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Bode murder plot

RD-blog-number-3788 by Herb Zinser

Let's look at the Virginia TECH amino acid ENGLISH department  shooting at Norris Hall.

The tragic molecular signaling EVENT was:

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Norris Hall shootings - About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics ...

Norris Hall shootings

Norris Hall shootings

Norris Hall shootings

Norris Hall --> NH molecular ordered  shootings at address identifier NH = Norris Hall

The NH amino group --> a group of students in NH =  Norris Hall.  

Nature's NH amino group quality control  problems with student brain SYMBOL language INTEGRITY and HONOR values.

The amino acid  language battle field.

Let's outline the factors and steps in Nature's social  engineering  ...molecular military  system.

  • Bode plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Bode plot /ˈboʊdi/ is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's ...
  • Bode Plots Overview - Swarthmore College

    Bode plots are a very useful way to represent the gain and phase of a system as a function of frequency. This is referred to as the frequency domain behavior of ...

  • Bode plot
  • A Bode plot is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's frequency response. Wikipedia

  • Related topics

    If the transfer function is a rational function with real poles and zeros, then the Bode plot can be approximated with straight lines. Wikipedia
    Bode plots are the most widely used means of displaying and communicating frequency response information. facstaff.bucknell.edu
    A Bode plot is a standard format for plotting frequency response of LTI systems. dartmouth.edu
    Explore: Frequency response, LTI system theory


    Let's consider using the concepts for the social engineering and brain language engineering situation at Virginia TECH and its English department ( literature and language representative of humanities and social sciences).

    Bode plot

    A Bode plot /ˈbdi/ is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's frequency response. It is usually a combination of a Bode magnitude plot, expressing the magnitude of the frequency response gain, and a Bode phase plot, expressing the frequency response phase shift.

    The key factor in Nature's adaption  to language ---> 
    a linear, time-invariant system  --> linear sequence of words, ideas, concepts  in an English  sentence  in  black ink on white cellulose paper

    The flow chart of concepts:

    a) The Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the   Virginia TECH campus ( a collective of student and teacher amino acids)  is an amino  acid  student body --> composed of many student bodies (abbreviated

    b) students write papers in English class, social science class, history class, etc.   A paper or essay has a body and uses the English living language.

  • Body Paragraphs - Students Berkeley

    University of California, Berkeley
    Structuring Your Personal Statement: Body Paragraphs. Body paragraphs are the meat of your essay, and as such are the most important component of your ...
  • Paragraphs: The body of the essay - Loyola University New Orleans

    Loyola University New Orleans
    Body paragraphs do the real work of the essay, developing, supporting, explaining, and proving the thesis. A good body paragraph has a clear beginning...
  • 5 Paragraph Essay: Step 5: Body Paragraphs - Wikis - Engrade

    lessons.engrade.com › Wikis
    You Need Body Paragraphs. Body paragraphs are easy. You will write three of them. You just copy down what you put in the tree map. Watch your essay grow ...
  • Essay Writing: Writing: The body of the essay - UniLearning

    University of Wollongong
    The function of the essay's body is to fully develop the argument outlined in the ... Each paragraph within the body of the essay elaborates on one major point in ...

    Thus we have another version of  Bode plot in an English class mystery paper ----> bode ---> Body english plot.

    Thus stories like Sherlock Holmes ... could be perceived as bode plots  ....... and sentences  ...... 
    a linear, time-invariant system

    We are reminded of ......


    Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...

    books.google.com › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...


    Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages


    Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel



    Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
    Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

  • Thus we see a  source domain of concepts, ideas, and words --> the source domain is a SYMBOL LIFE world..

    Student bodies  are composed of amino acids NH.
    Student bodies write essays and English papers.

    In reality, the amino acid INTELLECT within the student writes those bodies of words and sentences --> words and sentences that originate with amino acid social engineering thoughts --> therefore amino acid social science languages..

     Hence, when the university GROUP MIND collective  ...... INTERNAL amino acid thought systems was angry  it decided to EXPRESS an EXTERNAL violent message in the physical biology dimension (the math range of  source domain anger)  and decided that  brick/concrete glass/ iron building NH = Norris Hall would best maximize the information message content of the signaling event.  Of course, everyone ignored the tragic biochemistry  signal.  To busy going to restaurants, watching football, listening to music, bragging, talking, laughing ...life is joke, who cares?  ...etc., etc.

    Let's repeat the outline we started above.

  • The flow chart of concepts:

    a) The Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the   Virginia TECH campus ( a collective of student and teacher amino acids)  is an amino  acid  student body --> composed of many student bodies (abbreviated

    b) students write papers in English class, social science class, history class, etc.   A paper or essay has a body and uses the English living language.

  • Body Paragraphs - 

    The key factor in Nature's adaption  to language ---> a BODE (Body parallel graph = paragraph)   linear, time-invariant system of sentences  --> linear sequence of words, ideas, concepts  in an English  sentence 

    University of California, Berkeley
    Structuring Your Personal Statement: Body Paragraphs. Body paragraphs are the meat of your essay, and as such are the most important component of your ...

     a BODE (Body parallel graph = paragraph)   linear, time-invariant system of sentences 

    Bode Plots

    MIT OpenCourseWare
    Apr 9, 2003 - Bode plots are a graphical representation of the response of a system .... Cutting Machine,” Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,.

    Control Systems/Bode Plots - Wikibooks, open books for an open ...

    and Control Engineering ... A Bode Plot is a useful tool that shows the gain and phase response of a given LTI system for different frequencies. Bode Plots are ...

  • Thus we see applied engineering codes ---> the Bode sum ---> Bo + de + sum -->Bodies Dead sum --> 32 dead at Virginia TECH 

  • Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, before ...

    The Bode pole social engineering EVENT require a Polish-American citizen ...a POLE..... .hence, Steven Kazmierczak.

    The Northern Illinois University BODE sum --> Bodies dead sum --> 6 dead sum 

  • The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.
  •  Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

    Thus, in year 2014. we have an outline of additional factors to concsider in the analysis of these events,
    Newspapers have printed incomplete  explanations or REALITY; however, their description of the surface veneer of the EVENT (date, time, people involved, police data gathered)  provides a good empirical database for those interested in more serious research into the deeper levels of existence ... the levels of REALITY that are intertwined in such a signaling EVENT.

    Transfer Functions and Bode Plots - ECE Users Pages

    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Transfer Functions and Bode Plots. Transfer Functions

  • Bode plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Bode plot /ˈboʊdi/ is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's ...
  • [PDF]


    Tom Penick tomzap@eden.com www.teicontrols.com/notes 11/20/99 Page 1 of 7. CREATING BODE PLOTS FROM A. TRANSFER FUNCTION. Given the ...

  • Thus we see the TRANSFER  of responsibility and integrity FUNCTION from the world of SYMBOL LIFE and the living language of equations  ---> to physical biology reality and human daily affairs.