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TOE theory BOSTON bombing

RD-blog-number-5164 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE military actions in Boston ....... the TOE  theory ordered bombing of the human toe RUNNERS in the Boston Marathon race.

Theory of everything - Wikipedia, t

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe ........... .such as the physical biology TOE problem of the greater Boston region.


Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure ...

A Theory of Everything (TOE)- PBS

A Theory of Everything (TOE) .
We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science and the rigged BOSTON trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,  
 for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a ...


Above  runners DEMO of TOE theory bio-physics --> TOE ....... .Thought Order Entry sytems .... entering data into  the EARTH land keyboard.




Thus Nature's systems  use the EARTH geography land/ street / surface    like a a copper-wire keyboard  ....  using the  2-legs like the 2-arms of an office worker at a computer terminal.



Nature's created   the signaling EVENT to occur on Boylston Street  to provide empirical data about the TOE theory system and its applications.

The keyword provided --> Boylston --> an information pointer to --> 

Pressure and volume relationship of a  – Boyle's law of Boylston Street ...

co.uk › GCSE Physics

Boyle's law. All the particles (atoms and molecules) of a substance are continually moving and so possess kinetic energy. In gases the movement of the particles ...


Boyle's Law: Volume and  TOE (theory) Pressure on Boylston Street  - Boundless

. › Boundless Chemistry › Gases › Gas Laws

Boyle's Law describes the inverse relationship between the pressure and volume of a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature.


Shoe Advisor | Runner's World & Running Times


Find the best running shoes based on your weight and experience level, from beginners to expert runners, overpronators and underpronators, and all arch ...


based on your weight as a human bio-computer

based on your weight

base ...................eight

base 2.................eight data bits (one byte)


Shoe --> oe --> order entry  Advisor | Runner's World & Running Times



Let's look at another blog post that provides more clues ........

Hyperspace and a Theory of Everything - Michio Kaku


Hyperspace and a Theory of Everything.
What lies beyond our 4 dimensions?


Nature's molecular continuum

and the KHZ radio frequency WAR

with Boston ERRORS and PROBLEMS


Rd-blog-number-5155 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's generated signaling event in Boston, Massachusetts.   Boston has violated many communication integrity laws and continues to do.  

Boston newsappers  have lied about the Kenendy assassination  ..... caused by their violations of the organic chemistry continuum ..social chemistry laws.   Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  and carbon atom social engineering languages .....
suggest  the intellectual VIEW.......







The carbon/hydrogen organic chemistry continuum of Nature has an expression system ..and in this case ..
representing organic compounds    ... the  Kennedy family  compounds.



The tragic signaling EVENT created by Nature ... was created to provide empirical SYMBOL MACHINE data to researchers studying other tragic signaling events.   Hence, Nature created the EVENT in Boston to enhance the statistical correlation analysis of patterns to a critical infromation mass .....  enabling researchers and theorists  to finally recognize  the important pattern..... the signaling messge from NATURE  per  CARL SAGAN --> CarL --> Car + L --> Carbon Language and astronomy applications to analyze  EARTH human communities and their incomplete explanations about events.


Boston Marathon bombings - Wikipedia,

The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure ...

The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon at 2:49 pm EDT, killing 3 people and injuring an estimated 264 others.[4] The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart, near the finish line on Boylston Street.
 The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Shortly after the FBI released the images, the suspects killed an MIT policeman, carjacked an SUV, and initiated an exchange of gunfire with the police in Watertown, Massachusetts
The above database or an equivalent one  ....  is expected ........  per Carl Sagan's  book CONTACT ..about the MESSAGE.

Carl Sagan's Contact: Summary of the Novel

Amazon.com, Inc.
Contact [Carl Sagan] on Amazon.com. ... else, this team believes they've found a message from an intelligent source--and they travel deep into space to meet it.



Now let's outline the KHZ  network of EVENTS.


500 kHz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling
and distress frequency for Morse code


and distress frequency for Morse code

and distress frequency for Morse code

and distress frequency for Morse code



EVENT 1 --> OCTOBER 2008



UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say

www.jsonline.com › ... › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 8, 2008 - According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ... was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on ...


Database keywords -->  KHan Zoellick --> subset letter  code  --> KHZ  

500 kHz ..... distress frequency for Morse code

This message occured in the township of Emmet --> Em + met --> Eletcromagnetic & Metabolism  ......the murder represents some conflict in the  RCC  EM field interaction with human metabolism, etc


EVENT 2 -->  year 2012 --> number 12 implies carbon atomic mass 12 and the organic chemistry continuum


Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia,

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life ...

