Do molecules do math calculations?
Do they think?
Why not?
Why not?
They do everything else necessary for human biological existence.
Let's look at Nature's CLUES that may describes DNA computer blood a symbolic machine. ....with bio-math symbolic expressions of thought.
secret WORDS--> B100D Pressure ...algebra subset codes
..................................DP --> Data Processing abilities
..................................DP --> Data Processing abilities
DNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules are informational
molecules encoding the genetic instructions used in the development and
functioning of all known ...Additional CLUES involve the word identifier for DNA ....and
numbers 16 and 4.
alphabet data symbol ----> D e o x y r i b o n u c l e i c
...... A c i d
DNA computer address ---> 1....3 ...5...7...9....11...13.......16
---> 1.....4
Above we see the Base 16 hexadecimal nature of the living word-->
In mathematics and computer
science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex)
is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses
sixteen distinct symbols,
Hexadecimal bio-computer ...... that model fits in with the oxygen atomic mass 16 with Base 16 LU =Logical Unit = LUNG model.
Thus we have a few starting pieces to an interesting puzzle.
What are the
4 nucleotides for DNA › ... › Categories › Science › Biology › GeneticsWhat are the 4 nucleotides for DNA? In: Genetics
The 4 nucleotides in DNA
A = Adenine
G = Guanine
C =
T = Thymine ...
the WORDS--> B100D Pressure ...algebra subset codes
..............................DP --> Data Pulse of the heartbeat oscillations is LINKED to
Cytosine --> Cyto + sine wave curve of math functions / electronic oscillations.
Additional alpha/numeric pieces of the biochemistry WORDS.... their
alphabet and number components
Adenine --subset symbols nine = 9
Guanine --> subset number nine =
Somehow this gets involved in some bio-math calculation.
At the moment we see 9 x 9 = 81.
Let's look at IBM system 370 and the IBM 8100 DPCX.
Let's convert the copper-wire computer into a
human bio-computer ..... in other words...let's take the copper-wire
systems and their SYMBOLIC architecture .....
and by reading those IBM manuals into our eyes/optical nerve --> route
information to our INTERNAL bio-chemistry department with NATURE's thought team
we see the
graphic shape of number 8 looks like letter B
graphic shape of number 5 look like S --> System
equivalence alphabet letters loo --> 100 as number one hundred
Thus 8100D PCX ---> the ade.nine and Gua.nine role in 81 --> Blood
........B100D Person Computer bio-alpha/numeric math model X
A DNA introduction to the IBM 8100 information system
with adenine X guanine --> 9 X 9 --> 8100 in year 1981 bio-chemistry INTERNAL processing expressions converted to EXTERNAL display format pictured below
- IBM 8100 Information System and Distributed Programming ProcessingIBM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
...IBM 8100 D
...IBM B100 D --> societal control systems
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base ..
IBM 8100 -
IBM 8100 was at one time IBM's principal distributed processing engine, ... two incompatible operating systems (DPPX and DPCX) and was follow-on to IBM ...
Thus we have a few starting pieces to an interesting puzzle.
What are the
4 nucleotides for DNA › ... › Categories › Science › Biology › GeneticsWhat are the 4 nucleotides for DNA? In: Genetics
The 4 nucleotides in DNA
A = Adenine
G = Guanine
C =
T = Thymine ...
the WORDS--> B100D Pressure ...algebra subset codes
..............................DP --> Data Pulse of the heartbeat oscillations is LINKED to
Cytosine --> Cyto + sine wave curve of math functions / electronic oscillations.
Additional alpha/numeric pieces of the biochemistry WORDS.... their
alphabet and number components
Adenine --subset symbols nine = 9
Guanine --> subset number nine =
Somehow this gets involved in some bio-math calculation.
At the moment we see 9 x 9 = 81.
Let's look at IBM system 370 and the IBM 8100 DPCX.
Let's convert the copper-wire computer into a
human bio-computer ..... in other words...let's take the copper-wire
systems and their SYMBOLIC architecture .....
and by reading those IBM manuals into our eyes/optical nerve --> route
information to our INTERNAL bio-chemistry department with NATURE's thought team
we see the
graphic shape of number 8 looks like letter B
graphic shape of number 5 look like S --> System
equivalence alphabet letters loo --> 100 as number one hundred
Thus 8100D PCX ---> the ade.nine and Gua.nine role in 81 --> Blood
........B100D Person Computer bio-alpha/numeric math model X
A DNA introduction to the IBM 8100 information system
with adenine X guanine --> 9 X 9 --> 8100 in year 1981 bio-chemistry INTERNAL processing expressions converted to EXTERNAL display format pictured below
- IBM 8100 Information System and Distributed Programming ProcessingIBM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
...IBM 8100 D
...IBM B100 D --> societal control systems
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base ..
IBM 8100 -
IBM 8100 was at one time IBM's principal distributed processing engine, ... two incompatible operating systems (DPPX and DPCX) and was follow-on to IBM ...
What are the 4 nucleotides for DNA › ... › Categories › Science › Biology › Genetics
What are the 4 nucleotides for DNA? In: GeneticsThe 4 nucleotides in DNA
A = Adenine
G = Guanine
C = Cytosine
T = Thymine ...
..............................DP --> Data Pulse of the heartbeat oscillations is LINKED to
Cytosine --> Cyto + sine wave curve of math functions / electronic oscillations.
Guanine --> subset number nine = 9
graphic shape of number 8 looks like letter B
A DNA introduction to the IBM 8100 information system
with adenine X guanine --> 9 X 9 --> 8100 in year 1981 bio-chemistry INTERNAL processing expressions converted to EXTERNAL display format pictured below
IBM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
...IBM 8100 D
...IBM B100 D --> societal control systems
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base ..
IBM 8100 -
IBM 8100 was at one time IBM's principal distributed processing engine, ... two incompatible operating systems (DPPX and DPCX) and was follow-on to IBM ...
Thus we see that biochemistry has evolved into 2 major areas: the biology
processes and the symbolic life parallel processes.
This was announced by the Darwin selection of newspaper communication
theorists .... Patty Hearst and her Darwinian experiences with the Symbolic
ARMY ..Symboise Army and
and the DNA social science EVENT --> DNA parallel processing ......signal from the 1970's message processing EVENT.
and the DNA social science EVENT --> DNA parallel processing ......signal from the 1970's message processing EVENT.