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RD-blog-number-5566 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's military actions at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut.
The educational system arrogance and their failure to communicate about serious matters resulted in Nature's created tragic signaling EVENT
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children
RD-blog-number-5562 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s information systems that use human expression devices ….. much like Hollywood uses an actor to display some character or role in a movie. This process was described around year 1600.
All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players; / They have their exits and their entrances, / And one man in his time plays many parts,
All the world’s a stage, /
And all the men and women merely players(p layers = processing layers); /
They have their exits and their entrances via Pyongyang,North Korea, /
And one man (Jeffrey Fowle) in his time plays many parts,
Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle was held for six months in North Korea after leaving a Bible in a restroom.
Jeffrey Fowle was held for six months
Jeffrey Fowle was held for six months
……..ey fowl ……………………6
…….eye optical flow ….. 18 6 000 city of velocity of light
The geography map of Korea and Pyongyang
………………………………………………. pyon ..ang
………………………………………………………….angstrom wavelength MIRROR
the electromagnetic FIELD map of the Poynting vector and and its thoughts and ideas that it carriest
Thus the EARTH physical geography reality location
with EARTH LANGUAGE proper noun codes ….
Pyon angstroms Korea super-symmetry existential physics MIRROR words
Poyn wavelengths and the photon information content in the optical data stream
that is input to the human eye / optical nerve and brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR of math and science equations and concepts.
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Below, the physical building .. a vertical hotel that represents the EM Hotel and its SYMBOL LIFE contents
It’s no exaggeration to say that the North Korean capital is unlike any other on earth. An ideological statement forged in concrete, bronze and marble,Pyongyang .
Thus North Korea is a SOLAR SYSTEM electromagnetic field message site ….. to those thinkers interested Nature’s systems in year 2015.
In the United States of North America we have 2 WHITE HOUSES.
a) The physical building located at COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal geography address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
b) The optical data stream with pictures, proper nouns, verbs, English language sentences that are input to the eye/iris/retina/pupil and the brain bio-optical-photon computer.
Below, the WHITE HOUSE with the Solar System sunlight and the incandescent light bulbs.
The energy saving light bulbs with a twist are used by citizen/Federal government to attack the human eye and the double-helix DNA structure. The Department of Energy has violated many
bio-physics integrity and optical LANGUAGE laws.
All the world’s a stage, /
And all the men and women merely players(p layers = processing layers); /
They have their exits and their entrances via Pyongyang,North Korea, /
And one man (Jeffrey Fowle) in his time plays many parts,
They have their exits and their entrances via Pyongyang,North Korea, /
They have their exits and their entrances via GEOGRAPHY MAP of Pyongyang,North Korea, /
The multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one, but states that many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the …
They have their exits and their entrances via Pyongyang,North Korea, /
They have their exits and their entrances via GEOGRAPHY MAP of Pyongyang,North Korea,
the precursor STEP needed to enter Nature’s Poynting electromagnetic field MAP and the photon life forms and SYMBOL LIFE (like Mr. Sherlock Holmes in optical thought format)
existing within that dimension /format of existence.
Thus Jeffrey
……………..eye …agent …… must take a EARTH physical trip to the geography location for the world headquarters of the EM VECTOR field and its HOTEL codes ……….
The physical solid existence offers a frame of reference … and world ANCHOR site to the
floating, moving electromagnetic field and its moving information SHIPS with optical CONTENTS of patents, equations, chemistry formula, biochemistry diagrams,etc.
Thus Jeffrey Fowle ….
a) physical journey VIA airplane to geography location code –> Pyon….Asia
b) thus on SOLID ground (as a street worker in Moriane,Ohio) his brain optical nerve and Nature’s brain systems ..LINK to the poynting VECTOR space continuum and its information contents …using the Pyongyang HOTEL …. Nature’s symbol for Poyting EM vector and its city of light …the word is a subset of the word …………. velo.city.
c) thus Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE code Paris –> Parallel information system LINK established between 2 types of existence …..
