrate gravity into its own framework, which also includes quantum mechanics,


long gravity wave (hydrology) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

If the water depth is less than one-twentieth of the wavelength, the waves are known as long gravity waves, and their wavelength is directly proportional to their .
Speaking of water ( see above words) let's  look at the U.S.Navy and their  BRAIN hypnosis program  that  gives them limited concepts  of existence. 
Let's look at a gravity wave interaction factor .... United States Navy and their Naval Research into awareness,  human biology and  DNA waves and tides ...known as nucleotides.

Nature's DNA  tides  shooting expression at

Washington Naval Yards  and their incomplete tides theory

Let's examine a DNA social science message that occurred in year 2013. The social process control system feedback ERROR message was in  the tragic MESSAGE  FORMAT.


Washington Navy Yard shooting


On September 16, 2013, Aaron Alexis, a lone gunman armed initially with a shotgun, fatally shot twelve people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) inside the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington, D.C.[6][7][8] The attack began around 8:20 a.m. EDT in Building 197. Alexis was killed by police around 9:20 a.m. EDT.


 Nature' SYMBOL MACHINE of nouns, verbs, concepts, math and physics equations, biochemsitry diagrams etc   can be found among the PARALLEL system of college  textbooks in math and science.


The words .....    tide, ocean, waves, imply a concept  .....  that describes INTERNAL architectrure strcutures and EXTERNALpatterms and existences.

Navy and their university and coprporation friends ought acknowledge  such existences.



Images for ocean wave pattern 

nitrogen base 1


 United States Naval Research Laboratory - Wikipedia, the free ...

The United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is the corporate research laboratory for the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps and ..



Is "Fundamental Theory Of Existence" valid? | A conversation on ...

FTOE is Fundamental Theory Of Existence. Fundamental Theory Of Existence. 1. Zero cannot exist as denominator. 2. Anything cannot be created out of ...


Washington Navy Yard




Images for ocean wave pattern




Introduction to Supersymmetry - Hitoshi Murayama

Introduction to Supersymmetry. 20th century physics has seen two major paradigm shifts in the way we understand Mother Nature. One is quantum mechanics, ...




Aaron Alexis, the perpetrator, arrived in the Washington, D.C., area on or around August 25, 2013, and stayed at various hotels ..... - 

On Saturday, September 14, two days before the massacre, Alexis visited the Sharpshooters Small Arms Range in Lorton, Virginia,

September 14, two days
September 14, two days
S.....ember 14, two 
System  .....14, two  --> nitrogen 14 atom --> two atoms equals one nitrogen molecule  for human LUNGS and DNA nitrogenous molecule  military embedded within the human body ........ molecule military training at Lorton, Virginia

Isotopes of nitrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Nitrogen-14 - Nitrogen-14 is one of two stable (non-radioactive) isotopes of the chemical element nitrogen, which makes up about ...



Images for nitrogen 14 expressor agent 

Aaron Alexis
Aaron Alexis-FBI Image.jpg
Background information
OccupationCivilian contractor, U.S. Navy sailor



Covalent bonds, covalent compounds and characteristics of covalent compounds

When the combining atoms have 4, 5, 6, or 7 electrons in the outermost or valence shell, they cannot donate electrons. Instead, they mutually share electrons in order to complete their octet in the outermost orbit or shell. Such a type of valency is referred to as covalency and the bond created between such atoms is called a covalent bond. The compounds so formed are called covalent compounds or molecular compounds.

Covalent Compounds

Covalent compounds are compounds formed by sharing of electrons between two reacting atoms mostly non-metallic resulting in formation of neutral molecules. The atoms mutually share equal number of electrons to achieve the configuration of a noble gas.

Covalent bonds
......val .....  bonds
Naval ......bonds .........to Sartre existentialism and TOE theory

Naval...... bonds ...... to Wahington NaVal Yards and Hollywood stories / yarns



Molecule of Nitrogen (N = 7)

An example of sharing of three pairs of electrons (Triple bond)

Two atoms of nitrogen share three pairs of electrons to form one molecule of nitrogen (Fig. 3.6).

September 14, two days
September 14, two days
September 14, two days
September 14, two days

nitrogen molecule formation

  the above diagram only the valence or outermost shell of nitrogen atom is shown.


Aaron Alexis, the perpetrator, arrived in the Washington, D.C., area on or around August 25, 2013
Aaron Alexis, the perpetrator, arrived in the Washington, D.C., area on or around August 25, 2013

Aaron Alexis, the perpetrator, arrived in the Washington, D.C., area on or around
August 25 for  Nature's  NAVY SIGNAL project  .... atomic DNA component ...  N = 2,5

nitrogen molecule formation



Thus the Washington Navy Yard  tragic signal   is a consequence of ignoring the OCEAN WAVE PATTERN  signal   of  mucleotide Adenine .... the Adenine signal from Aden, Yemen...

