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Gulliver's Travels with Wilson Hall

RD-blog-number by herb Zinser reviews the FermiLAB ( Wilson Hall building)  physics social science  tragic  signaling EVENT that occurred in Ferguson, Missouri with Michael Brown and Darren Wilson.

Let's review the information strings of string theory to understand the situation.

We repeat some  blog posts that outline  many of the concepts.



Michael Brown Message About Paul Dirac


RD-blog-number-4013 by Herb Zinser reviews the periodic atomic table of elements messages that appear in the news ..... mass communications media.


Of interest are the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family messages  .. the ATOMIC  MASS  social science conflict signals.





 Therefore ...we ask if atomic mass  may have additional mass communications message content  within the generated EVENT database.

Ferguson's Michael Brown: The Tall Tale Of The "Gentle Giant"

Aug 19, 2014 - Ferguson's Michael Brown: The Tall Tale of the "Gentle Giant" ... just won a “hard-fought victory,” having recently graduated from high school, a note ... 

Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible 

Ferguson's Michael Brown: The Tall Tale Of The "Gentle Giant"


 ...in other words ...........

Ferguson's Michael Brown: The Tallahassee Tale Of The "Tall Gentle Giant"





Thus we see the more accurate explantion of the EVENT.
To establish amore complete MODEL of the created EVENT   ... a SYMBOL MAXCHINE  proper  noun linkage had to be established between EARTH iron core  ... EARTYH surface geography regions for Fe --> Ferrous oxide inFER logic processes --> Fermilab  and Ferguson. 

Fermilab's Wilson Hall

View of Wilson Hall from Pine Street gate, Pine Sreet Entrance. Front of Wilson Hall,Wilson Hall with flags. Wilson Hall as seen from Pine Street, Wilson H 

Directions To Wilson Hall, Fermilab

Both the Fermilab box office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central ... Wilson Hall is clearly visible from the Pine Street entrance.

Directions From  Wilson, Fermilab  To Policeman Wilson, Ferguson

Both the Fermilab atomic social science boxing  office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central nervous system  ... Wilson Hall is clearly visible 
from the Pine Street


Hence, you have some pieces to the communication puzzle
 and the   incomplete explanations printed in newspapers about the EVENT ...the omsission of the deeper levels of  data REALITY that may underlie a  tragic signaling SIGNAL 



The 2nd blog post ....

Rd-blog-number-4134 by Herb Zinser reviews the English language war casualty Michael  Brown of the St..Louis area ...the community of Ferguson, Missouri.

The periodic atomic table Margaret  Mead atomic social science expression  .... ..... information signaling EVENT ...........

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Michael_BrownWikipedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by ...
The SYMBOL MACHINE keyword of the event is --> Ferguson --> implies subset atomic message code Fe.
The Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom with atomic number 26 has an atomic English language of 26 alphabet letters.

Hence, the Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE selection of a geography location with an atomic identifier label Fe --> such as Ferguson in the  St.Louis, Missouri message processing region.

The 2nd Darwinian decision  was the selection of a word description and then the Darwinian selection of the associated physical biology entity.

The important word description -->

Ferguson's Michael Brown:
The Tall Tale of the "Gentle Giant"

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Michael_BrownWikipedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, .... who loomed large and didn't cause trouble", referring to him as a "gentle giant". At the time of his death, he was 6' 4" (1.93 m) tall and weighed 292 lb (132 kg).
Thus the EVENT and its information data components are --.

Ferguson --> implies --> Ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26

Tall gentle Giant --> a reference to Gulliver of Gulliver;s travels.

 referring to him as a "gentle giant"  

 referring to him as a "gentle giant"

 refer-back to  Gulliver Swift  with atomic number 26 --> year 1726 with Jonathan Swift.
Thus we see the CAUSE and EFFECT ...... the unsolved English language wars at other locations  ......  resulted in another language war message EVENT.

Some of the other ENGLISH language  war events .......  ignored by newspaper reporters  and news editors  .............

