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Sam Hengel geography WAR

RD-blog-number-5728 by Herb Zinser reviews the Earth GEOGRAPHY WAR  ...  Boy Scout casualty  Sam Hengel  and others.


Let's look at another blog that outlines the situation  ...and includes Sam Hengel .... and his CLAY people heritage VIA his mother's naiden name Clayton.

The EARTH keyord code identifier .....  ton, weigth . pounds ....all refer to the EARTH weight system (physics/chemistry  mesurement scale) and  the  philiosophy of  heavy thoughts.

Words with ton .... EARTH war zones

- Gulf of TON --> Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam with President  pounds Job --> that is abbreviated  LB JOB  --> Prsedent LBJ from Texas.

- Boston Marathon race bombing in year 2013 ...  an EARTH war zone with COMPUTER EARTH errors at Cape Cod(e)  and atomic MASS errors in the quantum state of Massachusetts

- Hubbleton, WIsconsin and the EARTH gravitational lenses  focal OUTPUT point  ...and information OUTPUT communications HUB on HIghway 19 (K atomic number 19 of poatssium)   and County Road G (universal  gravitational constant) 


The other blog post ...

The Norberg and Kazmierczak DATABASES

help explain the murder of Sam Hengel

Rd-blog-number-5720 by Herb Zinser reviews some tragic signaling events.  The events provide and database of information that LINKS to the well-known, well-publicizied   EARTH WARS described in code word books like ….


battlefiel;d earth



Using Isaac Asimov’s   ideas ………… we see the math SYMBOL equation of concepts … …

ELECTRON    HUBBLE astronomy area  RD ..subset codes
L         RON    Hubb                            ar       rd  …giving

L.RON Hubbard  and his secret codes  in his book and the important TITLE
.. the  Battle to control EARTH  …..

in Galileo astronomy terminology …

The Battle to Recapture EARTH  from brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR  errors and errors of judgement.


Isaac Asimov’s Foundation – Psychohistory – Free Essays …


Psychohistory is the framework upon which Isaac Asimov’s Foundation rests. … the future by treating humanity as one massive series of mathematical equations.

asimov foundation 5


Let’s look at another blog post that outline the situation.




NATURE’s …. Faraday’s Law of Induction MILITARY actions at Cole Hall

Rd-blog-number-5717 by Herb Zinser reviews the SCIENCE WARS  battle known as  Cole Hall shooting at the NORTH POLE magnetic field  WAR site of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois.


The Science Wars – Cardiff University

Cardiff University

This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …



A consequence of these unanswered  questions  of the science  INTELLECTUAL war  ….. is the transformation of the conflict to physical violent expression FORMAT.



NIU Physics Department Maps and Directions – NICADD


Take SR 38 West approximately 15 miles to DeKalb. … Faraday West Hall (the main physics building) will be directly on your right as you pass over the first …..


5 years since campus shooting, NIU still moving forward …


Feb 14, 2013 – February 14, 2013 marks five years since a gunman walked into a large lecture classroom at Cole Hall, in the middle of Northern Illinois .



Let’s look at another blog post that decribes the  concepts  involved.


The Earth language  Curl operator and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of  police uniforms, etc.

RD-blog-number-3559-reviews the EARTH systems war with humans.First let’s look at  the major signal from year 1963 …. .
the  existential physics death of President Kennedy.
The President Kenendy death occured within  EARTH systems and its vartiety of
mathematical-physics  forces and  FIELDs that interact with human life and consequently … influence  human decisions and activities.The copper event of interest is …….Assassination of John F. Kennedy – Wikipedia, the free …en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC) on Friday, November 22,1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
Lee Harvey Oswald – ‎Autopsy – ‎John Connally – ‎Timeline


