Gravity war signal - WEIGHT loss
The gravity war on the surface of EARTH involves humans ...and their violation of gravity social engineering parameters.
Many television shows that are broadcast ..... talk about weight loss.
That is 1 problem ...the obvious problem ..... the biology health problem of some people.
Let's look at the 2nd message ...the possible hidden meaning of those TV broadcasts.
Let review some background.
I live in the Watertown, Wisconsin region ..... a community between Milwaukee and Madison.
I receive the TV broadcasts from both major cities ...and both major cities have major GRAVITY RD centers.
Relativity group at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Includes information on staff, events, collaborations and publications. Research interests include ...
Nov 30, 2011 – University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee ... at UWM is one of the nation's largest and most active research groups in gravity,
Feb 6, 2007 – University of Wisconsin-Madison, Skip navigation · Department of Physics ... physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity
What SECRET gravity communication signals may exist ...that emanate from the University of Wisconsin region ...a region of gravity interaction with gravity student brain mass and interaction with brain thoughts.
Since gravity has interacted with human brain thoughts over the last 6,670 years ...... we have a primordial bio-physics gravity LINK with the college students subconscious MIND.
The Gravity secret code G ...... is used by Madison for their secret G program ...under the auspices of
Thus we see the TV message about weight loss -->implies brain loss in the gravity experiments>
Gravity field X brain atomic mass = brain weight (in 2 formats ...physical weight and symbolic thought weight)
What are gravity thoughts...... serious, grave matters, heavy thinking , give weight to the matter (idea.
Gravity interacts with human mass weight.
Gravity life interacts with brain mass rise to the English language gravity thought expressions:[noun]
Synonyms of weight[noun] from the Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus with antonyms, ... the quality or state of being important <a matter of little weight that is a preoccupation solely of the news media> .... Other Merriam-Webster Dictionaries ...
Dictionary Home » Thesaurus » importance ... great moment; weight implies an estimation of the relative importance of something his word carries great weight ...
Information about importance in the free online English dictionary and ... 1. significance, interest, concern, matter, moment, value, worth, weight, import, ...
Thus we see the situation ...the gravity thought wars inside the human brain.
Thus we see the murder of Jake G. in Milwaukee as a murder motivated by the EARTH gravity field and its anger with the human communication ERRORS.
Jake Gerard was murdered by another gravity humanoid....with EARTH LAB gravity specimen label: Lugo G.
Thus the gravity bio-computer hybrid system with the gravity field LU = Logical Unit being the gravity interaction device with proper noun bio-computer identifier Lugo G.
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Quick ViewApr 28, 2008 – Lugo, Gabriei Nmi D.O.B. April 2, 1989 Page - 3 -. Detective Teske further states that the bullet recovered from Jake Gerard during the autopsy ...
Thus we see the computer NATURE of gravity .....and
gravity word: weight -->symbols --> w + eight --> implies 8 data bits ....or a gravity BYTE ...or a gravity BITE (that eats or consumes or creates problems)
Thus the gravity equation ......CLUE ...the concept of the weight war LINKS to the gravity war.
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaningor by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
With Chris Powell. ABC's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition is a new weight loss show for anyone who has 200 pounds or more to shed.
From Yahoo! Shine: January brings a renewed resolve to lose weight for many Americans. This does not go unnoticed by network programmers. This year there ...
Talk about a weighty vote of confidence: The second season of ABC's summer series Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition doesn't launch until June 3, but ...
Oct 26, 2012 – It may be inspiring to watch contestants shed upwards of 100 pounds on TV's "The Biggest Loser," but it's not doing anything for your own ...
In law, sedition
is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by
the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established
or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state. 2.
Insurrection; rebellion. [Middle English sedicioun, violent party
strife, from Old
against the authority of a state
against the authority of a state
against the authority of a state of NATURE and the Earth's gravity field laws and limits
Another gravity EVENT and signal .... was the V8 --> Vertical Vector 8 data bits signal ...VIA humanoid named McVeigh(t).
McVeigh entered Oklahoma City at 8:50 am CST. At 8:57 am CST the Regency Towers Apartments' lobby security camera that had recorded Nichols' pickup ...
If there had been no Waco, would there have been no Oklahoma City?
Did McVeigh want to be captured?
Why did the government only bring charges against ...
Thus we see a few pieces to the gravity crime signal puzzle.
And we have the Wisconsin gravity CODE of SILENCE ... about everyday life within the gravity field .
Gravity highway is very famous in Arizona with Gabby Giffords and her gravity NASA husband.
Equation GHOST --> G Host ---> Gravity (government) with gravity HOST computer system 370.