Images for ocean wave pattern 

nitrogen base 1



Thus we see some pieces to the Washington Navy Yard and the incomplete explanations given about the signaling EVENT.

Newspapers are to lazy to study the deeper levels of REALITY  that may underlie such  tragic EVENT ...... and they ignore those researchers that are interested in such matters.




Now. let's review the 2 major events and their suggestions to the conscious mind of a researcher or theorists.


1) year 1966 --> gravity number 66 with  Richard Speck in Chicago ... BEGIN  route 66

--> we mentioned the murders,   DNA nucleotides and the East 100th Street signal of B100streBA

 ---> more gravity field data ....VIA  gravity data fields and information highway ROUTE 66

Chicago, July 1966

Chicago,  1966 7th month = July

.............667  --> implies gravity SYMBOL signal --> 6.67

The murders

At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses.
Speck held the women in the house for hours, then killed them .... in the morning hours of July 14, 1966.
At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966 
At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966 --> an information string of letters and numbers ...
... 11                     7th month 1966 
....11.....................................66.7    ---> the information components of   .... 
...... with Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE code  kg --> inside Richards Speck's gravity brain --> Kg = kill girls 
gravity field SYMBOL MACHINE code  Nm --> maps to --> NMU National Maritime Union  hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St. in the Jeffery Manor
neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning 
neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning 
neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning 
Mathematical-physics neighborhood of Chicago  of a  math-physics  function ... that was functioning 
1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street 
1966, Spec   broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street 
1966, Specifications of the Project PLAN .......  located at 2319 East --> Einstein's ast = astronomy/gravity theory for Earth 100th Street.
 Gravity field interaction at  East 100th Street implies   B100D interaction.
Word B100D  --> alphabet letter B  + number 100 + letter D ...... hence, Nature's Darwinian SYMBOL selection of proper nouns and address locations   to optimize the  GRAVITY EQUATION association --->

100th Street  and the NMU --> gravity equation parameters  Nm
100th Street with 10 fingered humans implies  logarithms --> implies 10  --> the number 10 in the gravity equation
 Martha's second-floor apartment --> reminds us to look at the 2nd level .... the exponents in the gravity  equation 
At 11:00 p.m. ..1966  ---> reminds us of exponent -11 in the gravity equation 

Thus we see the gravity language and its expression systems .... an indirect and awkward language to recognize  .. with its variety of  formats and styles  of message UNITS ...

that when gathered together and arranged into a normal English language .... science textbook  style..... makes sense.
Thus we see that gravity interaction with the human mind .... can affect our decisions and daily activities.

Do you need to find a new apartment or a house?

You look at several locations  ... and find 3 places you like.
Then gravity picks 1 out of the 3 ... the 1 it  likes ....   for future gravity social engineering projects and MESSAGE missions. 
Then you decide to rent that apartment  VIA your gravity subconscious mind's decision. 

Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or 
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible



Year 1966 Richard Speck  was a seaman ....  like  the U.S.NAVY and the Washington Navy Yard (year 2013).
The concepts are related to some extent.


Both EVENTS ..imply  ocean, lake, water waves, tides, levels  on the EXTERNAL geography surface of EARTH.

Both EVENT have  humans with INTERNAL  DNA waves.

Both the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL existence are withing the EARTH gravity field of interaction.


Richard  Speck was a merchant seaman --> related to longshore men -->   wave ocean waves and tides  INTERFACE  land / pier/ dock/ harbor.

SS 433




What is the difference between merchant marine and longshoremen

wiki.answers.com › ... › US MilitaryUS Military Branches
The Marines are a smaller, expeditionary and amphibious force that uses the Navy to be always. What is the difference between merchant navy and marine ..

Union (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Algebraic properties - [edit]. Binary union is an associative operation; that is,. A ∪ (B ∪ C) = (A ∪ B) ∪ C. The operations can be performed in ...


Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Unions| Influence Explorer ...

Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Union has given $4332232 in campaign contributions from 2009 to 2010. 

Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Union has given $4332232 in campaign contributions from 2009 to 2010. 


Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Union has given $433



Thus we see  Nature's  gravity SYMBOL engine CLUES  .... gravity grammar words and subset word signals .....


Long -->EARTH  geography  coordinates of longing / desire  LINKED to longitude



UNION --> the bio-math character of the human group  .... their  subconscious MIND  desire  to learn basic algebra  and the theory of  sets and subsets.


Union (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Algebraic properties - [edit]. Binary union is an associative operation; that is,. A ∪ (B ∪ C) = (A ∪ B) ∪ C. The operations can be performed in ...