How do I calculate the curl and divergence of an    electric(k) …
http://www.quora.com › … › Science › Physical Sciences › Physics
Mar 2, 2015 – The divergence of an electric flux density at each point is equal to the charge density at that point. Exactly equal to it. Period. The electric field …
The key SYMBOL MACHINE langauge CLUE to the events in yearv 1963 … code 63 copper… is  the above equation codes.CURL  B   = u J  ..  subset alphabet letters
…….L  B   ……JThus we   have the EARTH bio-physics interaction human  ..known by EARTH LAB identifier LBJ.Lyndon B. Johnson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_B._Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson ( August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973), often


referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United …
Lady Bird Johnson – ‎Hubert Humphrey – ‎Lynda Bird Johnson Robb – ‎Great Society

63 –> Copper atom and the city   within     electricityThe CURL equation ..with vice-President LBJ  and EARTH forces that interact with humans
Thus the magnetic field ..degree 11 intercation with human SKU number 11 –> SKU11Thus LBJ and his brain warehouse and its inventory of ideas …
with Stock Keeping Units (ideas)  +
his magnetic field LBJ relationship with 11 degrees –> SKU11President Kennedy engaged in many copper activities.We have Camp David   and its relationship to  the  published technical manual (physics and society) known as ..
The book describes the interaction of the EARTH’s various physics fields with human ….. in modern terms and diagrams ..then field below ….
Camp David – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_David
John F. Kennedy and his family often enjoyed horseback riding and other recreational activities there, and Kennedy often …
38th G8 summit – ‎Camp David Accords – ‎Chequers – ‎Catoctin Mountain ParkThus President Kennedy   …at Camp David with modern electricity (copper field)  –> gives the   evolution of the year 1850 Charles Dicken book  … to  Nature’s new, revised  EXISTENTIAL  edition with (Camp)  David  Copperfield (city of electricity and light bulbs).Hence, Nature’s selection of November 1963  ..for the message codes
……………………………………Nove…………63  …
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Novel…………63 copperHence, Nature’s selection of November 1963  .
…………………………………………ember    63
…………………………………….remember    63 copper


………………………………….November   1963,…………
…………………………….Novel remember   63 copper  ..the 8th novel

David Copperfield, (full title: The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account).[2] is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. It was first published as a serial 1849–50, and as a book in 1850.

Other ncopper expressions in economic and society   …..number 29 –> year 1929 –>Wall Street Crash of 1929 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, the one-day crash of Black Monday, October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 22.6%, was worse in percentage terms than any single day of the 1929 crash (although the combined 25%
decline of October 28–29, 1929 was larger than October 19, 1987, and remains the worst two day decline ever).
Stock market crash – ‎List of largest daily changes – ‎Speculation – ‎Roger Babsonthe combined 25%
decline of October 28–29, 1929the combined decline of October  28-29, 1929


Thus we have the signal …

29 electrons and
29 protons

The code –> October –> O –> implies the cross-section of a copper wire  and the CURL fields around that wire that is carrying electric CURRENT  …   that influences Federal currency / monetary policy.

The code –> October 28-29 —> math equation 28-29 –> -1  –> minus one –> negative one –> -1 –> information pointer to an electron  (-1 code)

Thus number s28-29 –> imply 2 things …. the negative charge of an electron  AND  the 29 electrons.

Year 1929 code –> 29 –> the 29 protons of copper

the 34 neutrons above ..expressed themselves in year 1934 VIA human expression agents ,,,,via the ACT  (AC Tesla legal system)  ….Securities Exchange Act of 1934 – Wikipedia, the free …en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Securities_Exchange_  Act_of_  1934


  • Legal Information Institute
  • Originally prepared by Deepa Sarkar of the Cornell Law School Securities Law Clinic. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act). In contrast to the …
  • Act_of_  1934
Thus the  120 (electron volt pressure)  AC expression VIA
human interaction devices (with 120 blood pressure)  –> the 1934 ACT of  34 neutrons of copper wire   ..
the  atomic neutron news announcemnt of 1934 trying to establish a neutral  and stable market …per policy of Nature’s periodic atomic table expression system  ..using human display devices to display  Nature’s financial  and monetary system combinations and strategies.
Curl — from Wolfram MathWorldmathworld.wolfram.com › Algebra › Vector Algebra
by EW Weisstein – ‎2002 – ‎Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles
The curl of a vector field, denoted curl(F) or del xF …
denotes the electric field, B … as the gradient operator del =(partial/partialx,partial/partialy,partial/partialz) …The human event of interest involves the  feld  B   in the city of Milwaukee  at the Bradley  High school  ….. near the  area of the  CURL operator  shooting of MIlwukee policemen.
2 police officers shot on south side;
suspect in custody

http://www.jsonline.com › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Jun 10, 2009 – Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the force six …

…in other words ………..