Incident - ‎Victims 

Wisconsin Sikh

            sin  ...earth geography sin wave region 

In addition, we have the SYMBOL MACHINE code word
 --> SiKH Temple 
--> SiKH --> algebra subset word components
--> Si  + KH --> implies gestalt complete code  --> sin wave KH(Z)
Notice . the relationships bewteen EVENT1 and EVENT 2.
EVENT 1 --> OCTOBER 2008 KHan Zoellick --> additional abbreviation code --> OC  8  KH   --> thus the code used by Nature to generate signaling EVENT 2.
OC  8 KH  --> Oak Creek  8th month (August)  SiKH  



§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer


... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.



 correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

 correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

 correspondence with external coexistences and sequences .......

thus EVENT 2 is a sequence of EVENT 1



Thus we have ......


Event 1  - Year  2008  KHan Zoellick and MIT (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution)

Event 2  - Year  2012   KH   and SikH Temple



Event 3  - Year 2013 


thus the very incomplete explanations of these  tragic events  ...and the complete lack of interest in the research of these events in the context of TOE theory (Theory of Everything) and GUTS (Grand Unified Theory of Systems)  ..caused Nature to create EVENT number 3  ....... with the  Darwinian  selection of an EVENT involving  human toes  for a  TOE theory message to MIT and other universities.


Above,   a DEMO of the existence of TOE theory and its social science influence ..... thousands of people expressing their support for TOE theorists and TOE research projects.




THus we have the mapping ....



Event 1  - Year  2008  KHan Zoellick and MIT (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution)

Event 2  - Year  2012   KH   and SikH Temple


We have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought (previous events) that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH. 




Event 1  - Year  2008  KHan Zoellick and MIT (Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution)

Event 2  - Year  2012   KH   and SikH Temple


give KH --> hence Nature's Darwinian  selection of KH agent 
-->  DzhoKHar -- Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
.............KH    ..... for the Nature's revenge in the Watertown, Wisconsin sin wave region


--> the shooting of the MIT university policeman is linked to the MIT ElectroMagnetic approved attack and murder of Haroon Kahn and Travis Zoellick in Watertown, Wisconsin  ......  hence, the  parallel MESSAGE processing region of Watertown, Massachusetts.



Thus we have some type of feedback signal  from Nature's systems.


All of this information has been carefully omitted from the rigged BOSTON trial of --> Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.



Now, more clues about the structure of Nature's software systems architecture ......  

VIA  agent code  --> DzhOKHar  --> OKH ar --> OaK Hill cemetry area 


Oak Hill Cemetery - Watertown Historical Society


OAK HILL CEMETERY WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN. HOME INDEX ... The Oak Hill Cemetery Association of Watertown 


Oak Hill Cemetery

Oak Hill Cemetery

....K H  .... Cemetery


Oak Hill Cemetery

Oak Hill Cemetery

Oak H ...C --> HydroCarbon molecule    
....... organic chemistry continuum with
code ZZ TOP (music ..harmonic wave message continuum LINK to last name -->  Z  of those humans in the OAK Hill hydrocarbon burial grounds of EARTH systems)

Thus we have a  hybrid  --> KHZ  ..geography site OaK Hill  with   proper  noun intial Z.
Symbol MACHINE code      --> hybrid = Hy + brid -->  Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations and  hydrocarbon molecule thoughts  ......  
 communications Highway Bridge  
ZZ Top --> pointer to Sarasota BIG TOP Circus, Ringling Barnum & Bailey , complex power series in math life, etc
ZZ Top - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ZZ Top /ˈziːziːtɒp/ is an American rock band that formed in 1969 in Houston, Texas. The band comprises guitarist and lead vocalist Billy Gibbons (the band's ...
Thus you have some clues to the BOSTON  secrets of life.
Let's look at another blog that provides additional clues to help scientists explore and explain ...... these signals and messages from Nature's social engineering and brain engineering systems and related feedback message sytems.   How does this all work?
WE need a science MODEL  from a group  of scientists in various fields of study and experience.
  The other blog post. 
The EARTH hydrocarbon continuum computer science platform with MILITARY molecule frequency KHZ

RD-blog-number 5154  by Herb Zinser reviews newspaper  battle casualty reports about  Nature’s systems WAR with  human communities and their SOCIAL SCIENCE  errors  in their  usage of page technology and other things.


Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the situation with some data EVENTS  …then we will finish with the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and the human bio-computer  brain  PAGE  and the sub-pages that are used to control the sub-conscious mind.

The human MODEL  is described using copper-wire computer with their software  …and  WEBSITE software  and blogs with PAGES and Sub-pages …. provide the outline  ..of the sturcutre uased to mnaipluate brain pages and sub-conscious mind pages …  like yours.


Below, a bio-computer WEB  site with  keyword SYMBOL LIFE  domain names –>  WEBSTER  dictionary,  Siderman comics and his WEB,  etc.

brain 2 parts cole hall 5

Create pages within a site – Sites Help – Google Help

support.google.com › … › Add and modify pages within a site

They are best for main categories of your site’s content. Put page under {current page}:


What is a subpage? – Network Solutions

www.networksolutions.com › … › How It Works
Network Solutions

Subpage is a web page that appears below the top-level pages in your site navigation. Subpages typically appear as a drop-down menu in your navigation bar.