The LANGUAGE wars with  brain-dead student experiments with a common theme:

English - Virginia Tech shooting their BIG MOUTH off with
..........verbal explanations in ERROR of the "WORD of Honor"
..........thus the verbal CAUSE and shooting tragic EFFECT.

Library - Columbine High School library and color in textbooks...
..........violations of the eye/optical nerve ..laws of
.......... STATE of the optical symbol MIND: COLORado

Read ...get an ink PEN from the Pentagon,get a book and go to
........TEXAS to Fort Hood symbolic military-->
........Soldier READ Center...with the Central Nervous System
........370 abstract brain symbolic computer.
.......The molecular cell biology CENTRAL COMMAND is with the
........optical nerve and the symbolic CITY of brain photon life
........of nouns, verbs, English language proper nouns
........and literature. These literary characters influence
........decisions about daily life and provide civilization with
........ social navigation and direction.

Do the words: English, Library, Read have any personal significance?
Do you understand the SIGNAL of the above 3 tragic events?



Thus we see the message from year 1726 --> atomic number 26  to the EARTH iron core  and its geography surface expression region ...with IRON isotope 56  identifiers --> Illinois Route 56 and  56th Street in Chicago.



Fe = FermiLAB and Wilson Hall with  Fe = ferrous oxide atomic mass 56  in message processing region of Illinois Route 56.

Below, Wilson Hall and its problems  .... that is  ... their brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR societal perceptions were manipulated by the FLIP Wilson project.


Flip Wilson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Flip Wilson (December 8, 1933 – November 25, 1998) was an American comedian and actor. In the early 1970s, Wilson hosted his own weekly variety series, ...
Hence, Nature's periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought  ..... upon the recent realization of such atomic brain trickery using words, comedy, and television commands that are input to the
brain bio-computer ... upon realization ..Nature created the  super-symmetry MIRROR to the  FLIP WILSON problem ,,,,, it created the   Michael  Brown problem with Darren Wilson ...  providing empirical data for those thinkers that may still exist on EARTH in year 2014.
The other IRON isotope 56  region is the University  of Chicago and 56th Street.
Hhence, the LINKAGE of these 2 Chicago regions  to the Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom and the city of Fer = Ferguson in St.Louis, Missouri region.
All 3 geography regions have iron atomic identifiers.
All 3 regions have humanoids that use iron in their biology systems.
All 3 regions have failed to communicate  .... their brains are so busy blabbering on molecular cell biology CELL PHONES  ..... that  real  REALITY  and Nature's signaling events are ignored.
However, a pizza advertising signal on TV  ..or a radio advertisement on a sale  ..... gets their attention.
Thus the status of citizens, students, and university administrators   ...  and their failure to understand some simple structural outlines about themselves and the  world they live within.
Thus they lack the  intellectual IRON WILL ..expected of them by Nature in year 2014.
Thus the university failure to explain the Darren Wilson situation ..... probabaly will cause many schools to shut down  ..until  they learn to think clearly  and accept diplomatic communications responsibility regarding the serious matters in  Fer  --> Ferguson and FermiLAB.

Grand Unified Theory - The Particle Adventure

The Particle Adventure
Today, one of the major goals of particle physics is to unify the

various fundamental forces in a
Grand Unified Theory
which could offer a more elegant ...

The Ferguson, Mo., grand jury considering the indictment of Officer Darren Wilson, who ...


Ferguson grand jury fails to reach decision on Darren Wilson indictment


Ferrous oxide grand jury fails to reach decision on Wilson Hall indictment


FermiLAB  grand unified theory  jury fails to reach decision on Darren Wilson indictment



Ferguson grand unified theory jury fails to reach decision on Data array english  ....  FLIP  Wilson indictment



Thus you have some pieces to a  puzzle  ..... and the bull-story explanations in the news   ......  as FLIP WILSON and string theory ...created a new genration of  puppet string scientists  to lazy to help  solve these problems.


The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life ...


The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures —

namely the math, the hard sciences, biochemistry, etc     


the humanities, social sciences, music, arts, political science  — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.