2 police south side; suspect custody

Does EARTH geography with  magnetic field poles.Below, message for Milwaukee thinkers.
2 poles   ice/snow     south
cu = copper
 …acting/simulating the actions of a custodian for Nature’s systems on EARTH and its daily AC (Alternating Cycles) of
day/ night/
day/night …………….
The physical significance of the curl of a vector field is the amount of “rotation” or angular momentum of the contents of given region of space. It arises in fluid mechanics and elasticity theory. It is also fundamental in the theory of electromagnetism, where it arises in two of the four Maxwell equations,
Thus we see the EARTH battles near B = Bradley High with the F=Forces in the equation represneted by the
Milwaukee Police Force  … and their secret identifier intials.
M…………..Pol + ice + Force  …..
Magentic Pole ice  Forces (via field flow lines)  ….Keyword of agent–> Norberg –> subset secrte codes
–> Nor + berg…Norberg +  Police  –> gives component word codes –>
Nor  + berg + pol + ice  …… rearrange  into common sense  words ..Nor + pol………… ice  + berg  ……… Gestalt completion of conceptNorth  pole ..iceberg  ..geography region messages for huimans i9n Milwaukeee.


Do you have exist and have a functioning awareness of existence.

Remember Santa Claus is a magnetic field LIFE FORM  that interacts with human iron hemoglobin proteins.

Now, we have the evolution of the CURL operator.The curl of a vector field, denoted or (the notation used in this work), is defined as the vector field having magnitude equal to the maximum “circulation” at each point and to be oriented perpendicularly to this plane of circulation for each point….the evolution of the CURL operator.
What is URL (Uniform Resource Locator)? – Computer Hopehttp://www.computerhope.com/jargon/u/url.htm
Computer dictionary definition for what URL (Uniform Resource Locator) means including related links, information, and terms.
Tus we ahve the human bio-computer system and its bio-computer INTERNET verison  …… with POLICE uniformsWhat is Uniform Resource Locator (URL)? Webopediahttp://www.webopedia.com › TERM › U
A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. The term “Web address” is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP / HTTPS protocol.
  1. Curl Operator 
  1.    url Operator 
    | What It Equalshttp://www.whatitequals.com/special-operations/curl-operator
    Curl Operator . Search results for: Special Operations : Curl Operator; Faraday’s law of induction Read more about Faraday’s law of induction; Magnetization …
  1. Uniform resource locator – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator
    A uniform resource locator (URL) is a reference to a resource that specifies the location of the resource on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it.


the location of the resource on a computer network
– COMPUTER EARTH system 360/370 using the super-symmetry existential physics MIRROR of the  copper-wire main frame models of IBMthe location of the resource on a computer network
he location of the resource on a computer network
  1. Definition of URL – PC – PC.net – Your Personal Computing pc.net/glossary/definition/url
    Stands for “Uniform Resource Locator.” A URL is the address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet. It cannot have spaces or certain other characters and uses …


Now, that we have some comcepts with supporting data events  ..let’s look at Cole Hall again  … an event created by Nature to generate a database for researchers.
earth magnetic field interaction perpendicular
Thus EARTH systems and the Darwin selection of the NORTH  POLE battfield …being

Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.

steven cole Kazmierczak

Steven Phillip Kazmierczak (August 26, 1980 – February 14, 2008) was born in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. He was a former student of NIU at the time of the shooting.[31][32][33]

August 26,

August 26,

August 26  —->  February 14   ……………
…………26…………Fe –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom with atomic number 26 and its 26 atomic ENGLISH alphabet letters &  the Energy English dictionary of words THAT require  intergrity and honor to be used properly


picture - table 2







Thus the Earth magnetic field lines flow thru the human bodies of people living in Northern Illinois.