You are probably an excellent EARTH LAB specimen for Nature’s  experiments with humans that LACK awareness  and hence need to be controlled.

george orwell 1984 1


Above, is Virginia TECH university and the shooting of April16, 2007   with year 1984 agent Mr.CHO ……   .born in 1984.

cho virginia

Thus his EARTH LAB proper noun  .. …
speciman identifier code –> Cho Se … fill in the  blanks
…………………………………………. Choose

thus  Nature’s Darwinian selective service system … modeled
after the U.S.ARMY  organization.


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription.


…in other words …..


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Charles Darwin … Selective Service System is an independent agency of Nature’s united systems and linear control states  …. an EARTH government that maintains information on those human life forms potentially subject to military conscription.

The other blog post  ….

Nature’s hydrocarbon continuum government HIERARCHY and its messages

Rd-blog-number-5148 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s hydrocarbon molecular expression system and its usage  of molecular humans as expression devices to display molecule  social chemistry activities and molecule intellectual thoughts, etc.


This is within the context of  year 2015 RD activities ….such as

Grand Unified Theory Forces – The Particle Adventure

The Particle Adventure

Physicists hope that a Grand Unified Theory will unify the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. There have been several proposed Unified Theories, but we need data to pick

which, if any, of these theories describes nature.


Theory of everything (and that includes YOU!)  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.


String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Number of dimensions – In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed by any … Modernunderstanding indicates that there exist less trivial ways … One such theory is the 11–dimensional M-theory, which requires …


M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku


Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves … When Niels Bohr once heard a lecture by Pauli explaining his version of the unified … In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based

Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the carbon molecule continuum that exists ..using the EARTH geogarphy surafce as an operating  system platform for its expression activities like Botany cellulose trees and carbon based human life forms that  develop
carbon bio-computer subroutines that drive cars in cities like Carbondale, Illinois.
Below, Nature’s EARTH LAB experimental  community that testing the self-awareness abilitities of a carbon atoms

Carbondale is a city in Jackson County, Illinois, United States, within the Southern Illinois region informally known as “Little Egypt”. The city developed from 1853 …

History – ‎Geography – ‎Demographics – ‎Government

Carbondale Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …

Carbon   Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …
The other blog post ………..

RD-blog-number-5145 by Herb Zinser reviews the sequence of murders created by the  citizens of the State of California for its violation of  hydrocarbon social chemistry laws and the execution of  Nature’s periodic  atomic table undercover agent Caryl Chessman.


Caryl Chessman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes …



Caryl Chessman

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin



Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 …

Oct 21, 2012 – Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005.


In 2005, 44-year-old Terry Ratzmann burst into a church service being held by a Church of Living God congregation and fired 22 rounds before shooting himself. He killed seven others in that service.

Ratzmann shot the church’s pastor and the pastor’s family before moving on to others in the conference room at the hotel.

All reports following this shooting indicate Ratzmann acted alone. It also says six of the seven victims were shot in the back and that Ratzmann stopped once to reload.

Terry Michael Ratzmann (1960 – March 12, 2005) was an American  murderer who killed seven members of the Living Church of God(LCG) before committing suicide at a Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin in 2005.



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of  carbon 12 mass shooting in March 2005


 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in  Jerry March 2005



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005


Hotel in  Brookfield suggests   …. 

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


Below, a hydrocarbon hotel  .. information structure

the Living Church of God 

the Living Church of G = universal  gravitational constant

the Living Ch —> Carbon Hydrogen molecules and their living language 



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of   ……  Jerry March of Dimes

 scene of  …….  molecule social evolution and the  March of Dimensions of string theory and its applications 

March of Dimes – Wikipedia,

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of  Mother Earth and Mother Nature




 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and Jerry Lewis | Right Turn …


Sep 5, 2011 – Jerry Lewis, the slap schtick half of the Martin and Lewis team set out … of the March of dimes than any other in the history of the organization.


Code name –> Jerry Lewis –> Jerry March and Lewis Dot structure






Caryl Chessman and Nature’s revenge

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin


On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHar –> Carbon Hydrogen area

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHarlottesville wins the lottery

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Hannah Graham …..

selected for her British-American identity
..to send a message to British-American citizens about modern REALITY
and the  molecule  CH –> Carbon Hydrogen –> CH = CHESS  moves of molecules within humans …… using humans as  information display devices


Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia,

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014
Cause of death:

Wanted carbon black agent……






Below, the CH organic chemistry  continuum   and
the continuum EARTH geography location of
CH  = Charlottesville and their social chemistry police department



The complete blog post is at the site below..... click on title.