Now, above is the START of the information pathway (Year 1956 signal) ......
and the END of the pathway is 2 things:
a) working with that CICS COBOL application program around year 1992
b) the realization that there might be some EARTH iron core message / periodic atomic table message / etc .....year 2012 (year 1956 + IRON Curtain 56 atomic mass = 2012)
The atomic mass of Fe = Ferrous oxide atom is often rounded to an integer for communications .... like the PHYSICS DEPARTMENT and their subliminal MIND .....periodic atomic table highway SIGN messages ...55 miles per hour for 4-wheeled IRON motor vehicles OR year 1956 IRON TANKS from the IRON Curtain ..... messages created for intellectual THINK TANKS that specialize in gestalt awareness.
Okay, let's continue.
We had year 1956 and Hungary.
Around year 1980 I worked as a sub-contractor applications programmer at a Catholic hospital organization in the Chicago region.
The applications project at Ancillia Domini Health services involved the IBM 8100 DPCX Distributed Processing System.
The supervisor/manager of several people ..including me ...was named SIG Bal???? He grew up in Hungary and was living on a farm (I thinK) when the event happened.
Eventually, he came to the United States, learned computer programming and worked his way up.
At the time, he was a nice guy, smart, worked hard ... and his name was a NAME. We all have names!
But in the modern theory of human life...we are bio-computers .....then SIG BAL --> could translate to SIGNAL BAL = Basic Assembler Language.
Thus his subconscious mind may have contained a SECRET SIGNAL from Nature about Europe..such as:
a) Bal --> Balkan geography region with a computer language name
b) Bal ---> the Baltic geography region
c) his geography country Hungary + IRON Curtain ...using super-symmetry physics mirrors
gives geography parallel .......gary + IRON industry along Lake Michigan near Chicago.
Thus the IRON atomic mass 56 EVENT that occurred in Europe 1956 .....involved Gary, Indiana and the iron and steel industry.
All that is covered up by the labor unions and corporations involved in that industry.
In addition, the machine tool and die industry, metal fabricating industry ...... all deny the existence on any such factors.
In year 2012 . . . . . they deny the existence of GRAND UNIFIED THEORY and the THEORY of EVERYTHING.
Let's continue.
We have year 1956 and Hungary and the IRON Curtain.
We have year 1980 and the computer supervisor who grew up in Hungary.
We have year 1992 and a CICS COBOL application program OE19156P ...that was as used by the Itasca, Illinois company to place special purchase orders with vendors as needed.
They were called F & J orders .... and the purchasing department used it.
In that program ...for testing only...for diagnostic purposes ... to help trace some error applications programmer placed in working storage the words: Donald Duck.
Okay..that is no issue.
Accidently...since several different programmers did enhancements on OE19156P ..... Donald Duck appeared on some production CICS screen.
Well. Donald Duck was removed form the source code, the program OE19156P was recompiled and placed in the LOAD library and activated.
All programmers were reminded to use the words "TEST AREA" ...... if we needed some special identifier.
Now, I think of DD = Data Definition.
Okay, Hollywood cartoons are really a secret optical computer system to control our brains.
DD = Donald Duck equivalent to OS/JCL Data Definition
Mickey Mouse --> Mic + key + mouse--> Microsoft KEY to success with the computer mouse
Popeye --> P + ope + eye --> Processor open(human optical data set) eye now we see the SECRETS of Washington,DC and the universities manipulation tricks.
The other CLUE is Itasca, Illinois. The television show DEEP SPACE NINE program ( 8 data bits + 1 parity bit) used to program the brain bio-computer of math and science students .....had a character that appeared once....named --> I Task ??? ..I just remember the interaction with Odo)
YEAR 2012 ..... the themes arise
a) human bio-computers and Hollywood and other involved in BRAIN bio-computer programming.
Programming BUG on April 16 at Virginia TECH ..... university plays DUMB.
The entire world-wide computer industry PLAYS DUMB.
Base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ....... the staff can't be bothered.
b) The major theme involves OE19156p and atomic mass IRON 56
How could that work ..... that 56 year message ... signaling plan it unfolds into REALITY.
A Computer Earth system 370 model of interaction with human bio-computer would help explain everything.
As the foundation of such a system ..involving IRON atomic mass 56 .....
we suggest the EARTH iron core and its interaction with the North Pole magnetic field and/or the Earth IRON CORE interaction with gravity.
Let's focus on the EARTH iron core and the North Pole magnetic field and the interaction with HUMAN iron red-blood cells.
Blood is red due to hemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen around) which is held in the red blood cells.
In the hemoglobin are four atoms of iron which ...
Thus we have the concepts necessary for a system flowchart on IRON and magnetic data field information flow.
Thus in the EARTH IRON core had master computer program with a project plan /message plan ...... like a director of a theater ..
then over 56 years .....the Earth iron director could probably arrange that certain people cross-paths at work or in business (such as outlined above).
Thus we see Nature as the director of the above performance ....
William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7).
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being ...
William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7). All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances from the magnetic field THEATER.
We all know about this. We are taught this since childhood .... details of the North Pole.
Santa Claus leaves the NORTH POLE with his magnetic field flying reindeer AND a sleigh filled with gifts (magnetic DATA Fields).
Fer = Ferrous oxide atom RD location knows about the other IRON system ..the ancient ferry system of the magnetic field at Fer= FermiLAB, Batavia Illinois.
Thus you may have a secret ..if you are over atomic mass age 56.
Are you an indivi.DUAL? What is your DUAL life? So, you're holding out. Won't talk!