The magnetic DATA FIELD lines interact with iron Hemoglobin proteins.

hemoglobin pricture



Steven Kazmierczak was born in the Chicago region.
He is a  Polish-American …..  a   POLE ….. a  bio-POLE  that  interacts with the geo-POLE ..thus we see Nature’s interaction system.


Thus, the magnetic field LIFE and THOUGHT forms ….. using Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE
language /word technology       ……. took the keyword concept –>
NORTH POLE and consequently selected and mapped ….


North –> Northern Illinois Univeristy

Pole —-> a human in the Chicago region of Polish Heritage   ……..   a POLE with iron Hemoglobin proteins that intercat with existence


Remember ,  that Sanata Claus is a magnetic field LIFE FORM.


Magnetic field and Northern Illinois –

The magnetic field is represented by magnetic field lines, which show the direction of …… The second mathematical property is called the curl, such that ∇ × A …

Magnetic field (disambiguation) – ‎Biot–Savart law – ‎Earth’s magnetic field – ‎Field line



Faraday’s law of induction –

Faraday’s law of induction makes use of the magnetic flux ΦB through a … is the curl operator and again E(r, t) is the electric field and B(r, t) is the magnetic field.




Lesson 11 – Faraday’s Law of Induction


In the last lesson, we introduced Faraday’s law of induction in several forms. …. Faraday’s law tells us that the curl of the electric field at a point in space is minus …




curl 1963 electricity




NIU’s Faraday West has new name: John E. La Tourette Hall …

Northern Illinois University

Dec 3, 2009 – The 115,000-square-foot building, constructed during La Tourette’s tenure and … “Throughout his career on campus, John La Tourette championed the … “The addition of Faraday West was a watershed event on our campus.


NIU’s Faraday

NIU’s Faraday

NIU’s Faraday


Faraday’s law of induction – Wikipedia,

Faraday’s law of induction makes use of the magnetic flux ΦB through a … is the curl operator and again E(r, t)   …. ( E = agent born in Elk Grove Village)
is the electric field and B(r, t) is the magnetic field.




… to magnetic field. ▫ Electricity and magnetism are connected through relativity … Discuss Faraday’s Law. ▫ First in … The induced current receives force from the magnetic field that ….
curl E     … (Elk Grove Village selected POLE agent)..   is no longer zero —




NIU’s Faraday  — Faraday’s law of induction

N  I  U’s Faraday  — Faraday’s law of induction

Nature’s Intellectual Universe   — Faraday’s law of induction



Induction | Recruits | Army | Careers | Defence Forces

Applicants may only apply for assessment in one (1) Army location within the … where they will be required to complete the Defence Forces induction fitness tes


.. in other words  …  in pratical   REALITY terms needed  to describe the tragic siganling EVENT at Northern Illinois University ,,,,,,,,,,,,


Induction of Steven K……….. | Recruits | Arm myoglobin protein  | Careers |
Nature’s  Defence Forces

induction – a formal entry into an organization or position or office; “his initiation into the club”; “he was ordered to report for induction into the army“; “he gave a …


Thus we see, in year 2015,  the EVENTS at Cole Hall need a more complete explantion
…….   VERSUS  ……
the incomplete newspaper  reports  given about the DEEPER underlying reasons of the tragic signal.


Now, let’s look at the EARTH LANGUAGE information  LINK between  the
Milwaukee Police Force and the

Marinette Police  Force  …… in the information  LINK connects the 2 tragic events.


EVENT  ….. EARTH basic geography message for the Boy Scouts of the world   ….. to busy talking and playing sports to TRY TO HELP  explain  the REALITY  behind  the death of Sam Hengel   ………..   the  EARTH MAN  … and  his CLAY people heritage (mother’s maiden name CLAYTON)

Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held …

Daily News

Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece …


UPDATE: Student Took Class Hostage 1 Year Ago in …


Nov 29, 2011 – Mornings · Birthday Contest · Birthday Winners · Family First · Hot Trends … A year ago 15-year-old freshman Sam Hengel held students and a … Hengel’s son, Sam Hengel, held a class at Marinette High School


Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra

Eagle Herald

Dec 3, 2010 – Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in .



