The Shakespeare battle of Sept 11, 2001 Man = Manuscript Manhattan
The English language WAR in the United States of North America is extensively covered in newspaper and magazine reports.
Language tragic EVENTS:
English --> Virginia TECH base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer violations by the English department
Library --> Columbine High School, Colorado and COLOR printing attacks on the eye/optical nerve ....the optical color STATES of MIND - Colorado implies color spectrum
Read --> Fort parentHOOD Soldier READ Center ...Washington,DC nonsense and arrogance violations of language standards ......and citizen BULL-story limits exceeded
Oceania --> George Orwell propaganda war with Northern ILL/sick noise university, Cole Hall ocean class message
Let's look at the anger of the ENGLISH language, its symbol / word INTELLECT, and the actions of its INDEPENDENT main computer program ...that runs in INDEPENDENT bio-computer processing regions inside the human puppet brain computer.
Experiments with the students of University of Wisconsin and the citizens of Madison clearly show that their human brain is in a LSMFT operating configuration. Reports published in the Madison newspaper provide the empirical data regarding the bio-computer PUPPET region. LSMFT = Language System Multiple Fixed Tasks ...... well-known to the manipulating programmers that control the city.
OS/360, officially known as IBM System/360 Operating System, was a batch processing operating system ... Option 2; Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (MFT); MFT 2. Multiple .... It was very cumbersome to run multiple partitions.
Multiple batches. IBM OS/MFT (Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks). OS for IBM system 360. The (real) memory is partitioned and a batch is ...
Let's look at the most famous English language in 400 years ...... year 1600 + 400 --> year 2000 ...start ATTACK PLAN for the language traitors of Manhattan and the East Coast on the United States,
Year 2000 ....for 20/20 optical vision integrity and the WORD of HONOR
...English Language military project: The Shakespeare Manuscript
William Shakespeare - Wikipedia, William_
ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare
(26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet and
playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English ...
The year 2000 English Language military project: The Shakespeare Manuscript
Key word commands
Shakespeare --> Shake + speare
--> implies (Shake/rattle and roll ) a vertical speare ( The 2 Towers are like vertical sahfts/spears) with a weapon speare ( the plane geometry airplane speare)
Manuscript location of play -->Man --> Manhattan performance for Virginia Tech and Penn State and other EAST Coast language departments.
year 1600 Words ..."The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"
Year 2000 + 1 year ...." The WORLD TRADE CENTER is a tragic stage and we are the players ...who want to play BRAIN dead".
Let's clarify these words ...using the WEBSTER, New York dictionary of firefighter
1 day ago – Lt. Michael Chiapperini, 43 and Tomasz Kaczowka, 19, both volunteer firefighters, were killed in a Christmas Eve ambush in Webster, N.Y. ...
Shakespeare --> Shake + speare ........ year 2001 ...New York literary INTELLECTUAL circles
v. shook (sh k), shak·en (sh k n), shak·ing, shakes. 1. To cause to move to and fro with jerky movements. 2. To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock. 3.
vibrate especially as the result of a blow or shock. 3. : to tremble
as a result of physical or emotional disturbance <shook with
fear>. 4. : to experience a state of ...
Did these buildings SHAKE ...... with Shakespeare symbolic buildings issuing commands inside the programmable human brains of the bio-computer pilot attackers?
Shakespeare --> Shake + speare
speare --> one definition is a vertical column of some type
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Quick ViewGreen asparagus spears; harvest fresh asparagus from school garden n. One spear ... with marinated vegetables and serve. (warm or ... How Much Do I Need?
The Darwin evolution of the cellulose vegetable spear concept to the above Manhattan iron skyscraper speares.
Although asparagus is widely available almost yearly now, many still prefer the ... Asparagus is harvested when the spears emerge in early spring. ... When each spear is marked with brown spots and is tender, remove from heat and serve.
Definition of spear in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of spear. ... Noun, 1. spear - a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon. lance, shaft · assagai, assegai ...
Spear definition, a long, stabbing weapon for thrusting or throwing, consisting of a wooden shaft to which a sharp-pointed head, as of iron or steel, is attached.
Synonyms for spear at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. ... Not only that, the propulsion unit contains spear guns
The usage of a jet airplane as a spear .... to shake the WORLD of English language bull-stories.
Thus the symbolic WORLD of proper nouns, concepts, ideas and the INTELLECTUAL WAR..... can be transformed into a physical expressions the THEATER of language respect WAR on SEPT 11, 2001.
The destruction of the Twin Towers caused serious damage to the economy of Lower ... The flight paths of the four hijacked planes used in the terrorist attacks of ...
... has happened to one of the Twin Towers. He states that it was clearly a terrorist attack.
This was mentioned within the first five minutes after the first plane hit.
Thus the airplanes are horizontal l vector spears ....used to help implement the English Language military project: The Shakespeare Manuscript
Thus we see a modern language puzzle ..that Virginia TECH ignored ...that the Pentagon book war over ...... LITTLE READ Riding HOOD ...... the Soldier READ center Fort Hood.
1998 -
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