EARTH ground/soil/land of street workers and farmers
the electromagnetic field world of books, literature and essays used by human BRAINS at the Virginia TECH English Department and at Washington POST news department … that that lose to much mental contact with down to EARTH ideas …. solid Earth.
Thus Nature is saying …. a brain is a blend is Hollywood thought scripts and down to EARTH ideas …… in various ratios. The problems arises when newspapers and magazines and their university professorial advisors assume superiority over all perceptions and understanding of existence.
Consequently they ignore the few independent thinkers that sometimes see things clearly …such as Jeffrey Fowle message about the SOLAR SYSTEM electromagnetic field … content MAP parallel to EARTH ground /black solid farm land …such as black agriculture soil of Blacksburg.
Thus the WAR ZONE at Virginia TECH …. with the 2 components
a) EARTH geography identifier –> Blacksburg –> earth soil /geology/ geography REALITY
b) English department representing the EM optical field and eye .. and giving their approval of television optical attacks upon the human eye/ brain optical PROCESSOR and giving their approval of the misuse and manipulation of the English language for marketing and advertising tricks and schemes at the BRAIN subconscious level ………..code sub —> mirror –> bus …business and corporate manipulation of the human brain in violations of Nature’s projects and laws.
c) Mr.CHO representing the Solar System electromagnetic field CONTENT and the photosynthesis equations ..MILITARY actions …..
Representing sugars and carboyhdrates …. the human agent
Cho’s first attack after entering Norris occurred in an advanced water / hydrology engineering class taught by Professor G. V. Loganathan in room 206.
Thus the Solar System EM photosynthesis equation and Nature’s MILITARY application in the BOTANY black earth soil region of cellulose decision trees in Blacksburg …..
CHO sugar molucule –> Mr. CHO
water molecule –> advanced water/hydrology classroom
room 206 –> numbers 20 + 6 –> 26 atomic number for EARTH iron core and its ferrous oxide IRON atomic English alphabet of 26 letters
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Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
O2 –> oxygen molecule –> number 2 … 2 graphic shape of O –> implies ROC (Regions of Convergence in signaling processing) …hence.. the oxygen expression VIA 2 events
Oxygen atom mass = 16 on April 16, 2007
Oxygen molecule mass = 32 on April 32, 2007 .. atomic social science WAR announcement by Washington Post
The CO2 carbon dioxide ….. Darwin SYMBOL MACHINE language selection of ..
Cho was seen near the entrance to West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed residence hall that housed
, a co-ed residence hall that housed
, a co-ed residence hall that housed
, a co2 molecule residence hall that housed student with LUNGs that exhaled CO2 molecules
Mar 24, 2011 – HAEMOSU – The Korean sun god, usually depicted wearing a headdress of crow feathers from the gigantic crow he killed when it stole the sun …
The Korean sun god
The Korean sun god
The Korean sun god
The Korean sun god …. therefore the Darwin selection of CHO
Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks (another six people were injured escaping from classroom windows), approximately two hours apart
two hours apart …
two hours
2 Hours
2Ho –> implies water molecules and room 206 advanced water /hydrology WAR zone of the Water molecule Continuum on EARTH’s surface …… remember WaCo –> Water Continuum battle with Janet Reno Nevada theories of the probability of understanding Nature’s JUSTICE systems by the Department of Justice that failed the diplomatic (atomic) mass communications course in college.
Thus the Waco INTELLECTUAL ERRORs by Texas citizens and universities –> Virginia TECH room 206 water shooting –> Sandy HOOK elementary school shooting over the theory of beaches, silicon dioxide integrated circuits /sand and water molecules in Connect in Connecticut.
Continuing on the Jeffrey Fowle …. flow of information
a) physical journey VIA airplane to geography location code –> Pyon….Asia
b) thus on SOLID ground (as a street worker in Moriane,Ohio) his brain optical nerve and Nature’s brain systems ..LINK to the poynting VECTOR space continuum and its information contents …using the Pyongyang HOTEL …. Nature’s symbol for Poyting EM vector and its city of light …the word is a subset of the word …………. velo.city.
c) thus Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE code Paris –> Parallel information system LINK established between 2 types of existence …..