Code number 23  and age 15   and the CLAYTON  earth identifier  –> number 23.5  and the TONs  of clay, gravel, and black soil that comprise the EARTH geography surface..

earth cancer 23 chromsomes pairs


hengel - 31


hengel - 47 curl



Above, the CURL of Sam Hengel  and the LINK to Byran Norberg of Milwaukee Police Force.




hengel - 45 electromagnetic curl




picture - iron 7



Milwaukee’s Badger Guns sued for supplying gun used to …

Yahoo! News

Apr 14, 2015 –

Apr 14, 2015 – Milwaukee police officer Bryan Norberg and former officer Graham Kunisch accuse Badger Guns, a firearms store in West Milwaukee, …



Milwaukee police officer Bryan Norberg

Milwaukee police officer Bryan Norberg

Milwaukee pol + ice officer  –>   Magnetic pole + ice bergs  …… VIA  magetic field flow lines  ….
Bryan Norberg

B………Nor +  berg –> B  and the North  pole + Ice berg


picture - iron 40

Alternative names for B H  –> applied to Milwaukee –> Bradley High


picture - milwaukee 5





Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch were… – Milwaukee …


Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch were trying to arrest Julius Burton in 2009 when he … Milwaukee County judge’s ruling favors officers in Badger Guns suit.


…………..  thus we have  2 address locations ..  difference of 200


hengel - 31


Above code word –> Skyward Schools –> Sky  + war + DS –> SKY WAR  data space  …  suggest a magnetic field war.


hengel - 55 badger guns



President Clinton agent Monica Lewinsky  …mentioned the SKY problem.

………………………………………………………sky …



Thus we have an information flow chart that is intertwined with REAL tragic signaling  EVENTS   .. providing us with fabric of REALITY  of space/time  …… and  a time flow ..with the SIGNALING EVENTS and their generated data     … as information subsets embedded within the  living fabric of REALITY  and its living languages …… all part of Nature’s variety of expression systems.


Other EARTH geography  WAR events ..... RELATED to the CLAY people code


Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra

Eagle Herald

Dec 3, 2010 – Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (ClaytonHengel. He has been raised in .



Code number 23  and age 15   and the CLAYTON  earth identifier  –> number 23.5  and the TONs  of clay, gravel, and black soil that comprise the EARTH geography surface..



Let's look at another blog that outlines the situation  ...and includes Sam Hengel .... and his CLAY people heritage VIA his mother's naiden name Clayton.

The EARTH keyord code identifier .....  ton, weigth . pounds ....all refer to the EARTH weight system (physics/chemistry  mesurement scale) and  the  philiosophy of  heavy thoughts.

Words with ton .... EARTH war zones

- Gulf of TON --> Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam with President  pounds Job --> that is abbreviated  LB JOB  --> Prsedent LBJ from Texas.

- Boston Marathon race bombing in year 2013 ...  an EARTH war zone with COMPUTER EARTH errors at Cape Cod(e)  and atomic MASS errors in the quantum state of Massachusetts

- Hubbleton, WIsconsin INTELLECTUAL conflicts with myopic Univeristy of Wisconsin.  
HUbbleton   and the EARTH gravitational lenses  focal OUTPUT point  ...and information OUTPUT communications HUB on HIghway 19 (K atomic number 19 of poatssium)   and County Road G (universal  gravitational constant) 


--> Black farm soil --> Blacksburg, Virginia shooting at Virginia TECH of April 16, 2007  with  Mr.CHO representing  Nature's moleucle in the photosynthesis equation


The shooting at Norris Hall took place in the advanced water moelcule  / hydrology classroom. 


THus we see that SYMBOLS and equations  ..... LIFE FORMS  ..such as SCHOOLS of THOUGHT ..can get angry   ..... and then influence human thought and actions ... resulting in the tragic messages we see .... .regarding the EARTH wars with community social and family philosophy errors.