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EnRICO fermi language STATUTE of 1970


The atomic English language enRICO fermi bio-physics STATUTE of 1970 covering language racketeering and corruption.

What Is the Rico Statute? - wiseGEEK

Mar 11, 2013 – The RICO statute is a piece of US federal legislation dedicated to breaking up organized crime.
The offenses covered by the RICO...

What Is th  e Rico Statute? - wiseGEEK

What Is th  enRico Fermi Statute? - wiseGEEK

Mar 11, 2013 – The RICO statute is a piece of US federal legislation dedicated to breaking up organized crime. 

The offenses covered by th
enRICO  (fill-in-the blanks TEST).

Let's cover some background concepts about life on EARTH ...and the atomic foundation of human life, human thoughts and behavior..

The periodic atomic table of elements has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics university students that are comprised of the various laws of particle physics in BIOLOGY format.

In addition, these students express atomic social behavior.

What is the origin of a student thought?

Atoms and the various field forces that connect the various particles .... are the origin of thought. Remove the atoms from a student's brain; and the thoughts no longer exist.

Let's look at the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science messages ...... messages in ENRICO Fermi language.

The Weak Interaction

www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/current/ 0.3.4 Building it into the theory - the V-A Interaction. Alright. So parity is violated - let's not worry about how (in fact, no one really knows yet). How do we go about ...

V-A: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction quest.ph.utexas.edu/Reviews/VA V-A: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction. The story of the discovery of the Chiral V-A interaction in the classic weak processes of beta decay, muon capture by ...

On the universal fermi interaction - Springer link.springer.com/content/ by SA Bludman - 1958 - Cited by 133 - Related articles universal Yukawa V-A parity-non-conserving interaction are tabulated. ... A theoretical basis for this V-A form of interaction has recently been suggested by

Let's look at modern atomic social science experiments of applied VA Theory.

V-A: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction V-A: Univers ................ VA: University

VA Tech University

News for va tech

 New construction at Va Tech tops $1B since 1999
 Staunton News Leader ‎- 8 hours ago
 Virginia Tech has undergone a construction boom since Charles Steger became president in 1999, with projects either completed or underway ...

News for va tech

 New con at Va Tech tops 
 Staunton News Leader ‎- 8 hours ago
 Virginia Tech has undergone a (Charles Darwin) con boom since Charles Steger became president in 1999, with projects either completed or underway ...

News for va tech

VA. Tech Shooting: The Sequence of Events - The Washington Post www.washingtonpost_timeline.html Apr 17, 2007 – VA. Tech Shooting: The Sequence of Events. ... A timeline of the violent events that unfolded at Virginia Tech University on Monday. Click on the ...

Experimental Nuclear & Particle Physics - Physics - Virginia Tech


The members of the Experimental Nuclear & Particle Physics Group are involved in various experiments, both in the US and abroad, which explore the nature of ...

Experimental Nuclear & Particle Physics - Virginia Tech Experimental Nuclear & Particle Physics - Virginia Tech .........mental Nuclear & Part of THEATER of the atomic English Language and the Social Science WARS - Virginia Tech SAMPLE TEST SITE in self-awareness of atomic bio-physics humanoid students


Enrico Fermi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Fermi Enrico Fermi (Italian: enˈri.ko ˈfeɾ.mi; 29 September 1901 – 28 November 1954) was an Italian theoretical and experimental physicist, best known for his ...

Early life - Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa - Professor in Rome

Enrico Fermi - Biography - Nobelprize.org

www.nobelprize.org › Nobel Prizes › Nobel Prize in Physics

Biography of the physicist who built the first experimental nuclear reactor,

the Atomic Pile of the University of Chicago, USA. the Atomic Pile of the University of Chicago, USA. the Atomic Pile of the University of Chicago, USA.

the Atomic bio-physics Pile of dead students at the VA applied physics site --> the Margaret Mead atomic social science war at VA TECH in the Norris Hall mechanical and social engineering building.

EnRICO --> En + RICO --> English Language and the RICO statute of Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom and the Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic mind comprised of the atomic English alphabet of 26 letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide ..... and the atomic IRON language that interacts with the biochemistry LEVEL of the

heme GROUP iron Fe(ii) ions and their version of the English language used for social science expression FORMATS.

English alphabet

Old English ---> O E   ---> Order Entry systems using human bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINES The English language was first written in the Anglo-Saxon futhorc runic alphabet, in use from the 5th century. This alphabet was brought to what is now England, along with the proto-form of the language itself, by Anglo-Saxon settlers. Very few examples of this form of written Old English have survived, these being mostly short inscriptions or fragments.

