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COBOL provides an update-in-place syntax, for example
Below..part of a COBOL program.
Now, COBOL language programs are written on paper and then typed into the copper-wire wire computer systems.
These programs are usually ...business accounting programs and reports.
However, a precursor to the existence of the COBOL language program on paper and the copper-wire computer is the existence of the COBOL program in the thoughts of a humanoid progarmmer
Nature takes those COBOL thoughts and quickly adapts them to the brain bio-computer account systems.
Thus we see the DUALITY principle come into play with COBOL applications programs ..... with the COBOL accounting programs acquiring a DUAL nature ...EXTERNAL usages by the copper-wire computers and INTERNAL brain usage by the humanoid bio-computer ... the human....... indivi + DUAL = indiviDUAL..
Now, the above COBOL program ...the last English language concept sentence is
---> Peform READ-Par. (the copper-wire version)
using super-symmetry physics applications tools .... applied to the multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism ... gives the perception
--> Perform READ-parallel universes (EARTH universes are different FORMATS of existential expression .... human activities, atomic political science, music harmonic waves, etc.)
giving us insight to the FORT HOOD Soldier READ Center tragedy ...and the deeper levels of REALITY that underlie that message processing geography / SYMBOL MACHINE region of Nature systems.
Now, let's look at another piece of information about the architecture of Nature's existential structures.
Now, let's look at another piece of information about the architecture of Nature's existential structures.
Above, the copper-wire version of the ENVIRONMENT ..... COBOL language statement.
Below...we see Nature's version of the brain computer ....cortex COBOL language and the symbol / equation/ formula .... the abstract symbols / alpha-numeric codes / English alphabets ENVIRONMENT of the human biological BRAIN ... symbol BRAIN extension.
Copper computer <----------------> human brain computer
Environment -----------------> En (English+ viron + ment + al (alphabet)
Environment ------------------> Environmental ......
........................................................mental processor
WHO | Environmental pollution - World Health Organization
www.whpollution/Environmental pollution. This page provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, news and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the ...Environmental Pollution - Journal - Elsevier
www.journalronmental-pollution/Environmental Pollution is an international journal that focuses on papers that report results from original research on the distribution and...
Environmental Pollution - Journal - Elsevier
Environmental Division of cortex COBOL computer program ( Journal) IF Then ..... Else go to Elsevier
Thus we see the BASE 16 hexadecimal shooting battle of April 16 at Virginia TECH English Department and the Norris Hall brain engineering building ....... and their cortex COBOL language ERRORS.Nature used Darwinian selection of Mr.CHO --> the CHOSEN ONE programmable brain bio-computer agent/ human carrier vehicle for Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE military actions.--> the CHOSEN ONE programmable brain--> the CHO SEN ONE--> Mr.CHO SEND ONE message to agent ONE --> Pier one ... is project Odd INTEGER SPACE done at Department of En... Energy & English.Thus ..in summary ... we see that cortex COBOL language and regular English language are now intertwined inside the brain computer SYMBOL MACHINE .... a brain computer program bug can result in an campus ABEND ... the Virginia TECH hexadecimal event.Cortex COBOL can help one understand these things ..... since the COBOL Language would be a fixed, consistent standard language that can be used by the conscious mind, subliminal mind, and the unconscious mind .... and its changing language BASE problem caused by marketing and advertising manipulation.Thus Cooley's anemia ... a symbol / knowledge deficiency --> can take word: COOL and extended it to COBOL ..... then perceive COOL as a subset of word COBOL ..... and then the COBOL language may help manage the subset COOL.eye disease and Base 16 human institution ABENDS.