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«  December 2024  »

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Organic battlefield casualty reports

Let's look at some  examples of modern organic molecule .....  social science messages.

Deactivating Meta-Directing battle casualties

Humans are organic chemistry structures  living within the fabric of NATURE on the surface of earth.
Many human expressions ...can be considered from the view of Nature's various levels of  existence.

For example,  if we assume that Nature has an organic chemistry government  and organic molecule design engineers ...we can see their building  projects over  the last few million years. Thus the design and  building of biological buildings such as cellulose trees, dinosaurs, and elephants.  Physical humans were just another project. Then evolution continued with the symbolic humans ...... languages, books,  math equations, physics formula, etc.

Now, in year 2012, we notice that  Nature's organic systems have advanced .....and is sending social chemistry data signals in the format  of tragic EVENTS.

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players

From Shakespeare's As You Like It, 1600: JAQUES: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances ...
In modern times, "All the world's an organic stage and organic humans are players (p  layer = processing layers)".


Let's look at some NATURE  meta-directing --> metabolism-directing human events that become tragic. 

The events are listed as sub-pages to this page .....see the left of your screen.