Language and Disease
Language plays and important role in our health. A healthy MIND with clear, accurate thoughts enables Nature to better maintain your biology system.
Nature expects people to obey the social contact they have with EARTH, the periodic atomic table, symbolic life. etc.
The social contract with Nature was outlined by John Locke and other philosophers.
The LOCKER room trial at Penn State university was just a front. While the events actually happened as described, the REAL NATURE of the John LOCKE philosophy trial was covered up.
Thus the university philosophy department, English department, and social science department got away ..unnoticed......except NATURE noticed everything using the modern TOE technology.
TOE --> Theory of Everything including the incomplete explanations of Penn State affairs. The biochemistry department with its ENZYME LOCK and KEY model ...kept track of the LOCK trial and the omission of major details that had a bearing on the situation.
Let's look at some reports about other situations. let's translate some of the CLUES that are in the report ...that will be listed on the LEFT of your screen sub-pages to this page.