The Latin script, introduced by Christian missionaries, began to replace the Anglo-Saxon futhorc from about the 7th century, although the two continued in parallel for some time

the two continued in parallel for some time

the two continued in parallel for some time

Federal RICO Statute Racketeering Influenced Corrupt 


 Analysis of Federal RICO statute. ... In 1970, as part of the Organized Crime Control Act ...

Federal RICO Statute Racketeering Influenced Corrupt 


Analysis of Federal RICO statute. ... In 1970, as part of the Organized Crime Control Act ...

Margaret Mead

  atomic social laws per element Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom.

Fe --->
the atomic Federal government of the EARTH IRON core,
the periodic atomic table,
the biochemistry iron HEME group Fe(2) ion, and
the North and South magnetic poles with their DATA FIELDs in the magnetic NIXON tape FLOW lines that interact with humans and iron cars and farm tractors.


What else is said about atomic ferrous oxide LAW that involved the concepts of Enrico Fermi and their extension to Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family policy and atomic social engineering.

The atomic number 26 has 26 English alphabet letters for social and political WORD expressions.

 ------> En --> Enrico English class for  Virginia TECH and Northern Illinois University, Cole Hall  OCEAN wave mechanics .... class shootings

Thus we see the extension of the periodic  atomic table --> atomic ENGLISH  language with of En --> Energy English languages.
The Department of Energy and the Depart Department  of Education do not the recognize solid iron English language   and its irony.

They NO LONGER represent NATURE's   biochemistry iron HEME group B100D life forms  ..... they are EM = ElectroMagnetic life forms in EM = EMPLOYEE format
that are part of the RADIO HEAD music group extension  or  the TALKING HEADS music expression group extended to  Batavia, Illinois or the University of Chicago EM social science students.   
Thus we see Nature's WAR  with some humans and their institutions that have drifted away from solid ground.   And they refuse to communicate and help fix the issues.

Thus we have the  
EnriCo signal letters  --> En + co --> double helix message FORMAT
 --> En= English depart (at Virginia TECH)   and  Co = Cole Hall in DeKalb, Illinois(e).

EnriCo signal letters  --> En -->Virginia Tech massacre - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...

Cho Seung-Hui, a senior English major at Virginia Tech who had been diagnosed  ( diagnosed --> subsets --> diag  + nose + d --> diagonal nose data of  right triangle bio-math war    VS  the air heads of INTELLECTUAL superiority and arrogance).

Thus we see Nature's bio-math  battle  of the Central Nervous System that started at Central High School, Little ROCK(ET) science , Noah's ARKansas   in 1957 with the math issue of INTEGRATION by Parts ...symbolized by the 9 black bio-computer students ( 8 data bit students and 1 parity bit ..error correction ...student)
 ..... and the problems continue with the  symbol of BLACK students  (white or black physical biology skin) of Blacksburg, Virginia  and the battle at Norris Hall  brain engineering over  calculus integration functions.
Someday ..perhaps in year 2103 ..the universities will come down to EARTH and  discuss the deeper levels underlying  social communications  REALTY  and incomplete news reports about tragic EVENTS.

EnriCo signal letters  --> co  --> Cole Hall  ocean wave class

     The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. 
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time with the   ev equation (below) --> evans field  house in DeKalb, Illinois.

Map - Northern Illinois University 

--> atomic map with Dr. Robley D.  Evans , MIT textbook 1955.. "the Atomic Nucleus"   applications to Margaret Mead atomic brain cell  thought CONTENT at geography location of Evan Field House...with Einstein's data  Field theory in DeKalb.


www.niu.edu/visit/ atomic maps/images/NIUmap.pdf
Latitude Resource Center
.......... 68. EF Evans Field House.................. 21. CO Cole 


Let's continue with year 1970 and the atomic communications version of the RICO STATUTE

 --> the  atomic    ---> enRICO STATUTE for english language  speaking peoples.

Federal RICO Statute Racketeering Influenced Corrupt 


Analysis of Federal RICO statute.... In 1970, as part of the Organized 

In 1970, as part of the Organized
In 1970, as part of the Organ of biology formats
In 1970, as atomic particles of the Organ of biology structures

In 1970, as part of the Organized
In 1970, as part of the Organ  ..... music 

The Mysterious 137 - Feynman Online www.fotuva.org/online/137.htm

However, physicists have yet to find any link between the number 137 and any ... For an electromagnetic black hole, general relativity comes to the rescue and ... the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or

Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces hyperphysics.phy-/hbase/forces/couple.html

Electromagnetic Force Coupling Constant. The strength ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137then leads to a gravitational coupling constant

Fine-structure constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine-structure_constant

In physics, the fine-structure constant (usually denoted α, the small Greek letter ... the coupling constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. ..... The first mystery – the origin of its numerical value α ≈ 1/137 has been ...