Thus we have .... a  more complete explanation of the above message ... gravity grammar signal  VIA bio-gravity humans.


Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Union + set theory  bio-math and thought applications

(set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Algebraic properties - [edit]. Binary union is an associative operation; that is,. A ∪ (B ∪ C) = (A ∪ B) ∪ C. The operations can be performed in ...
Long + shore + men Union has given $433 -->
Longititude of gravity field OCEAN +  
shore (interface edge of gravity with land atomic mass   and human DNA tides working near water tides) +

 Union has given $433 -->   signal 433

SS 433 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right ascension, 19h 11m 49.56s ... It was the 433rd entry in their 1977 catalog of stars

 with strong    emission     lines. .... The Quest for SS433, David H. Clark.

  • The Royal Astronomical Society

    UK organization promoting astronomy, geophysics, and planetary science.
  • Astronomer Royal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Astronomer Royal is a senior post in the Royal Households of the United Kingdom. There are two officers, the senior being the Astronomer Royal dating from 22 ...

  • The Quest for SS433 The Discovery of the Astronomical ... - eBay --> e Bay --> e + Ba + y = earth Base y

    The Quest for SS433 : The Discovery of the Astronomical Phenomenon of the Century by David H. Clark (1986, Hardcover) : David H. Clar... PLEASE NOTE: The .

    The Quest for SS433 

    The Quest for SS433 

    The Quest for SS433  

    -->  Seamen on lakes/oceans and Shoremen on land at the edge of water --> S S   

    Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE  links the 2 existential messages --->


    1st message year 1986 -->   The Quest for SS433

    SS 433 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Right ascension, 19h 11m 49.56s ... SS 433 is one of the most exotic star systems observed.

    It is an eclipsing X-ray binary system, with the primary most likely a black hole ... SS 433's designation comes from its catalogers,
    Case Western Reserve astronomers Nicholas Sanduleak and .... The Quest for SS433, David H. Clark.

    X-ray binary system --> distant astronomy and Darwinian SYMBOL  adaptation to earthly human thoughts needed for analysis of complex, multi-faceted puzzles in Sartre existentialism

    algebra X-ray binary    system --> an earthly BASE 2 information system b systen


    2nd message --> the binary answer code  in binary year 2009 and 2010---> 

    Merchant Marine & Longshoremen Unions | Influence Explorer ...

    Merchant Marine & Longshoremen (algebra)Union has given $4332232 in campaign contributions from 2009 to 2010. 
    Thus we see the important signal
     The Quest for SS433 --> the Seamen & Shoremen $433  answer .... for applied physics and the EARTH  gravity field applied to social economic  systems    .....

    which has been ignored by world governments

    and their research and educational institutions. 

    Thus we have some CLUES to gravity used by  college graduates  and university graduate students that EXIST as  gravity/ atomic mass subsets embedded within the gravity field ..... whose existence and influence  they deny.

    When I was younger .... sometimes I did stupid things  OR didn't understand something simple.

    Occasionally, I heard the words " Are you dense"?

    Now, older and wiser ..... I finally understand the comment -->

    Relationship Between Specific Gravity and Density and

    AREA   you  dense  (with heavy serious thoughts) within gravity field density - Infoplease

    www.infoplease.com › ... › Science and TechnologyPhysicsPhysics
    Relationship Between Specific Gravity and Density Unlike density, which has units of mass per volume, specific gravity is a pure number, i.e., it.
    For further information ......  ask 

    UWM Center for Gravitation and Cosmology - UW-Milwaukee

    Relativity group at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Includes information on staff, events, collaborations and publications. Research interests include ...
    Their campus is  are located near the water waves of Lake Michigan.

    Their students and professors contain DNA waves.
    nitrogen base 1
    Their human atom mass is  held to the EARTH surface by gravity waves.
    But, they are employees --> em life forms ..... electromagnetic life forms that use the human  body/ brain  and  as a platform/ a substrate   for their EM
    thought  computer subroutines   ...... thus lacking the integrated LINKS required by Nature's definitions of  solid, down-to-earth human life.
    The Washington Navy Yards are just a repeat  of earlier tragic events.  
    Nature's  messages are ignored .... incomplete explanations  are printed in newspapers.

    The year 2013 ..... Theory  of Everything  tries to explore the   deeper levels of REALITY  messages that may exist in a tragic signaling EVENT.

    Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory is any theory in the realm of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, ...

    Supersymmetry: Unveiling The Ultimate Laws Of Nature - Amazon.com

    www.amazon.com › ... › PhysicsNuclear PhysicsParticle Physics
    Supersymmetry: Unveiling The Ultimate Laws Of Nature