Thus we have a few starting pieces to an interesting puzzle.
What are the 4 nucleotides for DNA? In: Genetics
The 4 nucleotides in DNA
A = Adenine
G = Guanine
C =
T = Thymine ...
the WORDS--> B100D Pressure ...algebra subset codes
..............................DP --> Data Pulse of the heartbeat oscillations is LINKED to
Cytosine --> Cyto + sine wave curve of math functions / electronic oscillations.
Additional alpha/numeric pieces of the biochemistry WORDS.... their
alphabet and number components
Adenine --subset symbols nine = 9
Guanine --> subset number nine =
Somehow this gets involved in some bio-math calculation.
At the moment we see 9 x 9 = 81.
Let's look at IBM system 370 and the IBM 8100 DPCX.
Let's convert the copper-wire computer into a
human bio-computer ..... in other words...let's take the copper-wire
systems and their SYMBOLIC architecture .....
and by reading those IBM manuals into our eyes/optical nerve --> route
information to our INTERNAL bio-chemistry department with NATURE's thought team
we see the
graphic shape of number 8 looks like letter B
graphic shape of number 5 look like S --> System
alphabet letters loo --> 100 as number one hundred
Thus 8100D PCX ---> the ade.nine and Gua.nine role in 81 --> Blood
........B100D Person Computer bio-alpha/numeric math model X
A DNA introduction to the IBM 8100 information system
with adenine X guanine --> 9 X 9 --> 8100 in year 1981 bio-chemistry INTERNAL processing expressions converted to EXTERNAL display format pictured below
- IBM 8100 Information System and Distributed Programming
ProcessingIBM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
...IBM 8100 D
...IBM B100 D --> societal control systems
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base ..
IBM 8100 -
IBM 8100 was at one time IBM's principal distributed processing engine, ... two incompatible operating systems (DPPX and DPCX) and was follow-on to IBM ...