EARTH ground/soil/land of street workers and farmers
the electromagnetic field world of books, literature and essays used by human BRAINS at the Virginia TECH English Department and at Washington POST news department … that that lose to much mental contact with down to EARTH ideas …. solid Earth.
…… thus we have Jeffery Fowle in Korea …
All the world’s a stage, /
And all the men and women merely players(p layers = processing layers); /
They have their entrances via Pyongyang to the Poynting EM field …..
Chongjin (the City of IRON)
the city of organic chemsitry moleucle CH (Chongjin) North Korea, /
And one man (Jeffrey Fowle) in his time plays many parts,
Thus ..in the city of Chongjin ..he now has accesS to 2 of Nature’s other levels of EXISTENCE.
a) the city of IRON and EARTH iron core LANGUAGE and its Earth geography surface display site of Chongjin ………
To access this magnetic DATA field and its flow lines ….. EARTH agent Jeffery Fowle ..needed his age 56 identifier code …. the IRON MAN code using the amino acids of Ohio
56-year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio,
56-year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio,
56-year-old from M …ami O
56 iron M= myoglobin proteins + amino acids + Oxygen atom
–> thus iron and oxygen in myoglobin protein ……
giving INTELLECTUAL muscle to Nature’s military IRON MAIDEN and IRON LADY mission of biochemsitry systems
US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for …
Aug 3, 2014 – North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months … Fowle
Iron–56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron isiron–56. Of all nuclides, iron–56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV
who used to attend church
who used to attend ch –> carbon hydrogen classes on the
Solar System education day known as SUN data –> Sun da –> Sunday
who used to attend ……rch –> organic chemistry moleucle agent VISITS CH = Carbon Hydrogen human expression region of CH = Chongjin Asia
All the world’s a stage with CHO format code of Formaldehyde
and CHO at Virginia TECH with Univeristy of Chicago, Hyde Park , Chicago social chemistry
And all the men and women merely players(p layers = processing layers); /
They (Jeffrey Fowle tour group) have their entrances via Pyongyang to the Poynting EM field …..
Chongjin (the City of IRON)
the city of organic chemistry molecule CH (Chongjin) North Korea, /
And one man (Jeffrey Fowle) in his time plays many parts,
Thus Jeffery Fowle entered North Korea …and Nature’s various LEVELS of existence and expressions systems and various language …… thus his exit from NORTH KOREA was delayed by 6 months by the carbon atom government …that needed the extra time to complete his brain processing .
Thus ..in summary …….
Oct 21, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle, released by North Korea on Tuesday after being held for … Fowle is a municipal street worker in Moraine, Ohio, near Dayton.
Jun 2, 2011 – Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per second). Does string theory try to answer this? I’ve read that physics predicts …
Town Delighted at Detainee’s Return – NBC News
and former co-workers: Delight.
and former co-workers: Delight.
and former co……………..De … light –>
………………. code light ..the secret optical society of the greater DAY ..daylight region of Dayton and its LINKING code to the EARTH iron core TONs of weight.
The equation —> Dayton –> Day + ton –> sunshine EM fields /outdoors/optics and EARTH solid weight in TONS ….. needs solid information databases to be generated … to give DATA to the social science research region of Hubble(TON), Wisconsin near the Watertown social engineering astronomy CLUB.
This article is about IBM mainframe job control language. …. This makes theoperating system resume processing JCL in the card following the /* card. …..
OS expects programs to set a return code which specifies how successful the program …
OS expects programs to set a return code which specifies how successful the program ..
Ohio State (OS) University human bio-computer systems expects programs to set a return code which specifies how successful the program ..
Operating Systems(OS) expects programs to set a return code which specifies how successful the program ..
IBM System/370 Models 138 and 148 support. IBM 3203 Printer … information necessary to code JCL statements. It … The following OS JCL parameters do not apply to. OS/VS I. ……
based on return codes issued by one or more of its job steps.
based on return codes issued by one or more of its job steps.
based on return codes issued by one or more of its job steps.
based on return codes of Jeffrey Fowle on his mission …..issued by one or more of his job steps in year 2014 in the Korea, China, and Japan region of Asia .
