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MANILA gravity sigmal LINKED to NIL and World Trade Center


The Earth's gravity field  and the Earth's center of mass  are important aspects of geology, geo-physics, and world happenings.  An imbalance in these various EARTH  components of NATURE's system  can result in many problems .....physical problems like some tidal waves, earthquakes. hurricanes ...... or social science tragedies that  are created  by Nature's anger. These  tragic social messages   are  Nature's  social engineering FEEDBACK ERROR signals  regarding  human violations of  various  SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature's systems.

Let's look at a situation...and outlines some of the factors.

The current signals received from Nature VIA  societal signals ...describe  some past events.  The importance of the current news is to help explain the relationship  between gravity   and other factors on EARTH (physical buildings, sky scrapers,  universities and symbolic buildings,etc.)    Nature is trying to provide CLUES about important EARTH systems ...... .a CAUSE -----> EFFECT.  
The tragic  events provide empirical  data about these system relationships.  

Humans,  human institutions and corporations  are subsets embedded within the multi-faceted dimensions  of Nature's systems.
Nature  can use  Darwinian  selection of  programmable HUMAN bio-computers to carry out Nature's military missions.

Let's look at the gravity signal.

Welcome news - Manila Standard Today

Feb 5, 2013 – Manila Standard Today ... The Philippine economy grew 6.6 percent for the full year 2012, surpassing even ...

How GDP grew 6.6% and why it's hard to repeat - Manila Times

Feb 4, 2013 – The impressive 6.6 percent economic growth last year sent the stock ... data,

Let's understand this multi-level  atomic English language message from the periodic atomic table  ..we look at the IRON calendar ......element Fe and the TIME of IRON..the month of Fe = February.

Welcome news - Manila  Standard Today

Welcome news - Manila --> Man + il + a --> human man illinois america 

Welcome news - Man atomic brain     Standard Today

  • Standard Model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate the dynamics of the ...
  • The Standard Model - The Physics Hypertextbook

    The standard model is the name given in the 1970s to a theory of fundamental particles and how they interact. It incorporated all that was known about ...

  • Welcome news - Man    Standard Today

    Welcome news -  Standard --> Stand area rd Today


    Feb 5, 2013 
    Feb 5, 2 --> Fe + base 52 weeks 
    Feb 5 --> Fe + Base  (5=S) Systems 
    Feb --> Fe +b --> FermiLAB, batavia

    Welcome news - Manila  Standard Today

    SAD, tragic news  - Manila  Standard Today

    Feb 5, 2013 – Manila Standard Today ... The Philippine economy grew 6.6 percent for the full year 2012, surpassing even ...

    How GDP grew 6.6% and why it's hard to repeat - Manila Times

    Feb 4, 2013 – The impressive 6.6 percent economic growth last year sent the stock ... data,

    ---> Feb---> Ferrous oxide month of February --> becomes data event --> Feb 14,2008
    ----> Manila --> Man + nil + america --> Man Northern Illinois america (the Nature of the universe message to university)
    --> GDP grew 6.6% --> Group Death Parameters with  NIL GDP ---> Group Daniel  Parmenter  with 6 alive --> gravity transition phase to 6 dead

    The empirical data event associated with the above analysis. 

    Northern Illinois (NIL)   .... University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     Since February 14, 2008, Cole Hall had remained closed to the public. Classes that were held in the building's two large ...

    Gravity transition phase of the 2-legged human STAND component of the STANDARD model.

    Alive  6 people able to stand ....  in the  6 feet vertical gravity field on Feb 13,2008

    G --> 6.6 ........
    Group 6 (left of decimal point is the living able to stand on 2 atomic bio-physics legs) 

    A total of six people, all residents of Illinois,  lived in gravity dimensions of the 11-dimensions of string theory

    Catalina Garcia20Cicero
    Julianna Gehant32Mendota
    Ryanne Mace19Carpentersville
    Daniel Parmenter20Elmhurst
    Gayle Dubowski20Carol Stream
    Steven Kazmierczak (perpetrator)27Champaign

    Deceased in the gravity field interaction battle with February  ferrous oxide IRON on Feb 14.

    A total of six people, all residents of Illinois, were killed in the incident:]

    Name Age Hometown
    Catalina Garcia 20 Cicero
    Julianna Gehant 32 Mendota
    Ryanne Mace 19 Carpentersville
    Daniel Parmenter 20 Elmhurst
    Gayle Dubowski 20 Carol Stream
    Steven Kazmierczak (perpetrator) 27 Champaign

    Thus we look at the gravity people involved for CLUES.