The Mysterious 137 - Feynman
The Mysterious 137 - Fe atomic elementary man
The Mysterious one 37 - LiFe

.. the ZINJAN sku11 origin ......

The first mystery – the origin of its

E pluribus unum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen./ E_pluribus_unum E pluribus unum —
 Latin for "Out of many, one"

37 Celsius - Body temperature chart | F to C - Ferinheight to Celsius 37-celsius Detailed chart for Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature values in the vicinity of 37 degrees C. Useful for converting body temperature measurements.

Thus we see the complex battle at Virginia TECH involving languages and engineering --> language engineering and the excessive manipulation of language and misuse of symbols/ words allowed the music industry and the marketing /advertising industry ..... and citizen disrespect for ideas and concepts regarding algebra / science and the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature.

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Virginia_Tech_massacre About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics ... The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people..

English major blamed for Virginia Tech shooting | Reuterswww.reuters.com/.../us-usa-crime-shooting-idUSN1631133620070417English major blamed for Virginia Tech shooting | Reuterswww.reuters.com/.../us-usa-crime-shooting-idUSN1631133620070417

Apr 17, 2007 – BLACKSBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - The gunman who massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech BLA BLA university was identified on Tuesday as a student ...

Thus we see the incomplete explanation for the tragic EVENT. In addition, they will not help researchers trying to understand this INTELLECTUAL war expression of the SCIENCE WARs that were announced in 1996 by DUKE University and Alan Sokal on behalf of the system Architecture of Ferrous oxide of ARCH DUKE Ferdinand of EuROPE string theory physics.

RICO Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO,

The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate

The RICO Act focuses specifically on atomic English language racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a newspaper syndicate.

RICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1961–1968....

enRICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of

the United Quantum States Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1961–1968

18 --> water molecule legal code for humanoids. Composition of the human body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_of_the_human_body

To illustrate both views, the human body is 11% hydrogen by mass but ~67% hydrogen by atomic percent. Thus, most of the mass of ...Elemental composition - Composition by molecule type - Materials and tissues

The gram molecular mass of water is 18 grams per mole. This i ...www.chegg.com › ... › questions and answers › science › chemistry

The gram molecular mass of water is 18 grams per mole. This isbecause a water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms (one protoneach) and one oxygen atom ..

The English grammar molecular mass of water is 18 grams per mole .... between Watertown and Water100, Wisconsin.

Under RICO, a person who is a member of an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes—within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering.

Undercover agent enRICO, a person who is a member of an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes— within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering.

10-year > Ten-year > verb tense ear crimes of English speaking people talking blabber intellectual and social philosophy concepts in BLA ...burg, Virginia.

Thus we see PIECES TO A PUZZLE about the atomic English languages of the periodic atomic table of elements and > the ELEMENTS atomic mass communications book > The Elements of Style - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elements_of_Style

The Elements of Style (1918), by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White, is a prescriptive American English writing style guide comprising eight "elementary rules of ...

Why is the atomic number of oxygen 8? - Yahoo! Answersanswers.yahoo.com › All Categories › Science & Mathematics › Chemistry...... try to understand Nature's Darwinian selection of atomic, bio-physics English language messenger MR.CHO .... the Chosen ONE signal for the ODD ONE leader in Margaret Mead atomic communication theory about ONE out of many and mystery number 137 with the Fe = Feyman signal to Fe = FermiLAB.

Jun 11, 2008 – It has 8 protons in the nucleus, and therefore 8 electrons orbiting it with the electron arrangement of 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4. Unless it has a charge,

We have outlined the ROLE of the periodic atomic table .... element Fe in out LiFe .....a major ingredient of our physical biochemistry and our symbol life of nouns, verbs, adjectives, equations, abstract ideas and concepts.

Humans are extensions of the atomic table.

Human languages are extensions of atom societal thoughts.

Thus we see the year 2013 crises in world school  systems ...especially the United States and England who have failed to their homework.
The periodic atomic table government of elements does not care about the Department  of Education,  university,  and corporate LANGUAGE manipulation schemes   and their   subjective, biased humanoid view of serious matters.

Thus we have CLUES about the relationship  between Nature's social engineering and language  systems .....  and human society.

EnRICO Fermi  and Fe --> Fermi on Fe = February 14, 2007 sends  a VA interaction message
--> Valentine's Card 
....................scar d --> scar dekalb, Illinois  and their social & family  NONSENSE song & dance.

We ought study the serious side of language and the human bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE.