Let's look at atomic social science messages in the English translation of a Russian authored book.
The atomic English language of 26 alphabet letters of the 26 proton of ferrous oxide IRON atom provide access to the language IRON CURTAIN.
The Fer --> Ferrous oxide atomic RD location Fer = FermiLAB ..... does not acknowledge various dimensions of existence because they are paid by the biased representatives of atomic symbol Fe ..... that biased language used by the Fe = Federal government. The IRON MAN project and the IRON LADY political science project help us understand the Office of Science and FermiLAB problems with their bio-physics iron HEME group Fe(ii) ions that interact with the South Pole magnetic field flow lines.
Thus we see all kinds of language and communications mysteries and puzzles ..... NEWS puzzles printed daily in newspapers ...printed in cryptography newspaper codes.
Let's look at the book "The First Circle".
What did he really write?
addition to the traditional perception of the book as explained by book
reviewers and literature analysts, we have the secret math and atomic physics language
embedded as subsets within the book. Let's look at the TITLE and get an
idea of modern cryptography.
CryptographyCryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties (called
Cryptography prior to the modern age was effectively synonymous with
encryption, the conversion of information from a readable state to apparent
The originator of an encrypted message shared the decoding technique
needed to recover the original information only with intended
recipients, thereby precluding unwanted persons to do the same.
The First Circle .... math translationFirst = 1st = 1 = oneCircle = O --> graphic shape of number 0 = zeroThus we have the beginning of the math integers ..the single number symbols 1 and 0.Considered as a pair ...Binary 10 = decimal 2
Decimal 10 = ten
Base 16 Hex'10' = 16 Thus we have the lower END of the math continuum.These math FOUNDATION numbers correlate to the book by Russian heritage author " Isaac Asimov'.Foundation series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Foundation Series is a science fiction series by Isaac
... The premise of the series is that
mathematician Hari Seldon spent his life developing a branch
.... If humanity follows its current path, the Empire will fall and thirty
thousand years of turmoil will
..... 12,146-221,
80-155, (Events of "The Traders" in
...Foundation series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Foundation Series is a science fiction series by Isaac
... The premise of the series is that
mathematician Hari Seldon spent his life
.... pain to telepaths, the
Foundation uncover a
group of 50 such, and destroys them, believing that it
...Let's look at the atomic physics signal ...... let's translate the FIRST CIRCLE title.
The First Circle .... atomic math translation
First = 1st = 1 = one --> Z ..... atomic number 1
Circle = O --> graphic shape of an electron orbital circle
Thus we have the beginning of the periodic atomic table ....element hydrogen.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn --> a human composed of atoms ....proper noun symbols .....S 0 1 Z --> System Orbital 1 Z (atomic number messenger)
What is the higher end of the math message ....... the more abstract ,complex math end --> needed for advanced physics applications.
That would be the Russian math government and its math equation known as the bio-math humanoid: Czar.
Thus the Czar --> Complex z arithmetic - > C z ar --> compex variable Z area of a circle of convergence.
Thus the complex power series Z represented itself in Russian politics by naming the math office: Czar.
The ...... c z a r ..... symbols. Look for --> cz terms
Thus we see Nature's mathematical system and its human representatives with
R assigned to geography country of Russia and its bio-math people
....and the above symbols cz ---> represented by the czar.
Thus we see a modern math puzzle about Nature and people and geography, etc.
English language people and other often refer to the LIVING LANGUAGE.
Here, we the living mathematical-physics put on a information display performance with human representatives.