    Catalina G --> universal gravitational  constant  SYS1.CATALOG
    Julianna G --> universal gravitational constant  JULIAN DATE format 
    Ryanne Mac --> Macro subroutines
    Daniel P --> DP = Data Processing gravity bio-computer war zone
    Steven K --> even  K --> even integer BASE  2  --> Y 2K  TIME war zone 
    Thus the Manila system processes some selected EVENTS that occur on EARTH ...and years  later is able to send an output message  .... that may be recognized by aware humans.
    The message provided clues to the deeper underlying CAUSE -->EFFECT relationships between MAN and NATURE  ... that needed to be considered in a more complete explanatory model of the  tragedy ...in this case the MANILA tragedy of  MAN + NIL + AMERICA.

    Welcome news - Manila  Standard Today

    Feb 5, 2013 – Manila Standard Today ... The Philippine economy grew 6.6 percent for the full year 2012, surpassing even ...

    How GDP grew 6.6% and why it's hard to repeat - Manila Times

    Feb 4, 2013 – The impressive 6.6 percent economic growth last year sent the stock ... data,

    SAD, tragic  news - Man --> Manhattan   Standard  fails of Sept11,2001

    September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    From top to bottom: the World Trade Center burning; a section of the ... United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001.

    S  11 attacks -  gravity system exponent 11 attacks  


    The constant G appearing in Newton's law of gravitation, also known as the universal gravitational constant,

    where F is the force between two masses m and M a distance r apart. The numerical value of g is


  • Center of mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Earth geo-physics WAR at location with a proper noun name that best symbolizes the situation  --->
    Center of mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    WORLD TRADE center --> implies center of mass 
    WORLD traitor  center   .... the INTELLECTUAL WARS and the Science Wars  between Isaac Newton gravity field  AND NEWTON entities --->the New York Times  science wars news and New York Universities

    Jump to Center of gravity‎: Center of gravity is the point in a body around which the ... In physics the benefits of using the center of mass to model a ...
  • Center of Mass

    Center of Mass. The terms "center of mass" and "center of gravity" are used synonymously in a uniform gravity field to represent the unique point in an object or ...

    centre of gravity (physics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

    In a uniform gravitational field the centre of gravity is identical to the centre of mass, a term preferred by physicists

    Thus we have serious perception problems of the Manhattan Project physics signal of Sept 11, 2001.

    The complete omission of these possible important factors raises serious questions about the New York educational system failure to question and consider  all angles. 
    Isaac  Newton and the  NEW  gravity city experiment of Nature with  the geography location of NEW York CITY   ...and new gravity languages with GB == Gravity Base --> Great Britain and the English gravity social group ty language ....... see the gravity field and its 26 letter  that LINK to the 26 atomic number below  that LINK to the  TWO TOWERS of iron sky-scrapers  that have an interaction  LINK  with  the North  Pole magnetic field flow lines thru the  EARTH space/time region of Manhattan.

    Thus we see the system ..... involved in the SEPT  11 event.  
    Humans are subsets embedded within the multi-faceted  dimensions of Nature.
    Many humans are programable bio-computers ...... thus Darwinian selection of such bio-computer humans ...... that Nature can program ..... such as the  citizen/federal governments's  SEPTEMBER 11, 2001  Manhattan Project pilot program.

    EVOLUTION of the Darwinian  Manhattan Project from 1943   to  year 2001 --> Margaret Mead  atomic social science Manhattan Project year 2000 Y2K deadline ..... year 2001 Sept 11 DEAD listed in  newspaper  headLINES.

    Manhattan Project Chronology - Atomicarchive.com

    www.atomicarchive.com › HistoryThe Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb. ... June 17 1943: President Roosevelt approves the S-1 Executive Committee recommendation to proceed to the pilot plant stage and instructs that plant construction be the responsibility of the ...

    the S-1 Executive Committee recommendation to proceed to the pilot plant stage
    the S-1 Executive Committee recommendation to proceed to the pilot plant stage
    the S-11  Executive Committee recommendation (Hierarchy Problem in atomic human government)
     to proceed to the
     pilot plan  stage

    the Sept-11  Executive Committee recommendation (Hierarchy Problem in atomic human government) 
     to proceed to the
     pilot plan  stage

    Pilots For 9/11 Truth


    Pilots For 9/11 Truth

    Founded in 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation ... how come the steel beams of the twin towers – whose melting point is supposed to ...



    The Manhattan Project  ---> proceed to the pilot plant stage --> New York theater ...stage performance in Lower Manhattan

    September 11 attacks

    Hijackers in the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free ...

    The hijackers were organized into four teams, each led by a pilot-trained hijacker .... "a few blocks from where the World Trade Center's twin towers once stood"; ...


    Welcome news - Manila Standard Today

    Feb 5, 2013 – Manila Standard Today ... The Philippine economy grew 6.6 percent for the full year 2012, surpassing even ...

    How GDP grew 6.6% and why it's hard to repeat - Manila Times

    Feb 4, 2013 – The impressive 6.6 percent economic growth last year sent the stock ... data,