Thus .. the EARTH system return codes and the summary outline.
1) The EARTH geography surface (OHIO) and (North Korea)
2) Ohio State University project evolution at the subconscious mind levels,etc
History of the Ohio State Big Ear Radiotelescope. Bob Dixon by Dr. Robert S. Dixon, W8ERD Assistant Director, Ohio State University Radio Observatory
LINK to TONS of EARTH weight for gravitational lensing AND
other region of convergence (ROC) projects
History of the Ohio State Big Earth Radi –> Radius telescope and using your brain and some math and science college textbooks.
Bob Dixon by Dr. Robert S. Dixon,
W8ERD Assistant Director,
Ohio State University Radio Observatory
Thus the EARTH geography level (Ohio and North Korea).
The EM level of sunlight and the Poynting vetcor in geography city of Pyongyang
The Earth iron core/magnetic field ..data field flow lines that interact with Mr. Flow Fowle
The carbon / hydrogen organic chemistry continunm LEVEL of trees, animals, humans on the EARTH surface.
In addition, we have the relationship between the organic chemistry CH level and the atomic layer of existence on EARTH ..with
Oct 21, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle, 56, of Miamisburg, Ohio, had been awaiting trial in the country for engaging in Christian evangelism in the northern port city of …
Christian evangelism
Christian evangelism
Of course, we all known the periodic atomic table RCH code –> Roman Catholic Church.
Jump to Papacy and Roman Curia – The Catholic Church, also known as theRoman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with more than 1.2 billion members worldwide.
…in other words … Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE languages
Christian evangelism
Christian evangelism
an evan –> atomic number EVANS
Thus we see the architecture of Nature’s earthly system LEVELS ….. more levels existence … thus HUMAN existence is like a ………….
Oct 31, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle said he traveled to the country as a tourist but saw the … for nearly six months in North Korea after leaving a Bible at a nightclub.
Thus we see the valuable empirical data generated Jeffery Fowle in his multi-dimensional experiences in North Korea ……. the agent sent by the greater Dayton region …. amino acid and myoglobin protein LEVEL and the Carl Jung collective mind of Dayton, OhiO
Below, the myoglobin selection of a man with the backbone / guts to travel to North Korea and to do what he ….. to generate data and messages to serious researchers ….. that may exist ..such as the BIG EARTH of EARTH at the Hubble(toN) John T. Scopes telescopes analysis site in Wisconsin.
Thus the Darwin heme-binding domain (INTERNAL biology)
and its project heme thoughts –> T heme –> theme
that then become actualized in the EXTERNAL world on the EARTH geography surface VIA human actions and travel behavior.
Thus we see an interplay of several factors
.. sun daylight of Dayton eye/optics,
age 56 iron-56 and the trip to CITY of IRON in North Korea,
the Mo (Modus operandi) of Moraine (Mo brain = Molecular Brain),
Dayton, OhiO
Day …….O…O –> the 2 eye glasses MISSION
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members
Mar 5, 2013 - Why is that useful for making integrated circuits? .... and reliable, as well as being almost as cheap as sand (which is mostly silicon dioxide) ...
silicon dioxide to form much more extensive crystals. Sand grains range in size between a .
silicon dioxide to form much more extensive crystals. Sand grains range in size between a .
Sand grains range in size between a
Sand grains range in size between a .
Sand brains range in size between a .
Sandy Hook brains range in size between a .
Thus we see the LINKAGE between EVENTS.
EVENT 1 -- year 2007 --> Norris Hall shooting at room 206 water/hydrology . Virginia TECH year 2007
EVENT 2 -- year 2008 --> water / beach/ sand/ ocean ---> pointer to --> Cole Hall shooting at ocean classroom in DeKalb Illinois
After February 14, 2008, Cole Hall was closed to the public.
EVENT 3 year 2012 ---> water / beach/ sand/ ocean --> Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut with code 20 children + 6 adults --> feedback pointer ... back to ROOM 206 at Norris Hall at Virginia TECH
... in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.